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Posts posted by growmehair

  1. I am 1 day post op and the itching is killing me!

    Well the surgery IS painful...everyone is different. I took the pain killers but find they don't have a strong affect on me. I did really feel like getting pinched all those times. I did however doze off through most of it which was the good part. But when i was awake...thats a whole other story. I also hit my head today which caused bleeding. I got very depressed after this incident and still am.

    This was my fault and not the Dr.'s and from what i understand i have lost some grafts icon_frown.gif

    The only issue now is to deal with the itching!

    The day of the surgery afterwards i felt very uncomfortable and nauseaous and began to question things. But the next day there isn't any uncomfortableness except the itching and trying to resist...

    So anyways these are my thoughts. Any tips for me? any thought?

  2. I am 1 day post op and the itching is killing me!

    Well the surgery IS painful...everyone is different. I took the pain killers but find they don't have a strong affect on me. I did really feel like getting pinched all those times. I did however doze off through most of it which was the good part. But when i was awake...thats a whole other story. I also hit my head today which caused bleeding. I got very depressed after this incident and still am.

    This was my fault and not the Dr.'s and from what i understand i have lost some grafts icon_frown.gif

    The only issue now is to deal with the itching!

    The day of the surgery afterwards i felt very uncomfortable and nauseaous and began to question things. But the next day there isn't any uncomfortableness except the itching and trying to resist...

    So anyways these are my thoughts. Any tips for me? any thought?

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