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Posts posted by HT-FUE

  1. There's loads of different answers to most of your questions from what I've read I can try answer some of them,


    1) apparently after 9 days the grafts are lodged and you can wash as normal like you did before the transplant without damaging them so at 1 month post op you should be fine, I'd still be abit gentle but maybe I'd just be abit more sensitive regardless if I'm told it shouldn't damage them as a lot of money has been spent to get them there


    2) again at 1 month you should be able to go back to your regime of shampoos you used prior to your hair transplant


    3) the clippers one is still a question mark as I've heard some doctors say after 2 week and some say 6 month so on this one my advice would be use clippers on donor and rest of scalp but get the recipient area cut with scissors just to be on the safe side of things for now


    4 + 5) again I'm pretty sure at 1 month you should be fine but in regards to working out I'd take it easy if you was to do so I.e don't be lifting heavy weights and/or over doing excercises


    Hope this info helps again it's just answers I've read while reading these forums I'm no expert


    Good luck with growth and if you could post pics that would be great my hair transplant is in October and I'd like to see what I'm in for haha cheers

  2. Very helpful info David thank you,


    A few questions on the link you sent, his first line starts with theres a study which shows MSM is safe for upto 12 weeks, so it's possible long term use of the tablet could be unsafe?


    I'll check when I'm home but I think my MSM tablets contain vitamin E so if this is the case I'll discontinue use until after my transplant



  3. obviously I bathed every day as a child too but my mother always used to say to me "skip the odd day from using shampoos as you're washing away all the natural oils and minerals which is bad for your scalp" I don't know if it was ever true but about 2 sometimes 3 times Id bath through the week I would avoid using shampoos and only shampoo and condition about 4-5 of the days in the week? Just to give my scalp a break.


    Is this true it's not great for your scalp? So don't under wash it, don't over wash it just somewhere inbetween maybe? Or is washing everyday not a problem?

  4. Hi,


    Might sounds stupid but I hear everyone suggesting MSM and when googled it looks like the tablets are hair skin and nails tablet is this all they are?


    Also I've read you shouldn't take vitamin tablets before your hair transplant as it can cause bleeding is this true? And if so does that mean I should stop taking hair skin and nails tablets now as I have a hair transplant for the back end of October


    Thanks for any help

  5. Hi Johnny just read this entire thread was amazing,


    I'm booked in with dr koray erdogan in October for 3000 grafts, although it's not the surgeon I'm going with I still enjoy reading any fue story's/journeys on here that are well documented like yours.


    Hopefully I have great results like yourself and would love early growth as my birthday is around 5.5 months after getting it done haha


    You never got round to posting the pics at 18 months I don't think? Would be great to hear from you but if not I hope you're out there enjoying your life now you have an amazing head of hair, all the best my friend

  6. I hear what you're saying, I suppose I was lucky that in my 20's and 30's I pretty much had hair OK my hair -line was receding but I had so much hair it really wasn't obvious always had wavy curly hair so that helped I also realise at that your age your peers are more judgmental

    and in the cut and thrust of competition there's always some smart ass who will enjoy pointing out a balding head,


    Yeah there's always the one smart ass wherever you go, you're lucky to have had hair through those years though, nice to hear you wasn't cursed like me ;) hahaha

  7. This is very true, it is much more socially acceptable to be bald when you're older rather than younger, if you're bald and someone asks your age and you say 50 they won't raise an eyebrow, if your bald and 24 people immediate reaction is to be like "wow" although being bald sucks even if your 90, having hair is crucial in your 20's and once you hit your 30's a little hairloss becomes more socially acceptable, once your 40 a little more and once your 50, people tend to blame it on age, this is a social opinion, unfortunately as humans we are a part of this society and as such, social stigma matters, as much as people want you to wait until your in your 40's to get a transplant, they fail to realize you lost hair in your most crucial years, although not ideal I would prefer to have hair in my 20's and risk going bald in my 40's.


    Couldn't have said it better myself this is the point I was trying to make but I fully understand men at any age could have a hard time dealing with hairloss

  8. Yeah the hat scenario is awful,


    I'll clear up what I said I'm not saying it won't matter in my 40s 50s as I know a lot of men that age feel exactly as I do now my point been is at my age now mid 20s not many of my friends have lost there hair but once I'm older it won't be such a rare thing to see people your age that have suffered hairloss


    So I'd be a little more comfortable as it's a normal thing seeing 40/50 year olds that have suffered some form of hairloss. That's what point I was trying to make

  9. I'm not just rushing into a transplant I've been researching for 2 years, the way I see it is how I feel inside it does need fixing now, I'm really down at the moment and have been for years,


    I wear hats everywhere I go, paranoid someone will try pull it off my head, can't go out with friend unless it's somewhere I can wear hats. Won't go swimming, make excuses to not go on holiday. I'm wasting all these experiences and not been happy with my hair.


    The way I see it is, most of my mates have hair and I'd rather have hair now and when I'm in my 40s late 30s I wouldn't really care as most people by then would be the same and you don't get looked at funny.


    I've been scouting the internet for non surgical treatments, what can go wrong with fue, benefits of fue etc etc. my hair loss is stabilised at the moment yes it will progress in future but Ill have plenty of donor for more surgerys, I understand people may not see it as a big deal but from my point of view I've waited a long time, I've done my research, I'm taking fin and will be considering future surgerys when/if needed. I just want to share my experiences on here to help people as this forum helped me and Is the reason I'm going for a ht

  10. I have had other consultations, Lorenzo is out of my budget and dr korayy work is pretty impressive and also only 2.5 euro a graft so not expensive compared to some of the others. My hairless I put down to constantly using heat products 4 times a day (straighteners) as I grew it about 4-5 inches long, my family history for baldness is they all have hair apart from my dad,


    But I'm father only lost his hair when he got seriously poorly so again I wouldn't class it as genetic. I did used to lose the odd hairs but started taking finasteride as I thought it would improve my hair before a ht and give me better results afterwards. I hardly lose any hair when running my fingers through it now.

  11. I personally think you should be looking at more 1200-1500. Think about the future loss and donor capacity. You absolutely don't need 3000 for a comestic improvement.


    Thanks a lot for your response, the 3000 isn't set in stone it's just what dr koray has suggested from photos he might change his mind when I'm there in person, but I definitely do have the future in mind that's why I'm looking for other peoples thoughts on this situation of mine.


    So you reckon 1500 would give me a decent hairline?

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