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Everything posted by bandersnatchi

  1. Oh, I've also had quite a bit of pimples the last week.
  2. 2 month update. I buzzed my head to a 0 guard. No scarring at all. Can't even find a dot. Makes sense because my lunch size was .6-.8mm. Some grafts have started growing, the pics look a little worse than in person. It's mostly undetectable right now. I'm at exactly two months. I'm hoping for a great, full result.
  3. Post op I immediately started applying aloe vera in the form of a spray, as well as a product called HairCycle post-op biotin spray that someone recommended to me. I also applied the ATP spray that the clinic provided. I lost my scabs in 3-4 days. Redness mostly gone at the 7 week mark. Here is my procedure review at the link below. I have had some shock loss I think and someone said it currently looks strange so I'm very worried. If anyone wants to check it out and chime in I would be thankful. Dr. Koray Erdogan 1420 Grafts to Hairline - Forum By and for Hair Loss Patients
  4. Here are 3 more pictures in better lighting; sort of concerned now.
  5. Attached are 7 weeks post op pictures. Not gonna lie I am getting a little obsessive about things now but I'm trying not to. Constantly comparing immediate post-op pics with currents pics trying to compare the two and check for shock loss etc. I'm really hoping for a great result because I do trust Dr. Koray. Attached are the pics. Redness is not very noticeable. I also buzzed my hair down again as well. Some grafts didn't shed and are growing in the recipient. All in all I look relatively normal and now am just waiting for growth. I don't really do anything differently now. I use organic products but other than that I have been working out, swimming etc. with no ill effects that I can tell. Shock loss in the front is still there but I think it might slowly be getting better. I emailed Dr. Koray's office and they said that the shedding I had is normal and should clear up within 3 months. Since I'm approaching the 2 month mark I'm getting ancy about the 3 month milestone. Do I look on track for 7 weeks?
  6. I've had some pretty bad shock loss in the transplanted area located exclusively and specifically in my forelock which has no loss beforehand. Dr Erdogan still placed grafts in that area so that the caliber of the hairs across the hairline matched, and I think I'm either suffering fro pretty bad shock loss or coincidental miniaturization but it doesn't look like normal loss and I have no idea how it happened that fast if it is.
  7. Pre-op pics. Again my loss wasn't bad at all, some will scoff, but I am old enough and it is stablized.
  8. I'd also like to add that my swelling was minimal (light bruising around the eyes) and that Dr. Koray said my donor area bled more than average. I was given a pill to slow the bleeding. It wasn't excessive according to the doctor, it was mainly so the techs didn't have to keep wiping the donor area. Dr. Koray said bleeding is actually a good sign, as it means the circulation is strong.
  9. Hello all, I made an original post here asking about my progress as others see it here http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/187205-11-days-post-op%3B-shedding-already.html I posted some pictures there as well. I would prefer not to post any pictures that eliminate discretion, so I will see if I can come up with some good before/after pictures for you guys. In the meantime: I had a procedure for 1420 grafts with Dr. Erdogan 3 weeks ago. I am a NW2 with stabilized loss and good family history. My hairline was really bothering me for several years; the asymmetry of it and slight temple thinning really bothered me and I wanted to do something about it. My travel to the ASMED was relatively uneventful. I stayed at the hotel for 5 days, not at the clinic, so I was able to take advantage of the room service (10/10 would recommend). I arrived a day early before the in-person consult. The day of the consult was very smooth and effortless. I had blood work done, all the pre-op stuff done, then met with Dr. Erdogan for the consult. The hairline I wanted was relatively perfect on the first try (will post pictures soon) and Dr. Koray quoted me for 1200 grafts. Keep in mind, I was quoted 2500 on my online consult. I was VERY happy to hear that. It goes to show you that online and in-person consults can vary dramatically. I then had my head shaved (looked good, was happy with it, lucky I guess) and Dr. Erdogan then came and mapped out the exact area that would be the recipient zone. I went to the hotel afterwards and got some rest. The consult day was super smooth and the staff at ASMED are impeccable. That pretty much says it all. The clinic is amazing, and there is an army of people that work there. It's impressive. Dr. Koray is calm and collected and seems like he knows what he's doing. On the procedure day, I was shaved again, and extractions began. I heard that more anesthetic meant that the swelling would be worse, and I have a high pain tolerance to begin with, so I didn't really need much anesthetic. The extractions were with a .6mm and .7mm punch. I had an average of 2.59 hairs per graft and a hair diameter of 55 microns if I remember correctly, as well as a donor area of 9000. The extractions went smoothly, less than 2 hours long. Afterwards, I ate a quick snack, then the incisions began. Again, more anesthic but not too much, and Dr. Koray came in. As many others have said in their reviews, he is like a god there, and everyone was having a great time. The incisions were easy, but then Dr. Koray said he noticed some miniaturization he didn't notice before, so he gave me an extra 220 grafts for free to bring my total to 1420. Implantation went smoothly and the team is incredibly efficient and high-performing. I had a translator or two the entire time and they will explain things to you whenever you have questions. The only thing that surprised me slightly was that Dr. Koray, aside from the consult and incisions, doesn't spend much time with you. This can be a bad thing to some, but personally I don't care, as the staff are all highly trained with years of experience under his direction. The next 5 days I spent going to ASMED every morning for washing. I started washing on my own at day 3. I immediately began the application of ATP spray, aloe vera, and HairCycle post-op biotin spray the minute I got back from the procedure and continued it for 10 days. I lost all of my scabs in 4 days (no lost grafts). Redness subsided dramatically and it is not noticeable in person at all. Nobody has any idea I have had anything done (I told no one). The pictures below that you see are my 3 day and 3 week post op pictures. I will say that I have had a bit of shock loss in the frontal forelock of my hairline; I had no loss or thinning there at all. It was healthy and thick, so I'm hoping it comes back. Surprisingly, I began shedding at the 10 day mark. Hairs easily fell, and if I placed one between my fingers, they would slide right out. Not grafts, just hairs, and I didn't pluck. On the 3 week pictures you see, you can see little black dots. These are hairs breaking the skin and they feel like stubble. I posted a question on the other thread that I linked about them. I'm slightly concerned as I read in another thread by someone else that they could be dead grafts, but most of these black dots are where the transplanted hairs shed. Since I healed so rapidly, perhaps I'm having early regrowth? Dr. Koray was even amazed at how quickly I healed, so this is not just my imagination. My donor area was also undetectable in 3 days. Post-op I did everything I should have done. The only exception is that I worked out earlier than was recommended. Nothing crazy, just light weights in the gym and light cardio in the treadmill at 4 days post-op when all scabs were gone. Anything I should be worried about? Pictures below, again, are 3 days post op and 3 weeks post op. When I am able to use a computer, I will post the actual before and after photos from ASMED.
  10. Almost 3 weeks post op. Shedding over I think. Now, in many places where I shed, there are tiny black dots that feel like stubble. They are shorter than the hair was when it was put into the recipient area. I attached some pics, you can see the black dots. They aren't pimples, and I can't be sure but I think they're growing. I healed entirely within 4 days. The redness in the photo is not visible with the naked eye in normal lighting. Nobody has any idea I've had work done; could the early healing and rigorous post-op procedure I followed maybe indicate early refrowth?
  11. Also wanted to add for a lot of these hairs. I did not pluck them, but whenever I would put a hair between my fingers, they just fell right out. No force or plucking of any kind. I wouldn't damage my grafts that way right at day 13? Only blood means a lost graft?
  12. 12 days post op. Please note the shedding and slight shock loss in the front forelock. What does everyone think? Is this normal?
  13. Hello all! I am a longtime lurker. I recently had a procedure with Dr Erdogan for 1420 grafts to reinforce a stabilized lateral hairline and temples. I also had grafts placed into a non-thinning area in my forelock to even out the look. I am planning on doing a full review of the procedure soon. However I had a quick question about healing and shedding. I healed extremely fast. My donor was undetectable in 3 days, and my scabs were entirely off in 4 days. I had no lost grafts. At 11 days currently my redness is almost gone. However on day 10 I began shedding. I noticed this when hairs in the recipient area came out effortlessly, and looked like normal shed hairs. They are not native hairs because my transplant was 90% on hairless skin. Now, just 2 days later I would say 50% of the hairs have shed. Is this normal this early on? My skin in the recipient area is also very dry sometimes and flakey although this has improved. I followed a strict post-op care regimen, applying aloe vera, HairCycle, and ATP spray religiously, which I credit with the quick removal of the scabs. The only thing I don't like about the procedure so far is ive had some shock loss of native hairs in my forelock although I heard this is normal and since there were no miniaturized hairs they will probably grow back. If I'm shedding transplanted hairs right now, should I be worried? There is no pain, scabs or redness right now. The hairs are just falling in ones and twos.
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