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Posts posted by SMRcalidiv

  1. Why won't you travel to Europe? Lorenzo, Feriduni, and Erdogan are three of the best FUE guys on the planet, and will be much cheaper than getting FUE in North America, even after you factor into flights and hotels.


    For North America, look into Ron Shapiro, Konior, and Rahal.


    Fair question...


    My reasons, which you're free to disagree with, are:


    I have a 10 month old daughter that I neither want to be away from for a week (which would be the case for years to come), nor do I want to drag her to Europe for this.


    I think that there are docs in the U.S. that get fantastic results, enough so that I don't feel as though I am settling for someone with their skill level.


    I would be worried that if I needed follow-up care or "fixes" that they would just be out of reach in a reasonable time frame.


    While saving some money would be nice...it's not my main concern here.


    Again, you can think that these aren't good enough reasons...but they are what they are.


    Thank you for the rec's on docs in North America as well :)

  2. I will look into Dr. Diep, thanks. I hope I wasn't giving the impression that I "had" to stay in the Pacific NW...Shapiro is in MN, and H&W in Canada (Western technically)...yeah Wasserbauer was a matter of convenience although she does appear solid. Trust me there are others that I won't even consider. With the exception of Europe, I'm open to travel, and trying to not get held up on price.


    I genuinely appreciate the recommendations guys...thank you.

  3. Long time lurker here...ready to dive in to a HT this summer. I've been reading these boards for years and I'm finally at the point where I'm financially and psychologically ready to take the plunge.


    Without getting off track with my backstory, I'm 35, and my hair loss has been stable for the past 10 years or so. I've been on the big 3 for the past 6 years, and as I said, I'm just holding steady at a NW4-5.


    Last week I had back-to-back consultations with Sara Wasserbauer and H & W (they were in SF).


    I heard basically the same thing from both reps (as I didn't speak to either of the actual surgeons, common knowledge to most of you I'm sure...it wasn't to me). I'm a good candidate with a good donor area, stable loss, and a good age to do an HT.


    There were things I heard from both that made me a little apprehensive about my selection, and that takes me to this post.


    I am 1000% set on FUE. Wasserbauer is a relative unknown on most boards, but I don't believe I have seen a negative review of her anywhere. H&W is H&W...enough said...but again I'm looking at FUE, and their rep is largely based on FUT.


    I am thinking I owe it to myself to also consider doing a consultation (online perhaps...I could use some guidance here) with Dr. Ron Shapiro in MN. Considering I want an FUE and I will not travel to Europe, what do you all think?


    My rationale is that I am essentially hearing similar things from the different shops, and this will all come down to the Dr's rep and proven results. Is there anyone in North America that I "NEED" to talk to before making decision?


    I don't know how representatives are viewed here, and how private pricing is, so I won't get into that aspect in the thread...if you have a question about what I was told that made me apprehensive I would be happy to take it "off the air" so to speak.


    Sorry for the long-winded question, but...well you guys know how it is.


    Love the board...I hope you all know how invaluable this place is

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