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Everything posted by nw2-3

  1. thanks spex, the only concern is the water to the grafts for a long time, and the pressure of the neoprecap? do you think no problem? i heard after 14 days you have to do a surgery to get out the grafts again, so i also think it would be no problem.
  2. Can i do some watersports after HT 14 days Post op, small procedure 1000 grafts, with a neopren cap on hat, so little pressure on the head?
  3. Can i do some watersports after HT 14 days Post op, small procedure 1000 grafts, with a neopren cap on hat, so little pressure on the head?
  4. I smoked the weekend of the HT 10 cigarettes in 3 days. The HT was on the 2nd day, so before, on the day of HT, and the day after. I stopped smoking immediately after these 3 days.(when i heard it is bad for grafts.) Before i also did not smoke really much, sometimes at weekends (but not more than 10 cig. a week, sometimes a few weeks no cigarettes). I do a lot of sports and i have taken fenugreek, which should supply good oxygen to the body. Do you think it could have harmed my grafts?
  5. I had my HT this weekend, i am not a real smoker, maybe up to 5 cigarettes a week, sometimes 2 weeks none. But when i am a little bit stressed i smoke some. Also short times before during and after the HT. All in all this weekend 6 cigarettes. I did not knew that it is bad, and also the doc did not say anything about it. Can these few cigarettes harm my grafts? I of course stopped immediately when i heard about it. I do a lot of sports too, so oxygen in my body should be high. What do you think???
  6. i had 800 from 10.30 till 9.00 pm, so high quality in this time, i don??t think it??s good to do more than 1200 a day.
  7. I think Mwamba is the best one in belgium, best growing rate and also after care is great. he practices a special fue technique, like he only extractes small sessions up to 200 grafts, leaves them until all 200 are finished and then he takes them out completely to transfer them in the balding area. other docs extract much more, so the are out of the scalp longer. also a difference to some other fue clinics he is doing about 1000 grafts a day, where other ones are doing 2000-3000. so you can make your own opinion
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