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Posts posted by parsia

  1. 9 months update . 

    I thought it would be better to upload some picture in indoor normal lighting, Hairs are longer so I don't upload my bathroom ( harsh lighting ) picture for this month  because it may not be apple to apple comparison , But next month I will try to upload those as well .

    I haven't share my own opinion about my result yet because I didn't want to influence other posters opinion , However below is my opinion about

    my result so far : 

    Naturalness : I got so many compliments from people who saw me before about how natural the result is looking and it is very undetectable.  knew Dr.Shapiro is well known for his skill of making result natural but the result was even better than my expectation , Believe me there are many times in front of mirror I can't even say that I had hair transplant ! Especially now when result is getting better and thicker I feel like I regrow my hair with some kind of cure for baldness , Not surgery though.

    Hairline : I do like to make my hairline lower for at least 1-1.5 cm , However even this position of hairline doesn't bother me since it is giving me natural look and the old look I had when I was 26-28 years old , So even if I don't do the 2nd surgery It will not bother me much , 

    Density : I knew from the first day my density will not be very high since we did around 30 grafts on the top , I believe there are some spots the grafts didn't survive or yield as much as they suppose to , So in result I will have  less hair to play with for styling and also scalp may show some early thinning in harsh lighting.  So density is something that I would focus if I want to have 2nd surgery, Having said that when hairs are longer since my hairs are wavy it become less noticeable. 




  2. 3 hours ago, Silent123 said:

    Hey man, I'd a bit a little more conservative and not go super low. Think how you will look in 20 years time

    Hello , Thank you for your comment , I have already done the surgery and posted the link of thread and photos on this thread in abogeryve messages.

    I did the conservative hairline and would probably tweak in in near future.

  3. On 9/25/2022 at 6:01 PM, Gatsby said:

    In short IMHO a lot of hair transplant surgery is really about supply and demand (aside from the art of surgery). You appear to have a great donor so let yourself be guided by your doctor and remember there is no such thing as a silly question so ask him/her as much as you need to. When it comes down to hairlines no two people have the exact same hairline. If you are a candidate in your surgeon's opinion (and from their wealth of experience) for a lower hairline that will work well over your life span then go for it. It's mainly young guys in their late teens/early twenties who want a hairline that will waste not only precious grafts but will also look unnatural in the years to come. All the best!

    Hi Gatsby , I just wanted to say my special thanks for your support to me and all other members on this forum , I have also posted a a link of my new thread with my results. 

    Side note : You were right about me having great donor without seeing my donor , Lol , Because when I had in person consultation with Dr.Shapiro he also mentioned that ( Also two surgeons I had consultation with them before they were complimenting about my donor )

    Thank You 

    • Thanks 1
  4. Hello Everyone. 

    I've decided to finally make my thread about my hair transplant result with DR.Ron Shapiro and also Dr.David , There were few friends on forum who wanted to see my result on my previous thread but I wanted to wait enough time to have reasonable update , I hope my thread can contribute what this forum and others did to help me to chose right surgeon. 

    I have done my surgery on Sep 2023 , I'm 40 and I was probably Narwood 4.5 before my surgery , My experience with Dr.Shapiro was great and staff was very professional and also friendly, We did 3700 grafts with total of 7151 hairs . I am uploading some before pictures , post op and also monthly update on this thread. 

    We have covered around 115cm2 including sides and temples and the average density is about 32 .

    You're all more than welcome to share with me your view about my result , Positive or negative , feel free to share me your thoughts , I do not get offended.

    I prefer  not comment about my result before hear you guys opinion , But i also have to mention if I wasn't satisfy with my result I wouldn't post it here.

    I tried my best to be consistent with length of my hair and also lighting is same in all pictures. 

    I have a detailed thread about my consultation with Dr.Shapiro back in OCT 2022 which has been posted below : (Yes ,  I was on waiting list for one year ! )

    This is 1 year and half before surgery , I lost some of hair in frontal scalp by the time of surgery .

    All picture are in top view and front view.

    Top View and Front View 



    5 days post up 



    3 months 



    4 MONTHS 



    5 months 




    6 MONTHS 



    • Like 1
  5. 31 minutes ago, hybonix said:

    Maybe both? I just feel like my temple grafts do not yield as much as others on these forums. It's a little uneven, but it is what it is.

    Also, here is another shot of my hair today in neutral light:


    Thank you for your reply and also your picture. I'm also at month 6 with Dr.Shapiro and happy with my result so far , My left side is also weaker at this moment , But I have to wait to make a judgment call. 

    In neutral light your hair looks very good considering you have another 8 months to go and its pretty soon. 

    As far as temple if I'm not mistaken you are more referring to your temple peak when it connects to the hairline ( Not temple point by itself ) , You can confirm that with Dr.Shapiro but from what I know he doesn't want both sides to look even and symmetrical to provide more natural look and I think he intentionally designed them differently  to do not be even. 


  6. Danny

    Thanks for being on time and always update your thread very punctually on 13th of each month.

    I can see your hairs are improving as you mentioned  especially on side photos , Its very obvious it is getting fuller now. 

    I know you wanted more density on your left side of your hairline after your 1st surgery , When you mentioned "SMG needs to step up their game on temple"  , Do you think the number of density of grafts was not enough for your hair transplant or do you think those grafts  just didn't yield as good as other side? 

  7. 10 minutes ago, hybonix said:
    Here are the final counts:
    • 1s - 633
    • 2s - 1176
    • 3s - 171
    Total Hairs: 3498 hairs

    Thank you very much for that , I appreciate it.

    So your average is roughly 1.76 hair per graft , Based on what I calculated  In your first surgery it was 2.02 hair per graft , So you basically get less hair per graft in 2nd surgery compare to the 1st one.

    Its normal because hair per grafts are varies and also depends on the goal of surgeon they can harvest more from side than back ( Especially when they want to address hairline )Generally as you know density is more in back of donor compare to sides , I believe you still have reasonable amount of  donor left in back of your donor in a case if you want to use them for midscalp or crown in the future.

    Best luck.

  8. 13 minutes ago, hybonix said:

    Thank you for the correction. Yes, you are correct that these were both taken before my 2nd transplant, which I noted in my previous response as well. However, I wasn't super clear on that, and I have modified my original statement. :)

    No Problem , I just updated my post about your first surgery microscopic number as well. 

    I honestly still not sure the back and side has been labeled correctly on 2nd surgery , I believe you had 89 in your back and 50 on side.

    So basically based on correction of mistakes of number  from your 1st surgery you went from 100ish to 89 After your first surgery on back and you also

    went from 64 to 50 on your side.

    They are both making  sense now  from mathematical and surgical prespective.

    I have been into these microscopic pictures with Dr.Shapiro and I kind of know how to figure these mistakes . 

    If my correction is right ( Which I believe it is ) You still have more hair in back to harvest and on your side you don't have much left. 

  9. 21 hours ago, hybonix said:

    2 Week Update (11.27.23)

    • Most of the scabs have come off except for a couple of little stragglers
    • Things are looking good and soon all the hair will shed
    • Weird note, but I did not sleep very well for the first 10 days after my transplant. I still had pain in the back of my head which finally subsided on Day 11/12
      • Dr. Shapiro looked at pictures of my donor and said everything was healing nicely
      • He recommended ibuprofen to reduce swelling to see if that helped




    Let me follow up with Dr. Shapiro to see how many grafts I have left. I will get back to you on that.

    Regarding overall density, here are some pictures. The back picture is 50 hairs per mm² which is the back of my head after the first transplant. The side picture is 89 hairs per mm² which was taken before the transplant/harvested grafts. I believe Dr. Shapiro said you want at least 50 hairs per mm², so with that, I am not 100% sure how many grafts I have left:


    Just like to do some revision here that  these are grafts not hairs , I believe the software that Dr.Shapiro using wrongly label them as Hairs , but you can

    see some of them are 2's . 

    when I had surgery with Dr.Shapiro , I've got same " Hairs " in microscopic picture , But it needs to be revise as Grafts . 

    Also I do believe both of them has been taken before your 2nd surgery , If " Back " and " Side " was correctly named in pictures , Looks like the back

    doesn't have much left to harvest ( Since it is 50 ) but sides are still high number and have graft to harvest ( 89 ) .  

    Also in your first surgery ( On your thread ) when you post microscopic picture , I'm very positive It was wrongly counted on software by clinic , Occipital

    area marked as high density and temporal area marked as low density and they were both marked as 64 FU/CM2 , Which is a impossible.

    because 64 is either should consider as  low density or high density , It can't be both , Second is I did actual counting and in your Occipital area you had

    more than 100 grafts before first surgery ( Which is consider as high density ) and in your temporal area you had 64 ( Which is consider as low density ) . 

    These errors was out of your control though. 

  10. 6 hours ago, jwolfe890 said:

    Can someone knowledgeable please speak to what you get going to Nadimi/Konior over someone like Shapiro, Panine or even HW? Is it because Nadmi/Konior are able to get more density or cause less scarring or something? Just looking at pictures and not having a ton of experience, it's tough for someone like myself to really identify what is different. 

    Your question is great but I kind of answered it briefly  in my previous post , Obviously Dr.Konior  has good donor management and better scarring but as you mentioned other doctor like Shapiro performing great result as well , There are lots of factors involved when it comes to pricing , For some doctors money is not the main priority, Of course everyone wants to make money in this field but there are surgeons who like to charge less to make it more affordable for their patients , I believe Dr.Shapiro is one of them , Even in real life some people are more flexible when it comes to money and some don't . 

    The state and cost of living in the state has some effect too , For instance as you know Chicago is more expensive than Minnesota  , Surgeons in New York and California charges more than other states.  The way surgeon run the clinics is another  factor  , If surgeon ( Konior in this case )personally answer all emails and more involve in surgery and not have many staff to helps him , He probably needs to charge more compare to Dr.Shapiro who has about 15 or 20 people working for him ,  In the end every clinic is a business and they are run differently . 

    Also consider Dr.Konior price was less than half  in 2017 and he raised it up because of his demands , Generally speaking bette quality comes with higher cost but thats not always the case in life and there are some exceptions to the rule as I mentioned above, Konior result hasn't been changed since 5 years ago but his price got more than double. Surgeons can set the price in their desire point however as patient after doing homework we have to look to see where we can get same level of results with less money ( If saving money is important , which I assume it is ). 

    I hope it helps. 

    • Like 3
  11. 1 hour ago, gillenator said:

    There are enough surgeons doing exceptional FUE work that charge far less than $15 per graft.

    I totally agree , There are some good surgeon in U.S who doesn't charge too much and still can achieve great result , It depends on many different factors include the state the surgeon located , So higher cost normally doesn't necessarily mean the surgeon work is better than others , Dr.Rahal is also one of the best surgeon doesn't charge much besides Dr.Shapiro considering their expertise. 

    I also have to mention Dr.Konior used to charge around $5-$6 back in 2017 when I had consultation with him , Then his prices raised up gradually  because of  demands and probably inflation , Having said that he also changed the method of quoting the patient from 2022 , Right now in most cases he is charging by session not by graft , Which will make the final per grafts costs higher than before . I had consultation with him two times in 2017 and 2022 . 


  12. On 11/8/2023 at 4:18 PM, Melvin- Admin said:

    The cost in the US ranges from $7-12 per graft. Dr. Nadimi works with Dr. Konior and produces excellent results. It's not an absurd price for American standards. If you want a way cheaper option with similar quality. Sadly, you'll have to travel outside of the US.

    And Dr.Shapiro is one of those who charge $5-$7 based on amount of grafts , Its pretty low  considering he is one of the top surgeon in the world and have excellent team , I personally had surgery with him back in September. 

    He is one of those surgeon that money is not priority for him , otherwise he could charge way more considering of his expertise in this field. 

  13. Update-

    I have finally done my surgery with Dr.Shapiro and also DR.Joe about a week ago since I was on waiting list for 11 months  , We have done the FUE for 3500 grafts and totals of 7151 hairs , I was amazed by their team and how professional they were to treat me as a patient  , Overall I was very satisfied with how the surgery went , Even though we did kind of a large surgery  but the staff was very friendly and It went very smoothly , Also my many thanks to my friend Ryan on forum who helped me a lot for my surgery , If you have any question about procedure feel free to ask and I will be happy to answer .

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