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Posts posted by alex84

  1. I want to share my first HT experience that turned out to be a very bad, bad experience.


    Firstly i need to say that i rushed in to my first ht and that i choose the clinic mostly because of the price but also becouse they were well marketed in my country. Price was very low, even for Turkish standard (they are located in Istanbul), and it was 1400€ with a discount from 2000€...but there was nothing included in that price but the op, so i ended up paying 2000€ with medication, plane, hotel, food etc.


    So, the arrangement of the procedure was easy since they had a rep that spoke my language. We exchanged a few mails, agreed about what i need and what i can expect so everything looked ok...


    I arrived to the hospital and the first thing that they did was ask me to pay...hmmm, ok.

    Then i had some type of consultation with someone and we were of to do my procedure.

    Whole experience lasted for cca 5 and a half hours (9:30-15:00) and that is with cons, waiting, shawing and i dont know what, so the operation couldn't last more than 4 hours.

    When i was done they gave me some kind of letter with one sentence written sayng that i had HT. I asked them to give me some kind of a release letter but thay said that they don't do that and there was no letter of relese, but i insisted so in the end they gave me something that was signed by op. dr. SELAHATTIN TULUNAY.

    I googled that man and i can honestly say that i never met that person, let alone had consultations with him. Maybe he did came to the O.R. but i never saw him.

    I was told that i had a 3000grafts FUE surgery and that everything went well,


    The result was very noticable bad and i asked for the explanation, to what they answerd that the hairline was lowered for 1cm, temples where filled and the front-mid scalp couldn't be filled because i have so much hair there. Insted they planted a few grafts on my crown or back-mid.



    No one ever contacted me from Sante+ after the op


    So, 3000grafts???



    Bloody donor:eek:



    And masterful hairline ;)

    after op, 8m after/microfibre, 15m after/before 2nd ht


  2. what was the price? :)


    Price was the last thing on my mind, but to answer you question: The price was right!:D

    His standard price is 2€/graft, but it looks like he has some kind of semi permanent discount.

    I had saved up enough to go to any ht surgeon in Turky so i choose dr. Hakan between three of the best. One didn't have such good result for the thing i wanted, the other vetted me so much that it seemed like he was selecting me and not the other way around and dr. Hakan had very good result for the thing that i needed.

    Also, i had seen few of my colleges results from dr. Hakan ht and it was very good.

  3. I don't think so because i can compare it to my first HT.

    The doctor also said that with this explanation:

    1. apparently i have unusually strong blood circulation ergo little more bleeding in the donor

    2. my grafts are a bit shorter than normal, so the doctor stggled a bit to place them and he had to cement them or some thing like that


    This is what bloody looks like in my case (first bad HT exp):

    day after, last pic 2 days after


  4. -2590 grafts ht with dr. Doganay (diffuse alopecia, 33 years old male, 2nd ht/repair, big scar on the donor zone from another medical procedure)


    -two day operation, 4 day/3 nights stay in Antalya (the doctor suggested a two day op and i gladly accepted it)


    -Area of coverage: hair line and temples maximum, middle part medium and upper middle part of the head minimum with no hairs transplanted in crown area as per my request


    - extraction: automated, 300 single grafts, 1255 double grafts, 1035 triple grafts (extraction was all done by a tehnician after the doctor consulted him and draw the border lines for the extraction)


    -implantation: choi pen all done by Dr. Doganay


    -Professionalism at top level; the op was completely painless (except for the anestetic), it was running smooth with no stoping, consutations before every part of the procedure, at least 3 people present at all time during the operation, but mostly 4, minimal to none language barrier vis a vis personal assistant/translator who was present at all time


    -Reciving area very clean,minimal bleeding, graft placement excelent, density very good (considering diffuse hair loss and thinning hair with no completely bald spots), great coverage with given amount of grafts


    -Donor area with almost no bleeding (second night after pilow case completly clean with not one blood spot), very equally harvested with no big scaring

    -For now no swelling any where; day after the first part and the day after the second part i was little bit swollen on my forhed but it is completely gone now (2 days after)


    -All expenses included, except for the plain ticket; hotel, driv3r, 3 meals per day (two at the hotel, one in the clinic), personal assistant/translator, post op medications which also included food suplements (biotin), finasterid, hair lotion, hair shampoo, hair serum (for growth) and a silly looking fishermans hat.


    Now i just need to see how does the donor heal, then i need to is if there will be any shock loss to my native hair and how well do the transplanted graft hold on, and finaly i need to see how well does my transplanted hair grow.


    Expectation before the operation 4/5


    Expectation after the operation 5/5


    Picz of before and after from the clinic



  5. Ouch! You really haven't done enough research if you are booked in with Dr. Doganay. I would cancel and continue doing more research. Have a look at these docs below:


    Be patient and choose the very best clinic, not the one that is running a monthly promotion. You have to live with this decision for the rest of your life. I cannot stress this enough.


    I did do my research and based on that i also choose dr Doganay, and so far i can say no ouch for me with dr Doganay! He is extremely experienced dr. and a warm and soothing person. After researching 10 other recomended dr and contacting 3 of them he seemed to be the best choice and it had nothing to do with price.


    This is my full experiance thread:


  6. I am writing this post to show my experiance with my 2nd (and if it doesn't go as expected, last) ht operation in order to help others in their decision about ht and dr selection. Also, this is writen in real time so i don't know the results yet, but we will find out together.


    For those who like it short and sweat read just this first post.


    -2590 grafts ht with dr. Doganay (diffuse alopecia, 33 years old male, 2nd ht/repair, big scar on the donor zone from another medical procedure)


    -two day operation, 4 day/3 nights stay in Antalya (the doctor suggested a two day op and i gladly accepted it)


    -Area of coverage: hair line and temples maximum, middle part medium and upper middle part of the head minimum with no hairs transplanted in crown area as per my request


    - extraction: automated, 300 single grafts, 1255 double grafts, 1035 triple grafts (extraction was all done by a tehnician after the doctor consulted him and draw the border lines for the extraction)


    -implantation: choi pen all done by Dr. Doganay


    -Professionalism at top level; the op was completely painless (except for the anestetic), it was running smooth with no stoping, consutations before every part of the procedure, at least 3 people present at all time during the operation, but mostly 4, minimal to none language barrier vis a vis personal assistant/translator who was present at all time


    -Reciving area very clean,minimal bleeding, graft placement excelent, density very good (considering diffuse hair loss and thinning hair with no completely bald spots), great coverage with given amount of grafts


    -Donor area with almost no bleeding (second night after pilow case completly clean with not one blood spot), very equally harvested with no big scaring


    -For now no swelling any where; day after the first part and the day after the second part i was little bit swollen on my forhed but it is completely gone now (2 days after)


    -All expenses included, except for the plain ticket; hotel, driv3r, 3 meals per day (two at the hotel, one in the clinic), personal assistant/translator, post op medications which also included food suplements (biotin), finasterid, hair lotion, hair shampoo, hair serum (for growth) and a silly looking fishermans hat.


    Now i just need to see how does the donor heal, then i need to is if there will be any shock loss to my native hair and how well do the transplanted graft hold on, and finaly i need to see how well does my transplanted hair grow.


    Expectation before the operation 4/5


    Expectation after the operation 5/5







    2 days after HT Dr. Doganay





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