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Everything posted by Aflac45

  1. Um yeah I hope you do have good results. I waited year and no hair grew in. And then when it didn't they didn't do anything about. Even when I told them they said their hair is guaranteed to grow in. They wouldn't give me a refund or do the procedure again. I went to three other hair loss clinics with recent pictures who told me they could do the surgery again in the same spot that the markou center did their operation. I wish you luck and hope you have better results then mine.
  2. I had my surgery almost 3 years ago and still no growth. I waited an entire year after the surgery and told them and showed then it wasn't growing in. I was told I needed to buy a 300 dollar laser comb. When I was told before the surgery that the hair was guaranteed to grow in. I kept arguing with them. I told them that the right thing to do would be to do the procedure again. They refused to give me my money back or do the procedure again.They wouldn't even give me growth shots in the bald spots where no hair had grown in. They said it would ruin the new hairs that had grown. There was no new hair growth. None. It was comical but yet so stressful. Finally I went to other Hair loss clinics. I sent them pictures and was told that and they could do surgery in the same spot where the Markou Medical Center had done it . When I told the office this they told me at this point I could come in for a free consultation for a new surgery. What of a waste of my time and money that I didn't have. don't go there. I would try out two or three clinics before you decide. I wish I had but their sales person at this center was very convincing and will tel you exactly what you want to here. Very depressing and unsatisfying 2 years of my time and money I would like back.
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