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Posts posted by Indi9

  1. If you do it once, more than likely you will have to do it again. At the same time you have to preserve the rest of your remaining naturally grown hair which would obviously diffuse continuously leaving you with a very patchy looking head.


    Best is to avoid it. Go ahead only if you can take medicines(bare minimum finasteride & multivitamins and minerals supplements) you can avoid minoxidil. The HT surgeon will prescribe these even after the surgery for the first 6 months at least to promote growth. I have known of FUE cases where folks who did not take the medicines did not get good growth.


    Look for non surgical treatmemts and commit to HT only if you can take atleast one more shot at it. That said the pics will help!

  2. Yes. 2500 graphs. I am not sure how to answer your question but I am happy with my results.


    Was going through your other thread where you mentioned that the Doc said way over 3000 grafts


    "To my surprise, Dr. Diep had to come in serveral times because the nurses had started they had hair follicals left and all the holes were taken up. At the end, Dr. Diep stated that he did well over 3000 follicals for me, of which I was sooo excited to hear! He was able to do the front and the rest on my dome. So overall my experience at the office was please. Dr Diep was great, and the nurses were great!"


    Plus the ACell shot... I guess that could be the differentiator here in making the result what it is... Simply Mind blowing. Otherwise its hard to believe how Dr Diep could achieve this outcome with just 2500-3000 grafts. And do you know the liquid Dr. Diep uses to hold the grafts...is it saline or the ATP (Liposomol ATP) liquid to hold the grafts while they are sitting out and for spraying on for the first few days after the HT Op. Will be great to know if this was the case.


    So it has to be 3000+ grafts and the A Cell shot (Plus the ATP if it was used). Did he provide any specific medications to promote hair growth other than Rogaine and Propecia ? Any supplements or shampoos ?


    All said and the result is fantabulous! Happy for you!

  3. There is no substitute to Due Dilgence... One has to do it, on the parameters listed. You don't just got to one doctor just like that. There is a process and all the parameters listed on this thread must be considered and then one finally goes with the ONE he is comfortable with and the ONE he feels will provide the most promising result fitting in the budget one has.

    Through the consultation process one is able to clarify and understand nitigrities. And as we all are different the choices we eventually make for the same set of doctors also differs.


    Any HT aspirant must make a checklist of items discussed on this thread for making his decision.

  4. The real comparison of the technique is when all other variables are made constant. So you put the best FUT against the best FUE outcome. There again the variable will be the patient which is a huge one because of the variation in how one reacts to a treatment.


    So net-net just focus on the outcome and chose either one as a procedure based on your comfort with the best in business doctors...coz they are the ones who give excellent results. And try to meet with people who have undergone this journey they have some valuable advise and insights. No better teach than experience!

  5. Here are some concerns - or at least issues to consider - before jumping on a plane.


    Poor communication and misunderstanding with doctors and staff if they do not share your native- language.


    A lack of understanding about medico-legal comeback or standards in said foreign country.


    The requirement for further return journeys for any follow-ups or repair work should it go wrong (and to be cynical - the potential for the doctor not to give too much concern for a patient he's botched to be able to do anything about it from 5,000 miles away and pursue any action in a country from which he has no legal knowledge, no language or contacts).


    And of course to a lesser extent the hassle or travelling when you're feeling vulnerable/in pain/woken up in bed in an foreign country realising you've made a horrible mistake (which I'm sure we've all done in some capacity).


    These things are worth factoring into any decision you make about medical procedures abroad.


    Definitely things to be considered. But lets look at them a bit in detail...1 by 1.


    Communication - Important one. Culturally we all differ a bit based on where we come from, surroundings etc... However, look at Medical tourism expanding, other industries expanding...The world is now Flat. You get what you want from anywhere at the best possible price. People undergo much more complex surgeries travelling abroad.


    Legal - In the current system in any country the doctors do make you to sign there standard documentation which safe guards them in case things don't turn out to be as expected. So a patient typically can't do much if any cosmetic surgery does not turn out to be what was expected or sold to him/her. Assumption here is that one would choose the clinics properly who usually have experience on handling dissatisfied customers and accordingly safe guard themselves against all eventualities.


    Repair and follow up - That's the big one and must be factored into the decision as one would might need to go back on a case by case basis. This one is the ONE! (So factor it into your Business Case when planning)


    Travelling post op - Important one but how much of that is a real issue. There are so many people on the forum here who have travelled long distances with out any issue. Besides one could avoid it by staying for a extra few days at the place of transplant to avoid any issues. All the clinics & doc already market their skill saying in a week's time one could resume normal life with instructed care ofcourse. So no big deal with travelling.


    At the top of the list (I intentionally kept at the bottom) is the "Business Case".

    We all have limited wealth and so many responsibilities to shoulder. And we must spend it wisely! If one can get the same quality for less amount why not go for it. There will always be some trade offs but no gain without pain. The Business Case eventually makes or breaks depending on Risk & Benefit analysis.

  6. Let's put the multiple aliases issue aside for the moment and just consider the accusations made by the patient... Are we sure that those were false accusations and the clinic is completely clean?


    It also brings me to think more in detail on such issues, assuming that the patient can be victim too some times. There has to be a way through this forum or outside where the post op service from the clinics is also assessed and used in continuation of formation of the recommendation on this site. We could possibly poll it but then again the issue of multiple aliases could derail the poll/survey results. It's very difficult sitting on the fence to take anyone's side.

  7. Its more than just wrong bud, its called stealing. That practice is completely unacceptable and should not be tolerated. I have always felt that any business that engages in such a practice should be shut-down and the owner thrown in jail. When Dr Rahal performed my surgery, he estimated 2,500 grafts, and that is what I paid for. He ended up falling short and only getting 2,245 grafts. He refunded me for the 255 grafts he never harvested. If he had lied and told me he got 2,500, I wouldn't have known, but rightly so, he was completely ethical.


    Dr. Bhatti did the same to one of my friends...refunded a large amount right after the surgery as he did not harvest that no. Of grafts as planned initially.

  8. You donor looks good to me. At least par with average density. You have strong sides too so the will be able to harvest enough grafts easily. In some pics it is dififficult to beleive that all pics are of the same person...lol


    Dr Konior is great choice. How much each graft cost you ? Keep massaging the donor.Dr Konior will advise pre op instructions.

    Good luck!

  9. Ye!!! Congratulations on your procedure. So you'd be sporting the Rahal hairline soon. Ya two days postop is enough time before you can fly. Since its FUT u might need more time for the donor healing but that should not be an issue travelling back. Make sure u carry a travel/neck pillow and documentation for airport clearance. Happy growing mate!!!

  10. You're going to read about experiences and opinions, not a verdict.


    Everyone responds differently so some will respond favorably from these treatments and some will not.


    We are talking about a solution to hold the grafts while they are outside the body (better than what the conventional Saline liquid does). The spraying of it post op is a secondary use. This can't be left to a hit and trial or luck by chance. If it holds grafts better while they are outside the body then there has to be some proof of it doing better. While experiences of some suggest it works better than saline.


    Why then most of the clinics still use saline to hold the grafts? Clearly there is a difference of opinion which has to be driven with lack of evidenc. Otherwise who doesn't want to bet on a winning horse and make their own results better.

  11. There is no reason why a surgeon would not let you count them. You are going to be paying for each one of them. I ran into an article on Dr. Bhatti's site ... go through the last paragraph where he says


    "Ensure this by making the payment only after the harvesting of grafts is complete and you have counted the grafts".


    I am sure there are & will be other genuine surgeons like him (On another thread saw Dr. Bisanga offering to do touch up/second procedure for low yield, which can be due to numerous reasons, Dr Vores offering to take HD/high res pics etc..) who would allow you to take pictures of the grafts and count them if you'd want to.


    5 More Tips while Planning your Hair Transplant in India ? - Darling Buds Hair Transplant Center


    The question however is, would ONE go to a surgeon or clinic he doesn't think to be doing what they say ? If I have little bit of doubt about that, as then it will keep playing on my mind on so many other things (like density of transplanted hair or remaining donor bank left etc..) that you couldn't trust them for. Trust matters!


    Go for recommended surgeons...ones who do procedures daily. The practice works on trust and such pitty & shameful things(like cheating customers with incorrect no. of grafts, offering ) could only be expected at run of the mill clinics run by techs or non-medical institutes as a business trying to dupe you of your many and donor grafts both. In this business reputation is "Key to Survival" & "More(new) & Repeat Business"

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