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Hairy Godmother

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Posts posted by Hairy Godmother

  1. Steve_H:

    Hello and welcome!

    Have you seen a derm? I realize you have several things going on and have addressed them with a doctor, I assume your family doctor.

    However, I believe you should take your notes to a dermatologist and see what he/she comes up with. You may be surprised.

    I wish you the best of luck and I hope you will keep us posted with any updates.

    Take Care

  2. mmhce:

    Yes, let me say...


    This is not recommend for everyone. Of course, there are side effects to medications. I wanted to simply offer you some advice in response to


    I would like to be able to regrow some. Does anyone have any advice on other treatments?


    And question for mmhce,

    Where are you getting your information?

    The patient must run the prescribed course of the lesser one (in this case finasteride) carefully noting the side effects and measuring the benefits, before venturing to more potent chemicals.

    And, I ask this question sincerely, as I have not heard that this was a must until now. So, please do not take offense to the question...just wanted to inquire...

    Hoping to learn something new everyday! :-)

  3. Bill:

    I found this from April, if it helps at all

    I have no personal or patient experience with this medication. I do know there was an article published in 2005 (Archives of Dermatological Research) that studied 48 women with fine hair. After 9 months of study they concluded that it helped the hair gain strength, elasticity and mass. Other than this, I know of no other data to support its claim.


    Brad Limmer, MD/jac


    Limmer Hair Transplant Clinic


  4. rogaine/minoxidil, finasteride/dutasteride and biotin do help those with hairloss/miniaturizing hair. Now how much they help varies from case to case and to give them an adequate trial you need to be on them for the better part of a year. I suggest taking detailed photos every 3 months to track/measure your progress. Also, combination therapy works better than monotherapy. So if you want to judge effectiveness, you better plan on using more than one product and be consistent with their use for at least a year. Finally, if you like the results then you must stay committed to the medications.

  5. hairadv:

    Please understand I have your best interest in mind when I say this...

    You need to do WAY MORE research before deciding and personally I wouldn't schedule a consult unless I was fully aware of all the choices I have. Sometimes when you go somewhere for a consult you may not even see a doctor and you could get the wrong impression, information, etc. But while you are at your consult you are excited, ready to get going, and the next thing you know you are signed up for surgery with a non-refundable deposit. WOAH!

    Look at before and afters, talk to previous patients, watch a live surgery, talk to the doctor that does the procedure, and get several opinions. Be sure you understand all the methods available to you. There are different donor extraction (harvesting) methods, different planting methods, different closures, different healing processes (post op), etc...

    Most on this site will tell you the same.


  6. Sometimes folks will have a suture reaction and depending on the type of sutures used the reaction can vary. If you had absorbable (aka dissolving) sutures, your body could be "spitting" the suture, even at this late time. I won't go into huge details, but let us know what type of closure was used and maybe that could help us help you... :-)

  7. I agree 110% on calling your HT doc or any local derm.

    But since we are also throwing out some ideas...if you suffer from allergies or sinus drainage those things can throw off your sense of smell and even cause strange odors (but not in your hair or scalp) that you may belief to be coming from those areas.

    Just a note from a Texas girl, where our mold and allergen counts are thru the roof causing sniffles, allergies, and sinus infections left and right!!!

    But, do yourself a favor and contact a physician.

    Best of luck to you and take care!

  8. Hi Whats Up:

    Without photos, your question cannot be answered very specifically. There are a few factors that would need to be considered before you decide which route in best for you.

    Are the existing plugs in your frontal hairline area? Do you have enough donor area to soften the prior plug work. Were you wanting to recycle your previously placed plugs into follicular units? I would like to suggest posting some photos in order to give us an idea of your situation. Best of luck to you...

  9. hairadv:

    Welcome to the site!

    This site is full of information that can help you decide whether or not transplantation is right for you and can help you locate a physician. My advice to you is RESEARCH! And I mean RESEARCH all aspects of the procedure, the doctor, the post op, etc.

    Most on this site are here to help, so feel free to ask for it....


    PS-Please keep in mind you can get great results all over the world, so may I suggest when doing your research, do so without too much consideration of travel. Best of luck to you

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