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Everything posted by srm73

  1. Thank you harin for liking the hair. In fact I am already getting compliments at my work from people that I told about my HT. They also say the same thing that if I hadn't told them about the HT, they couldn't tell that I had one.
  2. Hi Everyone. I am posting a closeup shot of my hair line. I would like to get your opinion as to what do you guys think of it. I personally think the line could be a bit tighter meaning the gaps should've been smaller.
  3. Thanks for the information Joe. Its not that I am not satisfied with the density, its fine but I just feel that at the very edge of the hair line there should've been more single hair planted close to each other to avoid having gaps between the hair. Now, at six months, I hope not all hair have grown and I will see more growth in the coming months, and eventually, a tighter hair line. I'll try to find a close up pic to show what I am talking about.
  4. I pretty much tried all the different routines for FIN but wasn't too lucky. I had sides each time I used it even after only 1 dose of 0.5 mg. I guess my body doesn't like it and I am one of the unlucky ones who get hit by the sides. I am really worried about my crown and top. I hope Rogaine alone is still going to help slow down the shedding.
  5. You think so baldheadedjohn? Well thanks. I am not sure if I like my hair line too much. Atleast at this stage. The gaps seem to be too big. I really hope hair are going to fill in more to reduce the gaps in the coming months. I am actually enjoying my new hair a lot. Just dont want to mention the Doc's or the clinic's name at this point for obvious reasons.
  6. Hi everyone. I am posting some recently taken photos for a 6 month update. As you can see the transplanted hair still seem to not match with the native hair. I hope they are going to completely blend with them soon. I am posting a before pic for comparison and a few others takes indoor and outdoor.
  7. You are right about this Shera. I am 42 and people normally are not on medication at this age. My doctor had to put me on it because of my unusually high cholesterol levels and my family history.
  8. Thank you for the reply Shera. My few hours of research has suggested that even Crestor can cause hair loss for some people. I am on "Rosuvastatin 10 mg" right now. I am going to see my family doc today to ask about my options. May be I could try getting off it 4 a little while and see if something happens or not. If it turns out to be the cause, I don't know if those fallen hair are going to grow back or not. Found another link: http://www.ehealthme.com/ds/crestor/hair+loss
  9. I have done a little research on this and have found that some people did experience hair loss because of these drugs. Here are 2 links: Hair Loss and Statin Drugs | Spacedoc.com https://www.druginformer.com/search/side_effect_details/crestor/alopecia.html
  10. Hi all, My hair loss has been really slow over the years until the past year and half or so when I started to notice baldness in my front and top. I ended up getting a HT in the front. But I am loosing hair fast on the top all the way to the crown area. I am on rogaine but had a hard luck with FIN as I had sides. Just today on my way to work, I started thinking about my options and ways to save my hair, suddenly it hit me that may be my hair loss is caused by the statin drung that I am currently on. I am taking it daily to keep my cholesterol under control. My question is that has this topic been discussed on these forums before? Can statin drugs cause hair loss? Any help is welcome. Thanks in advance.
  11. Thank you for all the information Garageland. Wao, it takes a long time for the hair to mature. About dying, I was talking about just doing it myself at home. I will contact my doc and see what he says. Thanks again.
  12. Thank you for the reply DD214. So my growth does look right. Thank God. I don't take very hot showers. Can you please tell me what "Nioxin" is? What about blow dry or dying the hair? I haven't done this since I got my HT.
  13. Thank you esrec for the reply. My doctor didn't recommend anything. In fact I totally forgot to ask him about the questions I asked here. We mainly discussed FIN usage which I am having trouble with. That was our main topic of discussion.
  14. Hi All. Its been exactly 5 months since my FUT HT. I had very little growth until I reached the 4 month mark. That's when I saw a noticeable difference. But I have a few questions about the newly grown hair. My first question is that roughly how much time it takes for their texture to become normal. They are wavy and have a wire like texture and are hard to style and they don't seem to follow the direction of a brush. I have been using brush gently on them, is it even safe to use a brush at this time? Some times it seems like the gaps between the hair specially the hair line has increased a little, could be my imagination but is it possible that the brush might have taken some hair out? Is it easy for the hair to come out? My 2nd question is that can I use hair dryer or color the hair or use gel? Is it bad for the transplanted hair after 5 months? Finally I want to ask everyone's opinion about the growth. Please see the before and after pic and tell me if this is normal for 5 months. I met my HT doc about 2 weeks ago and according to him, my growth looks good for 4.5 months. He said from this time on, they are going to get thicker and the small empty spaces should fill up. I really hope he is right . I'll really appreciate any comments or suggestions.
  15. I totally agree with harin. Even though my redness was gone in about 3 weeks, my scalp stayed dis-colored for about 2.5 months.
  16. I had FUT with 3000 grafts 5 months ago. In my case I would say about 70% transplanted hair didn't fall out. About 20% kept growing right from start and about 50% roughly started growing after 4 months.
  17. timetoact. Sorry to hear about the sides. As for me, I tried lowering the dose from 1mg to 0.5 a day, but still faced the sides. I don't want to loose my hair either and am really worried about it and not sure what to do. I am using rogaine daily though. For now, I have completely stopped using fin and sides seem to have gone. I have my second follow up with my HT doc in a few days and will ask for his opinion about it.
  18. Thank you biolizard and HTsoon for your inputs. HTsoon, I totally agree with your view on Minoxidil. I am using it twice a day for about 4 months now. Hopefully its going to make some difference. biolizard, I totally agree with you on your view on fin and the potential dangers it has. But its seems alot of people are having no sides from it and is working fine for them. I can also see that alot of people had problems with it and cutting the dosage worked for them. After all the research and getting doctor's opinion, I have decided to give it another try by cutting the dosage in half and see what happens. If I experience a slightest sign of sides, I sure am going to stop it forever. You mentioned that you are not happy with the way your recipient area looks right now. May I ask how long ago you had your procedure done? Are the bumps because of achene? I am asking this because I am 3 months a 5 days post op and also have bumps and mine actually keep moving. One day I have a bump on the left front side, a few days later its gone, but a new one appears at another spot. Plus I am still getting pimples. Not sure how much longer i'll have to go through this condition.
  19. Thank you matt3480 for your input and advice. I actually talked to my family doc and he also suggested the same thing. Reduce the dosage in half. I am giving it try right now and am on 0.5mg. Hopefully I wont experience any sides this time.
  20. Thank you for your input on this Spanker. Can you please elaborate a little more on "getting good yield". As for the side effects, I experienced a weak erection. So drugs do make a difference. Humm, may be I could try reducing the dose. I was taking 5 mg tablet cut in 4 pieces, so apprx 1.25 mg everyday. As for my site being bloody, its because the photo was taken aprx 12 hours post op and I hadn't started any of the post op treatments yet at that time. I definately am feeling a lot better now in terms of hair growth. So I guess patience is the key here.
  21. Thank you for the input. Wao, It really takes a long time for the transplanted hair to grow. Well, it sure makes me feel better thinking that I am not the only one.
  22. Hi everyone. I want to share my experience of HT that I had 2.5 months ago. For now I don't want to mention the name of the clinic or the doctor as its too early. I will post a separate thread in the before and after HT section with all the details later when I start to see any results. For now, I have a few concerns that I want to get some opinions on and will appreciate any comments or suggestions. I am going to give a little background about my hair loss. My hair loss has been really slow over the years but in the last year or so, I started seeing loss to an extent where I can call myself (Balding). That was the time when I started looking into my options. After quite a bit of research and 3 consultations, I finally made my decision to get an HT in the front, and start using Rogaine for the top and crown. I got 3000 grafts. My first concern is about fin which I have been using on and off as I experienced side effects. I stopped after 1 month of usage and re-started after about a 3 week break. To my surprise I was side effect free and was very happy thinking I am doing everything as suggested and hoping to have a full head of hair some day. Everything went well for about a month and a half I would say until just a few days ago, I experienced the side effect again. Now I am very depressed that I might not get the results by using Rogaine alone for crown and top. Anyone had any experience with using rogaine without the drugs and see results? My other concerns are my HT related. I started having achene in my recipient area about 2.5 weeks ago. Right now the pimples seem to have dried out but they have turned into like scabs. If I run my fingers in the area, i feel the bumps and it seems like hair are stuck hard in them. They can be viewed in the close up image that I have attached. I am afraid to mess with them thinking that I might damage the grafts. Any suggestions on how I can remove them? Should I even leave them as they are? They really bother me btw. Another concern I have a growth related. I want to get an honest opinion from every one about my HT situation right now. Is this what to expect after almost 3 months. I am only 6 days to go to complete 3 months. Right now, if I take a closer look, I hardly see any hair at the very edge of where the hair line is supposed to be. If you look at the 2.5 week photo, the one taken when I still had most of the scabs, a clear hair line can be seen. I hope all of those hair do grow back. Other than that you can see empty patches which I hope are the hair that fell off and are going to re-grow. i do see tiny hair in the recipient area spread randomly which might not be visible in the pics. Another thing I want to mention here is that I was told that all the transplanted should fall off within a few weeks post OP. In my case it seems like only about half of them or may be even less did actually fall out. Other seemed to have been growing and some seem to have no growth. Is this normal? Overall if you compare my before and after HT photos, I don't think you see much difference IMO. Is it mainly because I already had some hair in the area before the HT and are now getting camouflaged? Something a little off topic. Are there any people from the GTA area in canada on this forum? I will really appreciate any inputs, comments and suggestion everyone. Thanks in advance.
  23. I will ask the question again to every one. Has anyone seen any results by using rogaine 5% foam without any drugs like fin, proscar or any other?
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