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Everything posted by anoniemjd

  1. How did you decide who to pick as your "Hair doctor"? I live all the way in Belgium and searched the web to decide what I should do (what procedure) and then where (nobody messes with my hair ;-) Anyway as most of us I opted for the FUE technology and decided to go for the Prohairclinic in Berlaar, Belgium. It was conveniently close to where I live, the price was acceptable and foremost I got a good feeling (I hope it stays this way after the procedure ;-). At least, the guy was honest enough to recommend less Grafts, by stating that yeah more is better, but if he were in my shoes he would save the money and also keep the donor area more in tact to perhaps harvest in the future if deemed necessary (ok, you could also say that is just smart, keep them coming for more ;-). But i believed him nonetheless. It will be a 1 day operation (~2300 grafts) on the 6th of August, I'll let you guys know how it went ;-) I am excited, allthough I know it will take a whole year to really enjoy the result. Good luck with your recovery!
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