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Posts posted by Ponchik

  1. no I'm not concerned because I trust Dr. Erdogan 100%. That's why I chose him and I know that the result will be great. I also research a lot and it is all normal. The real reason of that is not the shock loss. Since you had thousands of holes and serious injections on your head, the blood circulation is weak around that area and that prevents your native hair to grow. So actually its not a shock loss. Make sure you get your fin daily. In my case its already getting better each day. Be patient and don't think about your hair at least for 4 months. At the end you will realize that you freaked out for nothing.


    SanDiegan...I appreciate your positivity. It's funny how I mentally prepared myself before the procedure but yet I'm doing the things I said I wouldn't post open and that is worrying. I'll try and relax for the next little while. Thanks again for the reply

  2. Hi Ponchik,


    Congratulations on your hair transplant, I'm sure you will have a great result...........in time.


    Be positive and try not to get worked up, no great change will happen overnight.


    As for your concerns about shock loss, check out the thread below where Spex's posts will hopefully clarify any concerns you have.




    All the best.


    Shera, thanks for the link and Ive actually read his shock loss posts but for some reason now matter how much I read it doesn't really put my mind at ease...especially when you see the word "permanent", that word freaks me out.

  3. Can anyone please off some opinions on how I'm looking at almost 6 weeks post op. I'm not going to lie I'm slightly worried at how much shock loss I've had. My hair looks 10 times worse than it did before the procedure. I know that some of my hair was thinning before the procedure so Dr.Koray Erdogan had me start Proscar at the same time as the procedure at 1.25mg daily so I'm hoping the hairs grow back stronger. But is this much shock loss normal?? Any input would be great


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