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Everything posted by pauli

  1. The thing is they're not really active on the internet and i can only think this is because they are content with the business they get. I put the question of attracting people from abroard to Dr Bansal and she didn't seem bothered about it. This probably stems from Dr Pradeep who is a deeply religious person and I feel is not concerned about chasing money. Saying that they have 4 surgerys in India, so they are not doing too badly and do get patients from abroad, its just they're not as popular as say Dr Bhatti.
  2. Its strange how different the advise is surgery to surgery. I was advised to start using Nizoral regularly 2-3 weeks after HT. Also i was told not to wash my hair 7 days post op, but just to spray saline water every few hours. Amazingly when i did wash my hair after 7 days with baby shampoo, all my scabs came off without any issue.
  3. It was a FUE. I'm over 40 with what seemed like good donor area, plus i wasn't getting a massive amount of graphs, so strip didn't even cross my mind. When the Dr started the extraction, i heard him and the techs talking about how the area wasn't great and a straight forward HT ended up taking 1 1/2 days and about 12 hrs. He didn't go into specifics, but after that length of time i was too tired to push him. There was talk of maybe using beard hair midway through the surgery but eventually they found enough hair for the HT.
  4. As others have said you won't know until you visit a HT surgeon. My donor area looked excellent with thick growth, much thicker then yours. The Dr thought it would be a straight forward surgery but once my hair had been shaved, he told me my donor area was bad and in the end he struggled to extract 2800 graphs.
  5. I'm almost 3 weeks post op, but my HT looked undetectable after a week, when both redness and scabs had disappeared.
  6. Definetly need between 4000-4500. Any Dr that says 2000, you need to stay away from. India or Turkey seem to be your best bet unless you have deep pockets.
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