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Hairy Godmother

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Posts posted by Hairy Godmother

  1. lol!

    I was talking to Dr. Brad about this a couple of weeks ago (the perm dermmatch concept). I think it could work, but only if the hairline was create by a hair transplant surgeon. I have seem some decent results, but yes it does seem that the weakness lies in the frontal hairline design...

    Like eyebrows, the tatooing looks better if you have some existing hair in that area.

  2. He advised that that pain/sensitivity was common

    I have a hard time with that...he actually used the word common? Even after the hospial stay and the nerve damage? Really? Or have you contacted him since?

    I think that I would have to say it seems very UNcommon. As we do not do FUE, I still have not heard of such pain. I just really wish all the best for you and a SUPER speedy recovery.

    Contact your HT doc and ask him how long the "common" side effect should last.

  3. difference between six months and one year was night and day.


    Very common, that is why it is a good idea to take photos at least every month.


    It is almost a weekly occurance that someone calls me and says...you were right I am a year out from my procedure and I can definitely see a difference, sorry to have questioned things at 6 months...


    But, I understand. Waiting is NOT fun!!!

  4. Sunchaser:

    That is terrible, I am sorry you are having such post op pain. Although you have chosen not to mention his name (and I understand) please notify Bill if this is a doctor recommended on this site.

    Have you had any contact with your HT doc? Has anyone been able to give you a reason why or how this is happenening?

    Be strong, it is tempting to slip into depression...but hard to get back to normal.

    I cannot imagine what you are suffering with and hope for a speedy recovery. Look to your friends and family for support and do not give up hope...

    Please keep us updated on your soon to come progress.

  5. miked:

    Just wanted to note, it amazes me that some of our 50, 60 and even 70 year old men patients who have been married anywhere from 30-50 years want to schedule this to where their wife's won't know they have had the HT. Mainly because they say their wife's would think they are being ridiculous. Then we have the opposite, the wife's that want to plan their husband's HT for them without telling them, usually a birthday present. They want to send in some photos and money without ever mentioning it to their husband. But, usually it is because they know their hubby wants the procedure but would never spend the money on it or he doesn't want to appear vain. lol.

    And on several occassions we get the husband - wife HT day, where they both come in and get their ht done...

  6. mmhce:

    Thank you for answering my question. I always have to say a short prayer that I am not setting myself up for an attack...lol.


    Now, in your opinion are there people who may be a better candidate for dutasteride than finasteride? Or if they experienced any side effect with the finasteride should they consider dutasteride as an alternative?


    (quick prayer)

  7. Hi Joe Riley:



    He NEEDS to keep taking medication for the rest of his life. It will work...in delaying the miniaturization process
    mmhce, I agree


    I hate to see anyone at your age even having to consider HT. JR, I'm sure you have heard this many times, but I have to "go there"...the people who judge you by your looks, are shallow and probably people you don't really need to run around with anyway.

    We are our biggest critics, we find flaws in ourself that some people never would notice or would overlook. I am not implying your hairloss is "all in your head", you do have hairloss. However, lots of young men have hairloss and beauty people want to be their friends, girlfriends, wives, etc. And that is because of WHO they truly are, not because of how many strands of hair they have left...

    Quit being so hard on yourself, hairloss is not the end of the world for you. Assuming you are not a shallow person I am guessing you have friends with physical imperfections, such as weight issues, skin problems, missing limbs, etc. or that you would befriend a great person with one of these types of issues. Try not to be so hard on yourself. If addressing your hairloss is something you want to do for yourself, than go for it. However, if you want this for someone else or in hopes of be accepted by someone who would not accept you the way you are (with your current hairloss), please re-think this. TAKE CARE...

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