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Posts posted by Dutchie

  1. FHT,


    If you were between Norwood 6 & 7 when you got started then most of the hair that has fallen since then must be the transplants right?


    Wondering how much donor you have left and if you had FUHT or FUE?


    If the hair that you have been losing are in fact transplanted hair, then it's very possible that your donor supply is DHT receptive and why it has been lost.


    It would be very practical for you if you can have your donor hair evaluated for that purpose, determining if it is suitable for transplantation

    ^^^ this is possibility #1


    Possibility #2 is you're getting older and the diameter of your hairs are getting a bit thinner. This will often give the appearance that you're losing your hair, even though you're not

  2. Oh, he is definitely an idiot, just like George Bush. Trump inherited his fortune, he didn't make it

    Not true. He inherited some money from his dad, then almost went bankrupt, and then worked his way out of that to become a multi-billionaire. Very few businessmen couldve done what he did


    Infact if you look into his finances you'll see he is actually in a lot of debt

    You have clearly not looked into his finances. He is not in debt, he is worth over $9 billion.

    How can you be in debt with a net worth like that??!! :confused:

  3. Hey,


    I start seeing some very early growth after 7weeks..

    And i can see new growth up to the 4 month 1 week mark where i am now.

    I think month 5-7 will bring me to my expactions..


    So id say for most guys 7 months!

    But its important to note most of that hair will be either stubble or very short hair, so you wont get any cosmetic benefits till the hairs have grown longer around the 10-month mark

  4. Its a crapshoot bud. I was down to Konior and Shapiro. Both had really long waits. I got totally lucky and a cancellation came through and I needed to make a decision to fly two weeks later. Around that same time Wong had a cancel too.


    Stay positive, anything can happen even if the initial answer isn't the best. The more flexible you can be the better ;)

    Staying positive is my middle name right now, bro. Law of Attraction and stuff.


    I even started doing their scalp laxity exercises.......LOL:



  5. One thing that impressed me about Hasson and Wong is the quality of their presentation. They only show high definition photos and video. In fact when you actually meet a patient they always look a lot better in person. Its about giving the most honest and accurate before and after so that a person can make an accurate decision

    How long is their waiting list though, Lorenzo?? :o

  6. so some questions,


    why do some people have failed hair transplants,what has gone wrong ?

    If you go to a world renowned doctor the chances of having a shitty transplant are less than 1% (thats just my guesstimate). Its only the amateur doctors who give transplants a bad name


    I understand ,genetically we all have different amount of "sweet spot" donour hair, how much can this vary from person to person ? one can have 1,000 only,others 6,000?


    some are turned down /not considered good candidate, so some have no donour hair? how is this? is there a way to tell yourself if you have good donor hair?

    Unless you're completely bald like Pierluigi Collina everyone should have at least some donor hair. Even if you're a severe Norwood 7.


    And if you have limited scalp hair they can now transplant body hair and even beard hair on your head


    I understand ,genetically we all have different amount of "sweet spot" donour hair, how much can this vary from person to person ? one can have 1,000 only,others 6,000?

    It depends how far down the Norwood scale you are. Only way for us to tell is if you post pics of your head from all angles. My guess is at age 34 you will probably have a lot more than 1,000 grafts available though



    some are turned down /not considered good candidate, so some have no donour hair? how is this? is there a way to tell yourself if you have good donor hair?

    Many good HT doctors will still treat a Norwood 7, even if that means transplanting beard hair or body hair.


    Here's a guy who had 2,000 body hairs transplanted:


    There are many more such examples on youtube

  7. What's the reasoning exactly. Everything I've been readying is saying that Finasteride and Propecia are basically the exact same?

    Finasteride is the chemical name of the active ingredient.

    Propecia is the trade name they gave their product.


    Think of it like this, Evian is the trade name for water in a bottle.

    So if you were to compare the two it would be like:


    Evian = Propecia

    Water = Finasteride


    To further confuse you Propecia also goes by the name Proscar

  8. Dutchie,


    Thanks for your interest in Hasson & Wong. My colleague James is in Toronto on January 15th to 17th. If you want to drop me a email with your details I can help get that arranged for you to see him. david@hassonandwong.com

    Absolutely POSITIVELY do I wanna meet up with James when he's in Toronto.


    I've pretty much made up my mind already that I wanna do a megasession with you guys. We just have to agree on a price, and availability.


    I'm assuming H&W has a pretty large waiting list, am I right??

    Are we talking 4 to 5 months??


    Check your message box, please Garageland

  9. Which Doctor said you can't wear a hat post op for the first two weeks? Our patients leave the clinic in a loose fitting ball cap. Beanie hats should be avoided for the first 4-5 days post op until the grafts are secure and the incisions have dried. But every clinic has it's own post op instructions.


    Nice idea about the scrubs though

    Dr. Jones said no hat for at least 10 days, and also not put on any Rogaine for the first 10 days.


    But I've heard other doctors say putting on Rogaine is good the next day after surgery because it helps with shock loss, so I guess there is no clear cut rule for all this

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