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Posts posted by memzinla

  1. That's what I'm nervous/scared about! The shedding. Has there been cases where not many of the transplanted hairs fall?


    The redness seems to have blended in with some areas! :) I can still see the outline of the new hairs in the center.


    Have you posted recent pics AWidowsPeek? I would like to see :)


    I'm going to try out finasterade from http://www.forhims.com. Anyone take that? I'm still unsure if I should try Rogaine. I just want my hair to become thick.

  2. Day 14

    I think I started shedding. I'm not sure though! In person I can't tell, but in pictures it looks like I have less. I took the pictures with my new camera. It's so weird! You can really see a lot of details, and it looks a little nasty. haha






    With a low quality camera it looks good. lol



  3. ForHims offers 1mg Fin.


    Thank you jksrader! I haven’t thought about a second session yet. Dr. Nader had recommended 1500 grafts, and in the end it was 1900. He didn’t want to do too many in case I went bald in the future, and I agreed. I want to save some for the crown if I end up losing hair there. Dr. Nader and 4 nurses examine the follicles. I kept hearing them say 1, 2, and 3. Nader told me he did place all the 1 haired grafts at the very front for a natural look.

  4. Thank you for your words and tips! :)


    I don’t know why I’m more nervous about rogaine than Finasteride! Well I’m neevius for both the. I’m wondering if I should start off with 0.5mg if Finasteride and then maybe also incorporate Rogaine. I already bought Rogaine, and it’s just sitting in my closet.

  5. I think aloe vera has been helping. :)


    I actually just got a prescription from https://www.forhims.com. I'm just waiting for them to ship. If you use the code kit5 for finasteride and the gummies it's 5 dollars for the first month.


    I was wondering about the shampoo, and I'm confused. I've read mixed comments about using Nizoral, and that it harms your head. :/ I still haven't washed my hair directly under the shower. I'm scared. When is it safe to shower like before?


    I'm so happy I went with Dr. Nader. If I need a second session I'll go with him for sure!


    Day 12 pic:



    I bought a camera to take better and closer pictures. Still waiting for it to arrive.

  6. I'm 30 years old. I just had a hair transplant 10 days ago with Dr. Nader. I wanted to fill in the widow's peaks. Looking back at pictures I've had widow's peaks since I was in the early 20s. I haven't noticed any irregular hair loss. My hair seems good, but it's very thin now. It used to be thick when I was younger. I've been thinking about Rogaine and propecia just to thicken up my hair. I'm very scared of the side effects though.


    I'm mostly scared of gyno, and gaining weight. I lost 90 pounds, and had a tummy tuck. I'm traumatized about gaining weight. Are there any other side effects? If I stop using the products will I go back to how I am now?


    What do you recommend after a HT?

  7. Thank you!! :) I do think I heal fast!! I've had other procedures, and was up and running ASAP! haha.


    I think I want to start using Rogaine to thicken up the hair from the crown. I asked Dr. Nader, and he said I should wait another week until I start using it. I'm so excited, and very glad I went with Nader. :)

  8. I’m alrwady happy with how the back looks. Lol. I thought it would still bad!


    I can’t wait to see results! I think I’ll just be waiting for my old hair to grow back. It wasn’t too bad, but for sure can’t wait to see the new hair!! I know it’s a long process. I’m excited. :) I am nervous about the LA sun! I don’t really wear hats. :o


    Is that you on your avatar?? You look great!!

  9. I’ve been very careful about after care. :) I’m a little scared I’ll do something wrong. It all seems like it’s going perfect!! The back doesn’t look bad at all. I’m very surprised for day two!


    Day 2:

    As indicated in the instructions, I removed the brown band and washed my hair.





    I’m happy so far :)

  10. Hello!! I’ll gladly keep on updating my post. I’m still in McAllen, TX. I fly back to Los ?ngeles tomorrow night. I’ll wash my hair for the first time tomorrow after the HT. I wish I had a digital camera to post better pictures. Right now I only have my cellphone.


    I haven’t removed the gauze and I haven’t really seen how the back looks. This morning when I woke up, I noticed the gauze moved! I can see some of the holes, they look so small!! Hopefully they all look like that.



    I tried to get a closer pic, but I don’t know if it helps.


  11. I can’t believe the day finally arrived!! I sent an email to Dr. Luis Nader in March 2017. I tried again in the summer stating I was sure I wanted my HT with him. I received a response and scheduled my procedure for December 28, 2017 (today)!!


    I flew in from Los Angeles and I’m currently staying in McAllen, TX recovering. :)


    I received an email from Brenda two days previous to my date. She asked me for my number, and told me Mr. Santos was going to pick me up at the hotel at 7:45am. I couldn’t sleep all night long! I kept waking up, and I believe I only slept 3 hours. I ate breakfast, and was told Mr. Santos was already waiting for me at 7:25am! I rushed to my room to grab my belongings. The drive to the place was very short! Dr. Nader was already there.


    He greeted me, and made me feel welcomed. He asked me about myself, and how what I do. We then started talking about baldness in my family, who I look like more, etc. I told him I feel like I look like more like my mom, and from my mom’s side everyone has a lot of hair. My dad is bald, and some of my uncles are starting to become bald. He said I could probably loose hair in the future, but that I might be good if I look more like my mom.


    We then started to talk about the hairline I wanted. I didn’t show him any pictures, and there was one picture I had in mind. I told him I didn’t want the widows peaks, and he started to draw a hairline that would be best for my face. I told him I didn’t want a high widows peaks, and there was some modifications. We both agreed after about an hour an 20 minutes. He reallly understands, and really considers your comments. He started to prep me to begin with the HT, and started telling me more about after care, propecia, rogaine, etc.



    He asked me if I wanted to chop all my hair off, or keep some of it. I decided to cut all of it so that it wouldn’t look weird. I’ve never had it this short, and I feel weird! At first he had estimated I would need 1500 grafts, and in the end I received 1900 grafts. I changed, and I went to one room where he started to numb the back of my head. He uses a device that sort of massages your head, and then you feel the needle! I felt small pain with the needle in some areas of my head, not all of it. After that, he started to punch the holes. I would say this part last about two hours. During this time they started to play music on heir speaker. I mostly listen to Spanish pop music, and I knew every single song!! I loved it!! I felt too embarrassed to sing though, and they were also very quiet counting the grafts. They were very careful.


    After that we all had a break, and I ate the tacos! They were good. :) After the meal, Dr Nader told me to take two pills and we were ready for the next part!



    I believe Dr. Nader started to prep me for the next phase around 12:40pm. I tried not to look at the time, and watched Las Estrellas the entire time. He used the same device for the front of my head. It felt like a massage, and then I felt the needle. After that he injected me with more anesthesia. He started inserting the grafts to the front of my head/forehead. This last part seemed like the slowest to me. It ended around 4:35pm, and then Dr. Nader told the nurses to clean up, while he printed the instructions for after care.



    Dr. Nader didn’t mention payment at all until I brought it up. I felt embarrassed knowing he had done all the procedure without me paying first. I felt so comfortable with him, and can tell he really loves his job. He does all the work with the nurses! I would really recommend Dr. Nader to anyone that is thinking of doing a hair transplant. :)

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