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Posts posted by BaldPatient2

  1. Dear all;


    Been suffering with hair loss for around 8 years now. I've decided I finally want to do something about it.


    Have finally decided I will go ahead and get a hair transplant next year with Hasson & Wong (I did my research for some time and they seemed like the best bet for FUT).


    However I have one issue.


    I can only take one week in total off work; this is also not going to change for the next couple years (yeah I know it sucks majorly)


    I would therefore have the surgery on the Monday; but then I would have to return to work the following Monday.


    I am not allowed to wear hats in my line of work; also my work would not be cool/understanding with me demanding to wear a hat or something for the first couple days back.


    I also don't have long hair or anything like that so couldn't cover it up with my haircut.


    Any suggestions? Thank you :)

    I think you should be more concerned about swelling than the look of your scalp

  2. What bugs you more? personally as someone who is also norwood 6, my temporal peaks are thinning but not gone yet, I chose to transplant my crown because I feel people notice my crown loss much more, especially now that my hairline appears not balding at all, maybe down the line I will do the temporal peaks, but I want to get descent coverage in the crown enough so that I could disguise it with styling. Its all a matter of preference.


    The crown bugs more, but not sure about the perception of others. I haven't even noticed that the temple triangle has gone until the clinic asked me if I wanted to do it and started looking at Juvenile hairlines that all have this triangle.

  3. Temple peaks are more important if you have a hairline that has been transplanted. The crown gets less attention when you're being seen in public. If you are taller, the crown is going to be much less noticeable as well. If you have a Norwood 3v pattern, you should add very little density to the crown and put more focus on the temple peaks. With temple peaks, you won't need to use as much of your donor area resources to achieve the appearance of coverage.

    I'm Norwood 6

  4. it's very hard to give advice with no pics do you mind posting some? It depends are your temple triangles thinning or are they gone? Is your crown loss noticeable? Has the crown expanded? It's hard to know with no pics. I will say more people will notice a bald crown before they notice temple triangles.

    As I said, I have a straight line at the temple, so assuming the temple triangles are gone.

    I already had some crown work done in previous surgery but not enough to get a good density , and it looks stable now it hasn't expanded since. I can grow my hair longer and comb it back to add another layer to cover the crown but anyone can spot from a distance that the thin crown also not completely a bare bald spot

  5. I have my next surgery scheduled to add more density. The focus will be at the front scalp and if some grafts left they will be added to the crown.

    I had a discussion during pre-op consultation and the doctor consultant recommended also extending my hairline adding temple points ( triangles) instead of keeping the straight line I have at that area.. But I also have a thin crown even with grafts from previous surgeries and wanted to get more density there. So I have to make a decision .

    What offers the most cosmetic benefit : Temple points or thick crown ?

  6. I don't think any gel is going to make your hair appear thicker. Gel provides your hair with the wet look and wet hair clumps together, making it appear thinner. I might suggest using topical concealer first and then adding hair gel which may help with the thicker appearance of your hair. However, I'm not so sure how hair gel interacts with concealer so that may be something to experiment with on a day that you can relax and don't have to go anywhere immediately.


    Best wishes,



    You made a good point. I noticed my hair looks thicker when it's very dry after shampoo

  7. BaldPatient,


    I've used the "gray Toppik" only once -- it worked really well. But my "new hair" started growing in before I could use it again.


    works good though. In case you're in the market for a "gray concealer"...



    not yet ,my hair hasn't started turning grey/white yet, so black toppik works perfectly. I was just curious how it would look like when I start getting older,

  8. Of course his hair looks great and of course as a NW 5-6 one side of me thinks c'mon man get it together, but you're right it's subjective ,unfortunately as I alluded to in previous post

    some guys just won't listen to advice and go for another procedure and do more harm than good.


    He's either trolling in this forum or just making fun of us because we look balder than him.

  9. You've been saying 5000 grafts in the front "third". Now it is 6000?


    I said 5000 implanted in the front third and 6000 implanted in the frontal third and mid scalp. why do you keep misquoting and twisting what I wrote ?


    This is exactly what I wrote


    I had only 900 to 1000 grafts implanted in the crown and at least 6000 grafts total implanted in third frontal and mid scalp with two different doctors ,

  10. BINGO - that's exactly the point and exactly the reason why hair restoration will very seldom restore a full set of dense hair that covers the whole head, and the reason so many high NWs with good donar supply are not good candidates for hair transplantation. That's the reason so many surgeons warn patients to rather focus on the frontal 3rd before trying to hit the crown. I think you are going to require at least 6,000 total grafts to just active dense hair in the front half before even touching the crown,

    I had only 900 to 1000 grafts implanted in the crown and at least 6000 grafts total implanted in third frontal and mid scalp with two different doctors , so exactly the same number you have given above so why I'm not able to achieve good density ?

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