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Posts posted by PeloDinero

  1. I've heard this rule many times and seen plenty of anecdotal data to support it (including myself as I'm 6 months out and still have lots of hairs just now poking through) but I don't have a good grasp as why, physiologically, this is true. I've heard it's because blood flow to the crown is less but is this really true? Any other scientific reasons why crown hair grows in slower compared to hairline hair? Any feedback from the surgeons on the board would be greatly appreciated too. Thanks!

  2. Here we go again, why should he name the surgeon until he has tried to resolve the issue with the surgeon be it through a refund or repair . He naturally wants the best outcome for himself and he's not going to get that by giving the Doc bad press without giving him/her a chance to resolve the issue.


    A bad result is a bad result. I don't understand this mentality that we should protect the surgeon. You don't protect the restaurant on Yelp if you have a bad experience. The whole point of this forum is to put the power in the patient's hand by giving him the most transparent information possible. If I were shopping around for a surgeon right now, I'd like

    to know the name of this one so I can stay as far away from him/her as humanly possible.


    Also, if it was done by some unaccredited quack job, people can toss it up to a bad surgeon and not to the short-comings of FUE, patient physiology, etc.

  3. Yes, I've been taking Propecia for five years now with no issues and seem to have stabilized the loss.


    Regarding 3,700 in the crown, H&W estimated I still have another 4-5k left via FUT alone with probably another 1k via FUE if I really needed it. I don't understand the argument people make about not tackling the crown first. If done properly, the average person should have 8k available grafts which is also why I don't understand the NW5+ people getting FUE. It drastically reduces your lifetime donor count and thus, overall options.

  4. Sorry for the late response, fellas. I didn't feel a need to

    post from months 1-4 as nothing inspiring happens in that period. I hit 4 months four days ago. Attached is a pic from today. A lot of growth in the last month and I expect a lot of action between 4 and 6 months as there lots of vellous hairs and black dots. . Goal from the beginning was to close the sunrooff and I feel like I'm on track for that. Thoughts from the forum?


  5. Thank you Stig. I am not a troll, thats for sure.


    PeloDinero is Italian for "Hair Money" plus he feels the need to defend H&W. If the person behind the handle is who I think it is then I forgive him and I understand why he's being grumpy, because he's going through some serious health issues right now


    It's actually Spanish for "Money Hair" but that's beside the point. Like I said, I thought we were done beating this dead horse

  6. I'm not going to beat a dead horse especially on someone else's thread but let me clarify a few things. 1.) I created an account when I had the procedure in December so that I could share my results. That doesn't mean I haven't been reading and following the forums. 2.) The only conflict of interest is that I'm more interested in putting MPB behind me and moving on with my life whereas Dutchie seems more interested in airing his dirty laundry. 3.) I never said I was offended with Dutchie sharing his results. I just considered his claims about success rates baseless and attributable to factors outside a surgeon's control. Again, I'm not trying to start a forum war. I just feel we all benefit more when the content of the topic actually relates to the topic and doesn't veer off into unproductive venting.

  7. This is exactly what I'm talking about. Look man, the point of this forum is to share results and ask/answer questions regarding hair loss so that we're equipped with the latest knowledge and treatments. It's not a place to talk about your drinking and pill pooping habits or how hot you thought your ex-wife was. There are other forums to solely vent frustration; go there. Additionally, considering your drug and alcohol habits you've shared with us, unsolicited, it's no surprise you had a disappointing result from Dr. Hasson yet, you attempted to discredit him and the entire industry. It's just frustrating and I think I speak for a lot of when people when I say I'm tired of it.

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