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Posts posted by ediee02

  1. Hey guys, here is a quick picture from my 1yr. I will have a more formal post soon. I am still on fin with no sides. The hair has filled in overall really well. I am very happy with the procedure. I do have a weak area but I honestly don't really care that much. No one has ever commented on my hair or ever knew the procedure happened. My family has recently said "wow look at your hair it looks different". I have only told my wife and that's it about my procedure. Maybe in the future I would return to have the weak area filled a little more but more than likely I'm gonna be set for a long time.

    Here it is.


  2. Hey guys, here is a quick picture from my 1yr. I will have a more formal post soon. I am still on fin with no sides. The hair has filled in overall really well. I am very happy with the procedure. I do have a weak area but I honestly don't really care that much. No one has ever commented on my hair or ever knew the procedure happened. My family has recently said "wow look at your hair it looks different". I have only told my wife and that's it about my procedure. Maybe in the future I would return to have the weak area filled a little more but more than likely I'm gonna be set for a long time.

  3. Here are some updates pictures. The donor area has healed well, the sides of my head that I was worried about have filled in nicely. I am still on finestride, with no sides. Overall I'm happy with the procedure. I still do see some small hairs coming through occasionally. I do have some weak areas. But I feel I am much better off now than I was a year ago.





  4. Wait I thought HT surgeons were super careful about not extracting from areas on the sides where the hair might thin (certainly not if it already is thinning). Isn't the whole point of the HT to pick hairs from the side that are likely resistant to DHT driven loss. I guess maybe the thinning hair they transplanted will take a while to fall out. But its a bit of a crushing realization for me because I had hoped after my 4000 graft FUE I would only need filling of areas where my old hair (not transplanted ones) would naturally fall out. Unless I am totally confusing the issue. In that case my apologies.


    Yea they don't pull from thinning areas. DHT has the ability to affect all hairs on your head. The doctors examin and extract from the thickest areas and areas that are less prone to thinning. It really comes down to genetics if your donor area will thin or not. That's why they recommend finestride to help maintain the existing hair as well as preserve the donor hairs. My donor area has thinned over the years. I've been losing my hair since I was about 12 years old. It's just been a very slow process and I had extremely thick hair at one time. In the end, you have to realize that how you respond to a transplant and the finestride will be pure genetics.

  5. Are you relatively happy with the donor area now. Not going to lie your first few pics scared the hell out of me. I mean you can always keep the donor area short if the density is an issue. But it looked more like you were trading thinness up top for on the side...i mean thats the point of an HT, but it shouldn't in the end look like you are balding on the sides either. People will notice that. But it looks like your donor area has come a long way since the last few pics were taken. I hope your end result is absolutely stunning. I think I have hair very similar to yours and the loss might be similar too but I think your front was stronger than mine. I am in the process of working out a date with ASMED myself. This is my preliminary thread: http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/188771-fue-graft-hairline-estimation-%2A%2Apics%2A%2A.html



    I had never realized it but my donor area was thinning prior to the HT. I went back from pics from a few years ago and noticed the sides of my head had thinned out. So I initially attributed it to the HT but it was just from the natural thinning. I just never really paid much attention. I have new pics and I'll post them in just a few minutes.

  6. I definitely see new hairs coming through. My hairline has gotten stronger. But still missing density. I was hoping to really see a larger improvement between months 4-5. Here is a picture from before a haircut and immediately afterwards. I was hoping for better hair quality as well from the fin but I don't see a change. I think I had a shed about a month ago but it's very difficult to see a big difference. I have been on Finestride for about 6 months.



  7. 3 month update. I took these pics a week ago or so, so I'm a little late with my 3 month update. I had just gotten my first haircut a few days prior. No sides from the Fin at all. I am starting to see hairs sprouting. Some are darker but most of them are thin fine hairs, which I know is normal at this stage. I'd say maybe I have 150-200 hairs coming through right now. Donor area is looking back to normal. Really just a waiting game now.



  8. Well it's officially been 2 months since my procedure at Asmed. I'm fairly confident that all the transplanted hairs have fallen. Every once in a while I see a hair fall that is substantially shorter in length that the others, so I assume it's the last remaining Grafts. I will say I've seen an increase in coverage in my donor area. It's slowly looking better and better. Still on Fin and no side effects. I do have some growth starting, but it's very slight and it's almost like a stubble. Maybe 40-50 hairs. I have been taking 5000mg of biotin and I will say I think it's been helping my hair growth. The numbness is slowly going away in the recipient area. I think the Fin has stopped any more of my original hair from falling. I never see any in the shower or in my hands anymore. Redness is pretty much gone. No one has ever questioned me having an Ht performed. I think we all put our hair up on this peddastool as if others actually care about it. They don't! It's definitely a personal choice to have hair, and I'm not regretting anything yet. Hopefully I continue to have positive results in my donor area as well as the recipient area.





  9. No problem! My number one complaint I have with myself, is that I didn't start Fin years ago. I think my donor would be much thicker. I was still quoted of having 8500 hairs originally in my donor. And I've had 4000 taken. So there is some left in the bank. But hopefully the Fin will work! Good Luck! If I were you, I would save up the extra money it would cost to see a quality doctor. You won't regret it.

  10. Hello, I would definitely not go with someone, that you question there results. This is something that will affect the way you look forever. I am of course sided with Asmed because that is who did my fue procedure. But definitely look into whomever makes you feel comfortable. I'm from the United States, so it is definitely a long trip to Istanbul. I think my main reason for commenting on this thread is because of the use of Fin. In my opinion, and I am not a doctor so take it as you see fit, a hair transplant is not worth getting unless you're able to get on fin, because you will continue to lose hair, including in the donor area, which will now be in you area of hairloss. FIN is the only method that is proven to stop male pattern baldness. The DHT that Fin stops from being produced can affect your donor hair as well. That's what has happened in my case. DHT is what causes hairloss and minturization of the hair in male pattern baldness. Fin will help you keep the hair you have as well as strengthen the donor hair. I am most surprised about people being surprised about receiving high graft counts. The average human has 100k-120k hairs on their head. In order to receive a realistic look that lasts years, high graft counts are necessary, in my opinion. Again I'm not a doctor but from what I have researched over the past several years, is that the lower graft procedures after 5 years look terrible and you have to go in for a touch up. I had 4000 Grafts done, and I think it's amazing what a doctor can do with such a low amount of Grafts in terms of coverage and getting a great result. They take those hairs and spread them over an area that would normally have 30k-50k hairs and make it look natural. Hope this helps!

  11. Hi ediee02, I'm just curious what made you decide to go to Turkey from the US when there are lots of HT doctors in the US? I'm trying to decide where to get my HT done... I live in Dubai but from the UK. So considering the Farjo clinic in the UK or Asmed Clinic in Turkey.


    I chose Turkey because it seems to be years ahead it terms of experience with FUE. Price also had a small part to play as well. In the US it is $8-$12 per graft. I had 4000 Grafts done which would have cost me over $40,000. At Asmed with my flight and hotel the procedure was around $11,000. If I wasn't completely convinced Asmed was the best choice, than I probably wouldn't have done it anywhere.

  12. I've thought about doing that, and sporting a light beard. May be my best bet actually. Probably should try that FIRST and see how it goes? My only issue with that is I can't tell the extent of scarring and the difference between the normal skin and recipient skin until I do actually shave it down.


    Has anyone ever attempted a bald shaved or buzzed down look after a FUE with acceptable appearance results?????


    I'm afraid once you go into a HT, you are sentenced to life in prison with no possibility of parole.


    Lol. Yes that is one way to think of it. I think if you're unable to take fin, then yes the results are not going to be as great. There are some doctors out there that could probably fix you up. But that's more money and another transplant which is what you don't want. I'd say shave it bald and see what happens. Worst thing that happens is you have to wear a hat for a month til it grows back. What dosage of fin were you on?

  13. Dr Koray meets with you and plans out how the hairs will be distributed. He draws the hairline, and makes all the incisions. His team of nurses do the extractions and implantations once Dr Koray makes the incisions. These nurses are highly skilled with many of them having years of experience, and I wouldn't be to afraid of them doing the implants. Dr Koray does come in takes a look at the work during the procedure from time to time. I just had 4000 Grafts a little over a month ago.

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