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Posts posted by Jdog

  1. At 5.5 months I have certainly noticed a fair amount of hair coming in. Some one side of frontal region seems to have gained colour, other side is weaker. Crown is horrific still but improving gradually, a lot of blond colourless hair in crown - I don't know whether this hair is due to using minoxidil or whether these are the transplanted hairs that are just baby hairs.


    At what point does the hair normally change to native colour? In my case darken.





  2. Frontal regions starting to fill in. Crown lagging way behind but improved a little. Damn crown!!!!!


    Photos 3 days after procedure, 2 months, 3.5 months.


    Been using Help Hair Protein shakes, Mens Regain 5%, 2.5 mg Proscar daily, Hair Tonic Capsules - some Chinese herbal supplement I found.


    ^ Something must be working, doctor seriously believe Help Hair protein shakes accelerate their patients growth.




  3. Hi All,


    Surgery has been completed. 4650 FUT grafts. Currently at ugly duckling stage - just over 3 months.


    Funny hair is all about the lighting in the room you are in, under a fluroescent light everything and looks worse than what it is.


    Photos just after 3 days post op and 3 months post op. Very nervous about it all at this stage.


    I wish I could buzz the hair off, this is the tough part of FUT.




  4. 29 years old on finesteride for 5 years. Now on Monoxidil following transplant procedure. Haven't had any further hairloss in around 5 years since been on finesteride. I discovered finesteride too late. I was sold on a ridiculous laser treatment with minoxidil and Saw Palmetto. No one mentioned finesteride. If I had got on finesteride as soon as I started losing hair who knows where I'd be at.

  5. Hi All,


    Photo 3 days post op and 3 months post op. Not sure if I have any growth but shouldn't really expect any yet i guess. Opinions on the photos would be nice.


    At 3 months post op I am dealing with a lot of anxiety over results to come. At this point the anxiety is due to not knowing what's ahead of me, there is a long way to go and there is no going back now.


    Coming from wearing a hair system from the age of 23 until now 29 I went ahead because ultimately everyone would prefer a nice natural head of hair. Man, this pressure is overwhelming, I just now wish i shaved my head and dealt with the baldness and got on with life.


    I just feel I've added a huge amount of pressure to my life when I could have just shaved my head and got on with it.


    Is it normal after a hair transplant to be thinking about it everyday and being anxious knowing if things don't work out your life could be a mess?



    • Thanks 1
  6. Hi Guys,


    So I've taken the first step and stepped out without a hat on in public, used some Toppik and it looks pretty good. Got a job interview over the phone today. Things are looking a little positive. Just hoping the damn grafts grow in the coming months. Whilst I'm not 100% mentally there, I am better than I wasn't. Thank god for concealer. Now all I need is a bit of luck to go my way with both securing work again and the hair to grow.


    Thank you all for your support, it's been wonderful. Hopefully this is the turning point for me from what has been some dark, dark months.

    All I can say is don't go diving into hair transplant if you are not emotionally stable at the time and you don't have a great support network around you. If you have a supportive wife/partner that's a huge bonus, for me my wife left me, I was wearing a hair piece and panicked when she left and booked the procedure after 2 weeks extensive research into physicians. What I didn't think about was the emotional toll it puts on you and the fact that being the victim of a breakup you lose enough confidence in yourself as it is let alone literally taking away the thing that has helped you with self confidence for 7 years. Let's hope everything happens for a reason.



  7. I wouldn't bother going back to the previous job, wasn't liking it anyway and I was only there a month. Yes I don't think I need miracles to happen to cover the area. Would you think my balding area is not the large??


    Would you think toppik might be a good option for me to thicken it up? I'm just not sure if Toppik will affect the growth of the transplanted hair.

  8. Hi All,


    I've been searching around and there is not convincing answer on whether the use of fibres such as Toppik has a negative impact the on the growth of the transplant follicles. Please see the attached photo of me at 2.5 months post op, no growth I am in the ugly duckling stage. With the use of Toppik I can really beef up my hair where I can almost achieve the look of a full buzzed head of hair. I have tried this at home a few times for 5 mins and washed it off.


    If you refer to my previous 2 threads I am coming from 7 years in a hair piece and never wish to go back to those days. Anyway my question is can I expect the same results wearing Toppik everyday for the next 3-4 months (where it will be worn reasonably heavily and some will obviously be directly sitting on my scalp) as opposed to not wearing it at all?


    I'm thinking the follicles need to be able to breathe and I am told Toppik has some sort of aluminium in it? Surely that cannot be good for the scalp or healthy hair growth????


  9. Hi All,


    Just wanted to advise you of my FUT procedure carried out on 4 September. I have attached photos just 3 days post op, 2 weeks post op and 2.5 months post op.


    The photo at 2.5 months post op is of my original hair, haven't noticed any growth yet. Maybe a few hair here and there.


    By far the most intimidating thing I've done in my life and I have worn a hair system for 7 years, looking in the mirror right now is very strange and not the best as I'm used to looking at a full head of the finest Russian imported hair - lol.


    Since using Minoxidil my native hair has really thickened up and I guess now my head is breathing as it's hair piece free. I'm hoping when the transplanted hair grows I will have a nice result.


    Due to some major personal issues with a marriage seperation and jumping into this procedure without proper planning I quit my job because I couldn't face turning up to work without hair all of a sudden and with a scar in the back of my head. I worked in an office with a suit and tie with 20 others in my office, appearance was a really big deal and I was the idiot living a lie for so many years without anyone knowing other than my ex wife and my mother.


    Anyway at 2.5 months i need to go back out there and work and just hope things turn out well for me. Sitting around waiting for hair to grow is crippling my mind. I have been going to the gym and exercising, reading, movies etc but my social life is ZERO and my life has basically been on hold for nearly 3 months. I'm hoping I can secure a job soon and live on the low side for another 3-6 months and hopefully things will be good again if not much better than ever.


    I'd appreciate your thoughts on my photos.






  10. Densedream - thanks for the response. At this stage I'd prefer not to mention the surgeon's details only because I don't want them to look bad because I never told them about the separation prior to surgery. They may have told me I am rushing into something huge but I foolinshly didn't mention anything.


    The fact of the matter is a hair system should not be worn at all after a transplant in my opinion. But certainly my lifestyle would not allow me to clip a hair system on. I did not give this proper thought, just a stupid mistake that I am now paying for. All I was thinking of was a nice head of hair. Just foolish of me and something that has been controlling my life for 3 months.


    Most guys after a marriage separation are out drinking and prowling for women to nail. I am at my parents thinking what the hell have i done to myself and literally waiting for hair to grow. As I said you wouldn't read about this. Seriously my friends and family (outside of my parents) must think I have lost the plot!


    Anyway during my research I have come across someone with my pattern of hairloss and have seen their results in a timeline. I am hoping i can achieve something similiar. here is the link HAIR TRANSPLANT | Hair Transplants | Hair Loss | Hair Surgery

  11. Hi All,


    Just wanted to tell you my current position that is consuming me. 2.5 months ago I had an FUT procedure for 4500 grafts. I was a system wearer for 7 years. Whilst the system gave me confidence I was sick of the constant maintenance where I had to take it off every 4-5 days, wash scalp and system and tape it back up and put it on. These systems were very natural looking and I'd never been questioned about it. Anyway so in August my wife of 5 years left me and I panicked and immediately thought I do not want have to tell someone else that my hair isn't real. I looked into hair transplants and was told I could continue wearing a system until the hair grows in as long as I clip the system on. It sounded good to me so I went ahead and booked the transplant with a very reputable surgeon. Anyway I had the procedure of 4500 grafts, I am in between Norwood 4 and 5. I got grafts from front to crown. The procedure went well and doc said I should expect good results. Anyway afterwards it came to me how silly it seems clipping a hair piece over my scalp, after all I am very active person and play a lot of sport.he clipping would not work out for me and the piece would need to be taped at the front below my hairline which would look so ridiculous, the hairline of the piece would be so low!


    Anyway so what has transpired is I have now quit my job because I couldn't possibly turn up to work with no hair after having a full head of hair, am wifeless and have moved in with my parents. I do not go anywhere without a hat and am no wondering what the hell I am doing with my life. Obviously the quicker this hair grows the better off I will be but at nearly 3 months post op I have a long way to go.


    There are 3 options for me:

    1) Somehow come out and be honest with people (my god that seems impossible).

    2) Move to a city or town where I know nobody, find a job and ride the wave for 6 months.

    3) Continue to live with my parents for 6 months, wearing a hat everywhere I go. I can get away with it financially but I need to be busy and get my mind off these ridiculous issues. So option 3 is not a healthy option.


    Obviously if the transplant works out as planned this will be the greatest thing I've ever done but seriously I have psychologically destroyed myself by panicking after a marriage separation without thinking it through properly. So I basically have 6 months ahead of me and I don't know what I'm going to do.


    What a ridiculous predicament to be in, I will certainly learn from this experience but man the next 6 months will be brutal and I'm just praying the procedure is a success.


    Any thoughts on this ridiculous situation that I'm in? Seriously you wouldn't read about this in a lifetime!!!


    I've been so unbelievably anxious and depressed for 3 months due to dealing with this issue and the separation. Makes me wonder would this stress and anxiety effect on the success of the procedure?


    I am getting better about it all but I need to make decisions ASAP.

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