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Elite Coalition Physician
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Everything posted by ArochaAngel4247

  1. Hi everyone, Thanks for your comments as always! Dr. Arocha and I talked about this result, and we are going to go ahead and bring the patient back in so doc can replicate the exact "before" photos with the patient's hair pulled back. Look forward to updating you all as soon as possible.
  2. I would like to thank everyone for taking the time to view our patient result and commenting. As promised, Dr. Arocha is back and provided additional explanation for this case. "This gentleman has a persistent anterior fringe with a juvenile remnant forelock at the midline. He had moderate/severe thinning and recession of the hairline and frontal to mid-scalp areas. He came to see me for help to reestablish a framing and density in the frontal and hairline area. As you can see from these additional views, the thinning was very significant in the frontal area because the remnant forelock was too aggressive, I elected to create a more mature hairline that maximized the framing of his face. The patient is thrilled with his hair restoration outcome." - Dr. Arocha Additional views to help clarify (note: the "after" image in this set is a bit blurry, but we wanted to show you the result).
  3. This patient decided to undergo hair restoration to fill in his hairline. This patient chose not to take Propecia prior to his procedure, but has since begun taking Propecia. He underwent a 1800 FUE procedure with Dr. Arocha and team. The after images were taken 10 months after his procedure! Before: After: Before: After: Before: After: Before: After: Before: After: Before: After:
  4. Hi all, Thanks for your patience on this one. Dr. Arocha will be back in the office tomorrow so I'll be able to get more from him in regards to graft placement, current medical regimen, etc... for this particular patient.
  5. This patient has undergone two FUT procedures with Dr. Arocha. 1st procedure: approximately 2500 grafts 2nd procedure: approximately 1000 grafts The after images were taken 1 year and 5 months after his very first procedure. Before: After: Before: After: Before: After: Before: After:
  6. Thanks, Mycroft! I've seen some pretty impressive PRP results come through Dr. Arocha's office as a standalone procedure. In combination with a transplant - it really takes the result to a whole new level.
  7. This patient came to Dr. Arocha to restore his hairline. Dr. Arocha and team performed a 1500 FUT procedure, with PRP, on this patient. He is currently undergoing a medical regimen of Propecia to halt future progression of hair loss. The after images were taken 1 year, 2 months after his procedure. Before: After: Before: After: Before: After: Before: After: Before: After: Before: After:
  8. Hi triple7, Sorry you feel that way. Not trying to fool anyone - just trying to showcase a result. As I've explained on here before, Dr. Arocha has made significant improvements to his lighting and photography equipment over the past year. Any "before" photos taken approximately two years ago will have a different background and different lighting. In addition, Dr. Arocha has several offices throughout Texas, and without revealing too much information about this particular patient, it could be that his followup photos were taken in one of our other offices. Doc and staff do their best to try to keep the background and lighting consistent when on the road, but many factors are out of their control. Your feedback has been passed along and noted by Dr. Arocha.
  9. Hi Hairloss PA, I've attached a before image of his donor area. Disclaimer: it's a bit blurry, but it does show that the donor was thin due to retrograde and after his previous FUE procedure.
  10. This is an example of a repair case. This patient had a previous transplant with a different surgeon, and he came to Dr. Arocha to repair his case. The before photos you see are after his unsuccessful transplant. He had thin donor area, which was made even more thin by his previous procedure. Dr. Arocha performed a 1500 FUE procedure to repair the initial work. The after images were taken approximately two years after his FUE with Dr. Arocha. Before: After: Before: After: Before: After: Before: After: Before: After: After:
  11. A question many of our patients ask is “How permanent are the results?” Dr. Arocha’s work withstands the test of time. A decade later, and this result still looks good. Hair restoration surgery done by a trained provider incorporates short and long-term planning. As this case shows, the result continues to maximize his framing, continues to be age appropriate, and is completely natural. With a small number of grafts, we were able to achieve optimum results for this patient. The after results were taken 10 years after his procedure. He had a FUT procedure that consisted of 2016 grafts. Before: After: Before: After: Before: After: Before: After: Before: After:
  12. Hi Mycroft, Dr. Arocha just worked in the frontal area on this patient. Thanks for asking!
  13. This patient had a 1500 FUT (strip) procedure with Dr. Arocha and his team. The after images were taken three years after his procedure. Before: Before: Before: Before: Before: Before: Before:
  14. Sounds great. Doc loves meeting patients from this corner of the internet (so do I). Feel free to identify yourself (if you feel comfortable) so we know who you are when you do decide to make an appointment.
  15. Thanks, LaserCap. And as always, each patient's case is different. We always recommend patients seek the treatment of a hair restoration surgeon with the proper credentials - and lots of results to show.
  16. Hi Mycroft, He is actually not taking Minoxidil. Good idea though, it would be synergistic with Minoxidil; however, the result you see is strictly PRP and Laser!
  17. No problem. Doc says that you are correct - he placed a few hundred in the scar and worked the rest in the temples. The next time this patient comes in for a follow-up, I'll have him lift the hair so he can capture a photo of the scar area.
  18. This patient is not taking Propecia. He underwent one PRP procedure with Dr. Arocha and is currently using Laser therapy. The after images were taken four months after this PRP treatment. This is a nice example of a patient who was able to see a change without a surgical FUT or FUE procedure. Before: After: Before: After: Before: After: Before: After: Before: After: Before: After: Before: After:
  19. Hi Mycroft - great question. You are correct, some of the grafts were placed into his existing scar from his previous FUT procedure. The "after" pictures I showed above are taken of this patient 5 months after that FUE procedure. Unfortunately, I don't have any where Dr. Arocha lifted the hair to more closely reveal the scar revision. I have attached some images of the scar prior to the FUE revision, and immediately post-op. I also included a photo of where doc placed into his temples.
  20. Hi Steeeve, Thanks so much! Attaching the post op pics of the donor! Let me know if you have any other questions.
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