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Everything posted by dagwood

  1. nizoral is just shampoo, nothing too crazy. Its really not seen as much of an effective treatment as minox or fin but a lot of evidence says it helps. People say different things on how often to use it. I use it every other day. Just lather in your hair and let it sit for 10 min or whatever.
  2. ^yeah, me too. I had 1070 FUE. when my hair is short you can definitely see a very defined rectangle where the grafts were removed. I guess its because it was a robot FUE and was programmed to only remove grafts within that rectangle. If the graft removed from the donor were not confined to that rectangular area and spread out a little more it would probably not be as noticeable. Plus if you are born with good hair density that helps too. Not trying to discourage a FUE. A lot of guys donor area after FUE still looks good. but results vary
  3. The Kirkland brand minoxidil I have been buying for years is a big brand I have seen it in stores too. Most the vendors on ebay who sell minoxidil are legit. It even says how much they have sold. Usually it thousands or tens of thousands. It wouldn't be worth the effort and risk to sell you fake stuff. The only thing I try to avoid is vendors that sell the monthly minoxidil containers individually. I only buy the sealed box. There is an expiration on minoxidil usually it says on the ebay listing. I never received expired minox
  4. I'm happy with the FUE, but I think I would have got the FUT if I could go back. the doc discussed both options but didn't really suggest either. I was impressed by the FUE robot, and was convinced it was the ultimate method of hair transplant. I didn't like the thought of getting my head butchered for a FUT either. the FUT sounds very painful, but I remember the scalp was so numb during my operation it wouldn't have made a difference. I didn't like the idea of a FUT scar either but the FUE left its mark on back of my head. Most guys FUE donor heals and not noticeable. My donor has a defined rectangular shape that looks eaten away at when my hair is very short. The FUT is supposed to have a higher rate of transplanted follicles that survive because when they punch out the hairs for FUE there is a chance of destroying it.
  5. I had a fue done 1070 grafts. It wasn't enough to make my hairline look good but it was enough to make it look not bad, which means a lot to me. My hairline had a weird uneven "V" shape to it and it receded back pretty far. It just looked stupid on me, I hated it. A lot of people noticed an commented on it too. Even though my hairline still has somewhat of a V shape to it, now its a wide V. and the bulk of the bald area is filled in. I think 200 or 300 grafts more on the hairline at this point would be nice to top it off. I probably wouldn't have gotten a transplant if my hair loss didn't stabilize at some point. Of course you don't want to get a transplant and have massive hairloss afterward, and be left with a bizzare balding pattern. The doc insisted I take finasteride for this reason. He said you might need a new transplant every 5 years if you don't take finasteride. I don't regret getting a transplant at all. I was pretty nervous and unsure about it but I'm glad I did it. I think FUT and FUE both have there advantages, I would be happy with either.
  6. -I have been using the Kirkland 5% for years. its good -I have been using the liquid, but it can dry out your scalp and hair and cause dandruff. Some guys react real bad to it. That's why a lot of guys use the foam, it doesn't dry out your scalp. -you can usually get a good deal on online for nizoral and most pharmacies should have it too. Finasteride (you need a prescription) at a pharmacy. Maybe you're not as cheap as me, but I use the three treatments for about $100/year -6months minox off ebay $20x2=$40 -3months RX finasteride (I take half dose)from costco $20X2=$40 -a bottle of nizoral off ebay is about $15 or $20
  7. For guys who experience long lasting/permanent impotence from propecia, is it caused by long lasting/permanent low dht levels? or are other factors usually involved ex. organ damage
  8. ok thanks guys. I agree that the vellus hair doesn't help much. I'm not too interested in preserving the vellus hairs, I just wanted to know if it can affect survival of transplanted hair.
  9. I have grown some vellus hairs on my hairline with the help of fin/minox. Can transplanting hair follicles into the mix with these vellus hairs effect survival rate of the transplanted follicles?
  10. i wore a winter hat to a job interview for the state. I said that I hit my head on a shelf and needed stiches. I said underneath the hat is a bandage covering the stiches. Which was somewhat true, I would put a gauze and a somewhat loose stretch bandage to protect the recipient area (hairline) underneath the hat
  11. It has worked good for me. I have been taking it for 15/16 months. I was on the prescribed 1 mg a day for about 8 months and had good results but might have effected libido a little, not much. I decided to cut the dose in half, 0.5mg a day. It has been about 8 months on the half dose and I have maintained/slightly improved my hair.
  12. I have been on generic fin for almost 8 months and slowly developed mild symptoms (less erections, not as hard). I quit and regained libido in just a couple days. I bought a pill cutter and now taking half dose (0.5mg) a day. Only been on a few days, so far everything is good. If I notice symptoms come back I may try 0.5mg every other day. according to research, there is little difference between 1mg and 0.5mg a day but if the symptoms are mild it might be enough to make a difference. plus all that excess fin isn't in your system so if you ever decide to quit maybe have better/faster recovery.
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