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Posts posted by patrick1916

  1. Can you post photos in different lighting, at that length in certain lighting even those who haven't had FUE can see through scalp. I'm not saying you are or aren't overharvested, but pictures can always be deceiving. I also wouldn't say that your donor looks unnatural, there are plenty of guys who have similar density never having surgery just take a look at this thread. http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/169381-weak-donor-area-pics-attached-any-advice-2.html


    Best of luck and please consult with some doctors in person before moving forward with a decision.


    Darker light there. That any better?




  2. Patrick1916, I am sorry you are having this issue. Both FUT and FUE are great procedures if the patient is well educated in what they can do and in the downside of either or both. FUE is not the newer procedure, it is a newer name for the old "plug" harvesting. In both harvesting methods a scar or scars are the result. In the FUT it is a long linear scar and if done well and healed well, the scar is many times extremely hard to find. In large FUE surgeries there are many small round scars that can give a "moth eaten or shot gun effect" with shorter hair styles. In neither can a patient expect to have the ability to shave without evidence of a surgery. With FUT if the incision is less than hoped for an FUE can be done to disguise it. With FUE little can be done because the donor area is difusely thinned. But there are other sources for more hair such as the beard!. The most efficient harvesting is done doing a strip first because more hair can be moved successfully with the least amount of waste and then use the FUE to finish it up if needed or desired. Both are good neither are perfect procedures. Many things also depend on the skill of the surgeon and clinic and what they use in surgery such as Acell which helps the body to heal with out as much chance of scarring. The benefit of FUE is less restrictions during the healing phase. It does not provide better or superior results. Be cautious about doing a second session without fully discussing your concerns about how it is now and how it is going to look if you do a second procedure.



    Thanks for the really good post. I'm quite despondent because I definitely need one more procedure. I wish I’d done more research and realised I’d be better doing FUT first. I just think the thought of a scar puts me off and think the healing process would be much harder. I’ll check out my options but fairly downhearted that I’ve been over-harvested.:(

  3. Seen an ad for this. Is it different to FUE. This is the email I got for it.


    Thank you for your enquiry into Hair Transplantation with DHI (Direct Hair Implantation) - the most Advanced Hair Restoration Technique Ever!


    Our Advanced Hair Restoration Technique and our Total Care System are designed to achieve three objectives each and every time.


    1. Do No Harm A simple, natural, procedure with NO INCISIONS or LINEAR SCARS.

    2. Natural Result each time.

    3. Maximum Density commitment.


    We have a track record of over 46 years in the field of Hair Restoration, having invented the DHI Total Care System to ensure that each hair follicle and facet of care is perfectly organized and delivered by our medical and consultant team to ensure that it produces the best possible natural results each and every time.


    With DIRECT HAIR IMPLANTATION we achieve over 95% growth versus 50% or less of the industry average .


    100% of our procedures are performed by Specialist Doctors trained by the DHI Academy NOT by technicians as is the case in 99 per cent of hair clinics world wide.


    The follicles are not divided or cut after extraction and no holes or slits are made prior to the implantation.


    We offer DHI DIRECT in different versions depending on your particular case, some examples including the 20% discount are as follows:


    Direct Small session for 2400Euro

    Direct Regular session for 4000Euro

    Direct Mega: Full day session for 5600Euro

    Direct Giga: 2 day session for 10,000Euro

  4. This looks like a classic sign of a over harvested donor area, Did you go to a FUE factory in turkey by any chance? This is where I hear of it happening the most.


    This is why people should always op for FUT 1st time it gives you more options.


    That being said if your hair Dosent improve keeping it short with a few rounds of SMP is a good cure


    What's SMP?


    I would look to some great repair doctors. Bisagna, cooley, shapiro, lupanzula. If you have a good beard, they be able to use that to repair the back of your head. That should be your first concern right now. Do not get another FUE.


    I wouldn't fancy a scar on my head to be honest :(

  5. I got a FUE transplant in August last year and am making progress on top and am looking to do the second one to cover the second part of the head (the back part). I had to send photos of my donor area to a the people who are doing the second transplant later in the year and it’s the first time in a while I’ve looked at my donor area. It seems very bare to me and just sent the pictures to them there and am worries that’s me done, which would be awful.


    Attached some pictures there for people to view for opinions.




  6. Lookin good Patrick. I remember the full regrowth on my first procedure took like 12-15 months. I'm all set to get my next one done in 6 weeks at Advanced Hair Clinic. As far as minoxidil goes, they told me I could use up until the day before the procedure- if you were on minoxidil, did they tell you something similar? I know there's many different opinions and forums on this, but I'm planning to stop one week before, since this seems to be the norm now.. although my first procedure the doctor advised 2 weeks. I just think one day before is not soon enough.



    But I'm totally stoked for my procedure with them!!


    Hi Ted, I never used minoxidil before the procedure but they did recommend using it and said to wait a week, not sure there would be much issue with it the day before tbh.


    Attached some pictures there from today after the morning shower, seems to be making progress.




  7. Another one just taken there. I'm happy enough, just probably like most I'm impatient for to see better results. There's lot of hairs there that don't seem to be growing quick enough, you can see them there. If they grow I can see decent coverage.


    I'll admit I wish I just went for the shaved option and got more done. Next one to do the back I'm gonna go shaved to get as much done as possible. People have got used to me in a cap so I'll get away with it :)


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