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Posts posted by r5000

  1. I've been doing some intense research on hair transplant surgeons in Turkey for the fact that the ones in the USA are way to expensive. Dr. Resul Yaman has some decent work. The only thing negative I can say about Dr. Resul Yaman is that he uses a motorized hair extract machine and I have read that the manual ones are better, from what I see, most high price doctors in Turkey all use the manual ones vs the motorized powered ones for the reason of the motorized ones can cause damage to the hair follicle. Other than Dr. Resul Yaman using a motorized machine, I believe he is a great doctor..his work is good, they say he performs most of the surgery him self and he has good prices. Once I got enough money to blow, I'm probably going to go to Turkey for a few days and meet with different doctors and see which one I get the best vibe from, after all..this is a hair transplant we are talking about and once the doctor starts, there is no turning back.

  2. Dr. Keser has some excellent work, some of the best around but charges 3.50 euros per graft. But if you look at Dr. Resul Yaman work, you will see that his work is good, better than most clinics in Istanbul that advertise a lot over the internet but in my opinion, Keser seems to have a better looking hairline result. Dr. Resul Yaman does very good work, dont get me wrong..But Keser does the surgery with a hand tool instead of a power tool like Dr. Resul Yaman. I read that the manual hand tool is the better choice but to each it's own. Either way, both doctors are good..and if you are looking at saving money, Dr. Resul Yaman would be the way to go at 1 euro a graft with free PRP and all the other stuff.

  3. I'm from the USA, and it would take any where from 2-5 days or some times longer for these clinics in Turkey to reply back. And I've been in contact with many many clinics trying to get some info, questions & answers. I'm seriously thinking on going on a trip to Turkey so I can just meet and greet with some of these doctors, just to see what they say and to see what kind of vibe I get from them, after all..a hair transplant surgery is a serious commitment, once you start there is no turning back.

  4. I'm going to be 34 this year so I'm not a town man any more, I did take finasteride in my mid 20's for about a year and I did notice a slight difference. I wasn't losing that many hairs in the shower and my hair seemed to be thicker. I tried it for about a month recently and noticed that I wasn't waking up with errections and my errections didn't seem as strong so I stopped the medication. I'm all better now but I was affraid that if I kept taking finasteride, the side effects might get worse. I read online from different bloggers, some even younger than me that it also had an effect on their sex drive and errections. When I was younger I didn't have any issues with the medication but the older you get your body changes and that's understandable. I really want to do the transplant in turkey but now am really thinking about it since I will not take finasteride. I got online consultations from many many doctors and they all recommended around 2500-3000 grafts. only Asmed recommended 4400 which seemed a little high for me but he does great work so I don't doubt his recommendation. I am more than willing to try minoxidil and hoping maybe that will help for the shock loss and future hair loss. I am just happy to have the hair I got right now because I know men who lost all their hair by 25.

  5. I've seen some transplants pics online done with no finasteride or minoxidil after the surgery and the results looked great. I'm will to do minoxidil but won't chance my man hood with the finasteride since I already noticed some what of a slight side effect. FUE Hairline Clinic has a good video on their website of a man who did the transplant with no drugs or anything afterwords and his results were great.

  6. So what if you can't take Finasteride because your experiencing some what of the side effects? Does that mean you can't get a hair transplant? because I tried finasteride recently and right away noticed errection issues where I wasn't waking up with them like I usually do and my errections where not as strong as before. I stopped taking the medication and am back to normal now but all it took was that little slight errection issue for me to know that this stuff is not for me.

  7. It looks like the doctor did a great job, I am considering him as well. I got a response back from the clinic and they gave me a great price for 3000 grafts and considering another clinic that has great results but wants 8000 more euros and wanted to put 1500 more grafts. I do have some questions, does Dr. Yaman do most of the work or do the technicians do most of the work? also, is there any hidden fees after the price quote? thank you

  8. I had an online consultation from maral klinik in istanbul and they got back to me right away. his prices where great. he said Type 1 - 2 hair loss; requires 1500-3000 grafts for a dense coverage, depending on hairline design and location it may be more or less. The price is 2250 USD.

    Type 3 - 8 hair loss: The price is for the unlimited number of graft transfer, donor capacity may be 3000-5500 grafts. The price is 2400 USD.

    Price includes: (*We only accept cash in our clinic (EURO, USD or GBP)...


    i just copy and pasted from the email but long story short, i emailed him photos from my hair and he said that he didn't think i need a transplant and that yes im thining from the hairline but that it wouldn't be necessary for the transplant and that he doesn't recommend it. I am hoping Asmed gives me great news because I know I need a transplant and even doctors here in the USA said they would be able to work on me, why this doctor rejected me, who knows?

  9. I'm considering Asmed Clinic for a FUE hair transplant. The work they did looks great. Im from Los Angeles, over here a doctor told me I would need 2500 grafts and he wanted to charge me around $18,000 USD that is way too much money for me after hearing how much other doctors charge in other countries. Just wondering how much Asmed charged you if you dont mind me asking?

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