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Posts posted by DavidAnderson

  1. Wow looking great at 5 months really happy for you. It is quite common especially for patient s with lighter coloured hair to notice the difference in colour.


    Hair in the occipital zone is always the coarsest and therefore is darker the hair on the top of our head when it thins looses pigment as it gets thinner and then gets bleached by the sun easier.


    Please keep us posted excited to see how this turns out.

  2. Hi ukpatient,


    Great results from Dr Hasson! There are a number of good places to go for FUE for your hairline refinement and I expect some posters will provide some names but there are many in Europe.


    H&W are doing some good FUE work these days and there are a few posters on here that had FUE with them. Spidey had a small hairline session and has grown out results documented on here.


    All the best.

  3. You have a great chance of getting an improvement with the medication alone if I were you I would start Propecia and wait and see how you respond before jumping in for a transplant. I would hope that all the finer hair around the edges of the more obvious bald spot should fill in and you might get some improvement from the whorl too.


    Give it at least 6 months maybe more before making a decision it is likely that you will require less grafts in the future. Looks like you have got the concealer down to a fine art.

  4. This is not something we hear too often on this site that you feel your transplanted hair is too thick!


    Having looked at thousands of photos over the years I think your hairline looks good and natural from the photos and I see no reason to feel that people are looking at your hairline for anything that stands out negatively. You have a good head of hair I would do nothing and see how things look in a few years.


    Transplanted hairs settle down and become softer after the first year of surgery and have a less wiry appearance just give it time and I think it will look fine.

  5. Tough to say for certain from photos alone but it is common to see patients with a noticeable imbalance of density from the back to the sides you could just have low density at the sides which judging from the photos imo would be risky to take hair from these areas by either FUE or FUT. It could be retrograde but it could also point to a very aggressive pattern of loss in the future.


    If you are 23 advanced hair loss and not stable on meds I don't think you should be considering a transplant until you have been on meds for at least 6 ideally 12 months.

  6. Good luck with your decision you have listed a number of good Doctors and I won't try to help you make a decision on who to go to.


    It is great that Dr Wong was so honest with you and felt you were not a good candidate back then it speaks volumes about his character to cancel the surgery and give you your money back.


    Do you think Propecia has stabilised your loss? The photos you present are not comparable as one has wet hair and the previous ones are dry but you had a fair amount of hair in the previous ones and it appears you have less now as I can see obvious gaps now where there was before hair, would that be fair or is it just the wet photos?


    This is important as the meds may not have stopped your loss maybe just slowed it down, with this in mind you should be very careful and play it safe. I like Dr Koniors approach to cherry pick through with FUE.


    HT soon is right about not going for FUT with a miniaturising donor area because hiding a scar will be more difficult but not just that. With FUE you can provided you take the time stick to extracting the full follicular units. Quite often when you see miniaturisation under microscope you may be loosing one hair from a 2 or 3 hair grouping. With FUT you are given what you get from the strip and that will be a % of miniaturised hairs, with FUE if you take your time and select the right groupings you can minimise this as much as possible.


    My advice would not to book with a Doctor again until they have seen you in person as you do not want to have the same disappointment as last time. Make the time to fly out and meet the Doctor before making a commitment and make sure they are confident of a successful outcome.


    Finally were are you going to place these grafts?

  7. Dutchie,


    I would agree with what HTsoon says. The red box in the photos is where the density would be greatly reduced compared to the green box. This back part of the scalp always take longer to grow. I also think now is the time to grow it out.


    None of the results that we perceive are good results with patients that have advanced loss are with hair length like yours the hair needs to be 2-3 inches to layer over one another. It will be tough with the type of hair that you have and you will most likely need to use some product to help do this.


    Your hair is still maturing and will be even harder to style for the next few months until it settles down but you really need some length if you want to hide more of the scalp. Hopefully you have a lot of fine hair that is waiting to gain length and thicken up as your hair is white it will be harder to see.


    Keep positive as I know you were really happy a few months back and I hope you will be in another few months.

  8. Dutchie,


    I would agree with what HTsoon says. The red box in the photos is where the density would be greatly reduced compared to the green box. This back part of the scalp always take longer to grow. I also think now is the time to grow it out.


    None of the results that we perceive are good results on high norwoods are with hair length like yours the hair needs to be 2-3 inches to layer over one another. It will be tough with the type of hair that you have and you will most likely need to use some product to help do this.


    Your hair is still maturing and will be even harder to style for the next few months until it settles down but you really need some length if you want to hide more of the scalp. Hopefully you have a lot of fine hair that is waiting to gain length and thicken up as your hair is white it will be harder to see.


    Keep positive as I know you were really happy a few months back and I hope you will be in another few months.

  9. Hi Grigriman,


    I would agree with what WHTC clinic says. They appears to be spaces to safely implant the grafts without doing damage to the surrounding hairs. Do you feel that the crown has got much worse in the last two years? Do you think Regaine is holding things for you?


    I would be very cautious about placing many hairs in the crown as although your sides look quite strong now what happens if they drop and the crown opens up. Would need a in person consultation to be able to see if this was a likelihood in the near future.

  10. You have an advanced pattern of loss and you crown has opened up, your hair around the nape of your neck looks fluffy and would suggest thinning here. FUE is not going to give you more than a frame to your face and some coverage into the mid scalp.


    There will be places abroad as you mention that will pull 4000 grafts in one session from your donor but what the donor will look like after is a guessing game and whether all the grafts will last the journey as they will have to sail close to the nape hair and crown to get that many.


    The advantage of going FUE in your case is of course the ability to be able to wear your hair short sides and back. As long as the donor area is not over harvested it can help as it will reduce the amount of hair sides but in my view anymore than 3500 grafts would over harvest your donor with FUE.


    Your are likely to get more grafts with FUT unless you have a very tight scalp, if you have good laxity and density you could pull 3500 maybe more in one session and have the potential for another in the future albeit smaller size.


    You have so much hair in the lower part of your crown that could be saved by meds alone. Which ever way you go I would be realistic and expect the crown to always have a very light coverage if any.


    Agree with others see some Doctors in person that offer both methods they should be able to show you the hairline position and coverage with each method used. Better to be prepared than to fly overseas and have a shock because what you wanted is vastly different to what can be achieved, as once you are booked that day you will feel a pressure to do the surgery even if you are uncomfortable with what is being suggested.

  11. Yes it could still improve over the next couple of months I have seen that happen.


    You have another donor for another FUT and it makes sense to go that way as you already have the scar. You might get a better donor scar on that side after the second FUT but there are no guarantees.


    I was just saying I wouldn't go through with just a surgery to revise it.


    All the best and I hope you get improvements. Please keep us posted.

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