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Everything posted by slee

  1. Does anyone know about using any of these products as a topical. I have tried to research them and can't really find out if they work or not. And if increasing the minoxidil is safe? I have read about using Minioxidil, tretinoin, and Azelaic acid and wanted to know if there are any men who have had success with using topical only and not any Propecia. I used Propecia for 18 months with good results but now am stopping. I want to keep my hair though! Any advice or experiences with these products listed below? Let me know which ingredients mixed together are good if anybody has experience with these. I also bought M82 and it has 0.01% Tretinoin and it burned my scalp so the 0.025% seems high. Any thoughts on all this??? Thank you! Minoxidil 5% - 30% Should i use 5 or 7.5%? Tretinoin (RA) 0.025% Azelaic Acid 5% Progesterone 0.25% Finasteride 0.1% Hydrocortisone 0.1% Vitamin E 0.1% DMI
  2. Well it will have been a month by the time I get the test and the results and as of now I see hair falling out. I only took 2 1/2 doses of propecia within the last two weeks so thats why i now have to wait another 2 weeks to retest. I thinks she is making me wait too long but what can i do about it. My baseline before Propecia was in the 500 range which is normal for a 27 year old then 6 months into it my testosterone went to 866 and now a year later 1041. So yes I have a feeling I am sensitive to the drug. There;s a doctor that writes prescriptions for Rogain and Propecia from a compounding pharmacy so maybe I should give that a try in the mean time. Thanks again! I really appreciate your input. It helps!
  3. Thanks for your advice! You are right about the tumor which I hope it isn't. I was off of it for 2 weeks and took a 1/2 dose of propecia and then the day before the blood test I took another 1/2 dose. Do you think that can change my test results. That is why she wants me to wait another 2 weeks before taking any blood tests.
  4. When on Propecia i barely had any loss and never saw it in the shower!
  5. I wasn't having any side effects but my doctor was worried about a tumor or she thought i was taking steroids. My level was 1141 this is 100 points over the normal high. My fathers side does have aggressive hair loss so do you think I am going loose all of it now?? My doctors are clueless when it comes to hair loss so she sent me to an endocrinologist and now I am so stressed about stopping when it was going so good for me. I notice about 15-20 hairs and when i run my hands through my hair I get some hairs. I was hoping to start back this week if my test comes back.
  6. Well today I now noticed my hair falling out after 16 days without propecia. I hope i can get back within a few days. Do you guys think my hair will recover and stop falling or am I going to see tons of hair loss.
  7. How does Propecia work on the hair when you start and restart? I am really getting stressed that all the hair i saved is going to fall out over stopping for 3 weeks. My dad's side of the family has aggressive hair loss.
  8. Been on Propecia for 18 months without side effects. Only problem is that my testosterone is too high and I have a feeling 1mg is too much for me to take daily. I have been off the drug for 3 weeks due to getting blood work and and want to know if this is going to effect all the hair I saved over the last year. As soon as I get my test results I plan on starting on a lower dose to see if my blood levels even out. Does any one know if 3 weeks is going to do me damage by being off the drug? I don't want to loose what I have saved and I am really getting nervous about it. I took a half dose the other day and now my doctor said to stay off another 2 weeks. Is 1/2 Propecia really going to raise my hormone levels so that I have to wait another 2 weeks to get retested? I don't think I can go that long withouy the pills or my hair will fall out. Anyone know how long i can wait and if I restart within 4 weeks if I will loose much hair. Thanks for any information!
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