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Everything posted by taymin

  1. And here we go again... 135 days and it Looks that all the short hairs on my Head are dead
  2. I had the same after 4 month. this happend to me 3 or 4 times. Doctor told me that this could be a dead graft.
  3. I have a lot of Short hairs in my head. But sometimes my hairs falls out like in the picture below. That just happened today. It looks strange. Like a graft. The doctor said that this could be a dead graft. This happened 4-5 times in the past 2 month. Im afraid that a lot of short hairs on my Head are dead grafts they dont grow
  4. Thank you guys! I dont know why but a lot of People are telling me that the result will come at month 6. I will wait patiently;)
  5. Hello, this ist my first post here. But Im a long time lurker I had my 1st HT 128 days ago. About 3600 grafts. I have some questions about regrowth. Below you can see a before and a after photo. It doesnt look bad at all. But you can also see, that I have a lot of empty spaces in the front area. Can I expect more regrowth in this area? There are some short hairs but it feels like they dont grow and stay like the same since months The front area is very important to me. Im a little afraid that their will no regrowth anymore Is it possible that new hairs pop up even after 4-5 month?
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