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Everything posted by SMPrince

  1. Thanks Ken. I don't feel the need to justify the naysayers with more pics. I chose the pic right after my treatment because I thought the red would help people be able to see were the treatment ends and starts better. All the proof I need that it is a success is the experiences I have on a daily basis. As I've said in my stories. People constantly question why I shave such a nice head of hair. Never has anyone asked "Why are the dots on top bigger?" Because they simply aren't. My goal by posting is to help others suffering from hair loss gather information about this specific type of solution and how it can positively change their life. Like it has mine. No time for haters.
  2. Well Slimzy. I've taken a look at your pics. You mean to say you barely have hair. Perhaps with those wispy hairs left due to diffuse thinning, or a HT you don't see much when you shave down. But hey, as they say, the proof is in the pudding. Please shave and attach a pic for us to see. Because I'm very curious what you think your hair is suppose to look like when its shaved down. But for those who are HONESTLY curious and not just looking to talk junk and put others down I will attach such a picture. This is a picture of just my side shaved down. All natural hair growing no SMP there. The area that is on the side of my head is freshly shaven to the bone. Nicks of blood and drops of water are proof of that. The side burn leading into my beard is still a day of growth (more evidence the upper sides have just been shaved. The picture speaks for itself, but what do you see when all that hair is shaven down? A bunch of black random dots. So slimzy I get it. I've checked your other posts. You like to be negative. But if you're going to say something back it up. Lets see what those little hairs you're holding onto look like when shaved. Let me add for the truly curious. Even the hair follicles (dots) on the side of my head are in varying sizes. No SMP there, all mother nature.
  3. Again, things to keep in mind. The angle of the photo is making the dots on top look a little bigger than they are. A trick of photography if you will. Happens all the time. You see someone you know is short standing near someone else you know is tall, but in the pic they look closer in height. Not to mention something else to be kept in mind. This picture was taken soon after my third treatment. The dots were are still scabbed over. close to 2 weeks after any SMP treatment the scabs start falling off and the dots look even smaller. You mention how small the SMP dots are close to the sides. If you're considering SMP pay attention to that. What I do know from my practitioner is the shorter amount of time the needle hits the head the smaller the dot will be. If you're not wanting to accept why the dots are appearing bigger in that picture and you're looking into SMP. Simple, when you get your SMP done tell your practitioner you'd like the dots the same size all around.
  4. I also realized the size difference of the dots seems to be exaggerated due to the angle of the picture. You'll notice the further down you go on my head the smaller the dots get even when comparing natural hair higher up to natural hair lower.
  5. Here is the picture with the red taken out so anyone curious can get a better idea what it would look like once the scalp has settled. Hope that satisfies the nay sayers, although it's been brought to my attention who one of them really is
  6. Look great! I remember trying rogain as a teenager and my skin becoming very irritated. Wish SMP was around back then.
  7. Hey man, didnt mean to come off as hating. If you're living happy with your system that is great! I truly believe each person should explore every hair loss solution out there and decide what works for them. Wearing a system got me out of depression but overall didn't work out for me. Maybe I should have explored other system or adhesive options. Because if there is an adhesive out there letting you get 15 gym trips in thats awesome! For the record, with my last system style, hold wasn't really an issue. But the glue bleeding through and getting messy in the hairs along the hairline was a real issue for me.
  8. Keep in mind, SMP dots in general are a bit bigger than the real stubble. I think the practitioners go darker and press harder on the crown because that area needs more density. Keep in mind you are looking at an up close zoomed in picture. In real life someone would literally have to put their face up to your head to catch notice to the dot difference. Slimzy, perhaps the redness is making it look unnatural to you. I'll try to take a similar updated pic now that my scalp isnt red anymore. I prefer using that picture so people can see exactly where the SMP starts and ends by the difference in scalp color. To each their own I suppose. But I find nothing unnatural about the look. Infact, I wonder how many people have seen a real full head of hair shaved to the bone up close like that? Not an easy picture to find. For me, one of the last straws that helped me decide to go through with SMP was not a picture of SMP but a picture of an actual head shaved to the bone and up close like that. On another SMP forum someone posted pictures asking if it was worth getting SMP because they had only just started to recede. They posted a picture of their "basically" full head of hair shaved down. It happened to be a very close up picture. When I saw that even a natural head of hair shaved down is just a bunch of dots that helped me decide to go through with SMP. Most people are use to seeing shaved heads from a distance. Even its its jut a few feet away what you're going to notice is that "shadow" or shade of grey. Most people don't realize that hair shaved to the bone ends up looking dotty when viewed up close. So perhaps lack of exposure to natural shaved heads is what makes you think it looks unnatural. If you still think he results are bad, all I can say is to each their own. The only experiences I've had since getting SMP last June have been people questioning why I bother shaving such a nice head of hair
  9. you had an intense 3 hour workout with a system on your head......I don't buy it. Well let me rephrase. You might have done the work out, but you certainly would be reattaching or cleaning glue off your hairline after that.
  10. Great question. That is odd. I will say this. In the last several months HIS has not been as transparent as they once were. They are especially controlling and censoring of their forum now. So it wouldn't be so far fetched to think they're trying to confuse the public. However, we shouldn't assume. One other theory could be that they're just trying to buy up all the domain names that would have something to do with SMP, just to make things harder or less convenient for their competitors. I guess the best option would be for you to go to their forum and ask this questions. However, like I said, they aren't exactly very transparent and honest there anymore. So you'd probably get some half assed answer.
  11. Here is the picture I was referring to. The results are best if you open the picture and click to zoom in. As you see the top of my scalp was still red at that time, that is how you can determine which dots are definitely SMP. But the key test is looking where the whiter skin meets the red. There is a mixture of SMP and real hair follicles. I think it's hard to tell. Anyways, its a nice picture as it gives you an idea what SMP looks like more up close. As you see its not too much different than what real shaved follicles look like. Up close they look like individual dark dots. Now I'm not saying they're perfect replicas. SMP dots are the slightest bit bigger than real hair follicles....but a skilled practitioner keeps them close as possible. Now, after my second and third treatments I went back to the System Salon to show off my new look. The people there knew I was switching over to SMP. They were AMAZED. One of the girls sat me down and literally planted her nose into my scalp inspecting the SMP. She said it looked like real hair to her. Keep in mind this is someone who deals with heads of hair all day. Infact...she was so impressed she convinced her husband, who also wore a system to go get SMP done with Jonathan, and he was extremely happy with the results as well. I would like to point out, that this picture shows my results after 3 treatments. I probably could use a fourth to fill in the density a bit more. Even Jonathan has told me he thinks I could use another. However. I'm putting that on hold as I feel happy with the results I have. I know Jonathan could probably make my head look even better...but its just one of those things where why change it if it isn't broken, you know?
  12. I have somewhere a SUPER up close picture where you can't tell the difference between the SMP dots and my real hair except for the redness of the scalp as it was soon after my third treatment. I'm going to try to find that pic for you because I know a rare thing to find on these forums are up close pictures of the SMP. Sorry I don't have a hundred pictures to share...but I do share with caution as I don't want to make it so obvious for someone I know to stumble on my pics and recognize something. At the same time I do want potential SMP seekers to be able to make a better decision.
  13. Hi Buzz, great questions that I'd be happy to answer. First off, Since I got SMP I actually got a new job. Same career just a new position I was interested in. So the "shaved look" didn't hurt my chances. In-fact, they were looking for someone who spoke a specific second language that I don't speak. But I still got the position. I was told that my confidence is what sealed the deal for me. MOST people have said my shaved head looks good. The ones who preferred me with "hair" are all people who didn't know I wore a system and their reasoning is they just don't dig the shaved look in general. For me, I never had a problem meeting women. But I feel like I've gotten more positive interactions flirting with women since AFTER getting SMP. In-fact I'll share a couple stories about when I first ventured out with my new shaved look. Day 1 of going out into the world after second session of SMP (so not even the completed look, but enough density for me to feel comfortable to rock the look in public). I went to a store actually to buy a new hat (for style purposes, now i get to actually choose when I want to wear a hat ) So I'm at the check out, and a female employee is walking buy and a smile at her, she smiles back. I turn to keep watching as she walks away and she turns and catches me and we both smile again. A minute later as I'm finishing up paying she walks by again and stares me down smiling the whole time. Inside my head all I'm thinking is "Yeeeeeep...this look is going to work just fine." Another story was when I was walking through Grand Central station (I'm from the NY area). It was a busy time and I was cutting through the long line to the ladies room. I had to cut through this group of hot girls. As I say excuse me I catch eye contact with one of them and again I do my smile and she smiles and keeps eye contact for like the 30 seconds or whatever it took for me to go around the corner. Let's just say I haven't had any issues with women finding me attractive. MORE IMPORTANTLY I find myself more attractive. Even though I usually felt like the system looked real enough...I just didnt like how it looked on me. Whenever I caught a glimpse of myself in a reflection 8 or 9 times out of 10 I looked away quickly. Something about it just didnt look right. Not to mention I would dread giving my hairline a close inspection as I would be afraid I'd see lift or too much glue and that would just zap my confidence until my next reattachment. With SMP I LOVE my reflection. I guess maybe my head is just nicely shaped. But I can happily stare at the man in the mirror now. That gives me the confidence that makes me successful in everything else in my life. I'm not worried about my looks. So my friend...you said you have a natural looking SMP under your system? I say rip the system off and rock the SMP. I'd say for about a month I felt a little weird at times without my system...I mean after 14 years it did become part of me and my routine. Now I can't imagine life if I was still stuck wearing it. The funny thing is I discovered SMP a year before I started considering it. But the first time I saw it I thought "Oh that sucks it just looks like a shaved head, I want hair!" Glad my outlook changed. It really was just me being tired of the limitations that opened up my mind to considering the shaved look. As for the 50,000 to 60,000 grand. Yes I went to a salon. I had to "buy hair" every two years for about 3000. Then I would go get it reattached every other week for about 110 a pop. Then plus tip to the girl, then consider all the products I purchased. So yes, I know some people clean and attach their systems themselves...shit I wouldn't want the stress of that. Hope this helped a bit more, and please continue to ask away.
  14. Hello all. I recently posted my story in the SMP section of the forum. I felt like I should create a more detailed account of my experience wearing a system and why I switched to SMP. I started losing my hair around 15. At the tail end of 19 is the first time I wore a system. The first place I went to "Mr. Carmines" I think it was called sucked. The system lifted easily, and when I put product in to style it, it became rock hard. I could literally dive under water and come up with my hair still perfectly styled. It looked like shit too. I could go on about it more but lets move to when I switched to J.A. alternatives. Immediately there was an improvement in system quality. So at first I was super happy...but not for long. The first style of system I used with them didnt hold too much better than what I go at Mr Carmines. That is to say, if I sweat too much or stayed under hot water, or washed too "hard" it was likely the front was going to lift. This is the biggest worry about wearing a system. Is the front lifting??? can people see my system?? During this period I RARELY washed my hair in fear that the front would lift. So basically for the two weeks between getting my system reattached I would never wash my hear and just keep applying more product to restyle each day. And you can imagine the feeling in the pit of my stomach every time I noticed my system lifting..ugh. I can remember literally hiding out for days on end until my next appointment to get it reattached. This lead to extreme dandruff and a red irritated rash across my forehead right under where the system attached. So life wasn't much better. Sure I was no longer "balding" in appearance. But if anyone had any idea I was wearing a system it was during this time. A few years in JA developed a newer (more expensive of course) system. So I tried it out and was SUPER PLEASED! This system held much much much better! And looked better, and the hair was better quality. I can say during the 11 or 12 years I wore the new system it very rarely lifted up front. However there were times the back would lift. And while that was not noticeable to the naked eye it was always a worry when meeting girls and having them run their fingers through my hair. Now, while the new system didnt lift up, the glue "bleeding through" the front was a constant issue. Each time I would plead with the girl doing my "hair" to try to get the system to lay at the tip of the glue so that the left over glue wouldn't become a problem. Well she's only human and more often than not I dealt with a sticky hair line. Often after about a week the excess glue would start to bunch up along the hairs in the hairline. A couple times I got questioned about it and would write it off as gel. Now, with the newer system, since it held better I did begin to wash the sides of my head (my real hair) a few times every two weeks. Also, thanks to an ex, I discovered those little paper oil face wipes, and would use that along my hairline (which was constantly sweating). Thus, the rash and dandruff problem went away making me a bit happier. I can honestly say I don't think most people knew I was wearing system. Even though it didnt always blend in well with my existing hair, and the color would fade often (another constant expense). Although certain people I would always catch focusing on my hairline while they talked with me. The people at JA tried to convince me it was just them admiring my hairstyle. But I knew it was that something didnt look quite right to them. But life sucked. I didnt do a lot of the things I loved. If I had to travel I would have to plan to get my hair done before my trip. And there was always the fear of what if they cancel on me before I have to leave! I stayed out of the sun like a vampire. Sweat was my enemy. So along with that I didnt engage in physical activities. I would never rest my head back against head rests, and even slept in awkward positions to try to prevent the chances of the back of the system being pushed up. The only time I would wear a hat is if my system was looking super shitty and I had an appointment coming up. Otherwise wearing a hat was dangerous because you'd sweat, and then when I took it off it would lift the front of the system. I remember walking into work on a snowy day and a coworker suggesting I leave my hair styling products at work so I could wear a hat in the cold and not worry about messing up my hair...little did she know. Playing with my niece and nephew wasn't as fun because A. I didnt want to sweat as much, and B kids always reach for hair. I did tell a few girls I got into seriously relationships with and they never minded. However when you're first getting to know someone its a constant worry if they can tell and if they can or when you tell them, what will be their reaction. I would rarely go swimming. And if I did I needed to make excuses as to why I didnt dip my head under the water (oh its such a hassle to style my hair and I'm going out later). Anyways...I can literally keep going. The end point...while wearing a system did give me more confidence than feeling bald, it came with its own worries, major stresses, limitations and most of all extreme costs. So finally, I discovered SMP...researched that and last summer ripped off my system and got SMP done. As far as I know everyone I know who I never told about my system thinks I just shaved my head. (A testament to the system...I can't knock it completely). More importantly, those who did know I wore a system tell me I am a changed person. They say I'm more comfortable in my skin. I no longer constantly sweat on my for head. I don't care if people reach for my head, I don't care if its too hot and humid, I can stay in the pool as long as I want, sleep in any position I want. No one stairs at my hairline anymore. And now I could give a shit less when people discuss my head. Because the only question I get now is "Why do you shave your head? you have such a great head of hair!" No more "haircuts" every two weeks. No more glue, no more worrying about SHIT! I'm free. I'm happy...and the 50,000 to 60,000 grand I spent on hair systems over 14 years...well thats the past. If you're thinking about a system please be warned. It's not as easy as placing hair on your head and everything is fine and dandy. Systems still might be the best choice for some hairloss suffers. But if you're an active person...look into other options. Systems are expensive, and super super super high maintenance and even the best ones that might "look real" come with a shit load of worries and limitations. If you have any specific questions I'd be happy to answer.
  15. Here you go. A quick pic. I shave down to the bone with a razor, sometimes an electric foil shaver. I go for the complete shaved look. What I'm left with is a beautiful shadow that suggests hair is growing. Like my previous story, many times people ask WHY!? why shave a beautiful full head of hair??? I just want to point out, on the right side of my hairline it looks like there is a chunk missing. That is just the lighting of the picture, not extreme fading, or some funky hairline style.
  16. Hello everyone! I just signed up today. I know the first thing everyone wants is pictures and I promise I'll get some up after the gym tonight. The gym! I can actually go to the gym and sweat as much as I want thanks to Jonathan's BEAUTIFUL SMP. My story in short...Started receding at 15. Was wearing a system by 19. For 14 years I dealt with the cost, frustration and limitations that come with wearing a system. Last summer had SMP done by Jonathan and I have a new lease on life. While waiting for my pictures I will leave you with a story fresh from today. Was at the grocery store. When I got to the check out the girl bagging the groceries says "You have so much hair why do you shave it?" Took me off guard so I said "Im sorry?" And she repeated, "Why would you shave your hair?" Yes, she asked why I shave my HAIR. I responded "I like the look, trying to bring out my inner Pitbull" and she got a laugh out of that. Point of the story. If you're on the fence about SMP, thats what you should expect if you get it. If you go with someone talented like Jonathan you'll end up with a result that looks super natural. And the only annoyance will be having to explain yourself over and over as to why you shave you "hair." Until later! Could someone kindly inform me how to post photos from my desktop?
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