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Posts posted by MAW99

  1. You mean I shouldn't trust the opinions of random people I've never met in my life?


    I was just amazed at how adamant the kids were in their immediate dislike of the idea. That's why I was curious if anyone else has faced a family of doubters. I'd rather be upfront with my family when I finally work up the courage to get my procedure done. Seeing that poor guy's family attack his wishes was not a fun experience.

  2. I've posted a couple of questions in this forum due to my uncertainty about going through with a transplant. I don't worry about the doctors performing the transplants. I'm just dealing with my own fears about the surgery, recovery time, etc.


    I was having lunch yesterday when the table next to me got in a heated debate because the father of the group announced (loud enough that the whole restaurant could hear him) that he wanted a hair transplant for Father's Day.


    His kids acted like their dad had announced that he was a serial killer in hiding. They tried to convince him "it isn't cool", "you'll look like a creep trying to pick up girls in their 20's" and "you're too old for this idea".


    Their reaction doesn't really fill me with confidence to move forward. Has anyone else faced a family full of doubters? Did you care about their opinions?

  3. I live thousands of miles away from my family. They are all located in the South and I'm on the West Coast.


    I only see them maybe once or twice a year at family gatherings and trips they make out here for vacation.


    It seems my balding head is the main part of my appearance they want to discuss with me. There is hardly any talk about my career, friends and life in general. We discuss those topics if I steer the conversation in that direction. If not, it's all talk about "why don't you get a transplant", "you're the person with the least hair in our family" and "does it bother you to have so little hair".


    Does anyone else have this issue with their family members? I love my family but their constant talking about my scalp doesn't do much for my self-esteem.

  4. Are you thinking about having a procedure? I have been considering it but I'd be very interested in your opinion.


    I've just been navigating the waters of the various options for transplants. I am little to none on top with thick hair on the sides and back.

  5. I appreciate all the feedback so far!


    I had one of "those days" yesterday where I had a ball cap on the gym and had 5 or 6 people (men and women) chatting with me as went about our workouts.


    Two hours later I'm waiting in line at a store and no one even looked my way much less talked to me. I was the only person in line without a full head of hair. Coincidence? Maybe. Maybe not.


    For procedures, I'm not worried about the money aspect of it. (I'm not rich but I can make it work) Is there any great level of pain or discomfort from your procedures?


    Sorry to be Captain Questions!

  6. Hello everyone!


    I'm very curious about the world of hair transplants. I'm in my late 40s and have been reading up on transplants. My story in a nutshell:


    1. Stared losing my hair in my mid-late 20's

    2. I have little to no hair on top but have plenty of hair on the sides and on the back of my head. I keep it cut short because if I let it grow out it gets poofy and I look like a mad scientist from a 40s monster movie. :eek:

    3. I don't want to go "nuts" with hair on the top because it will be obvious I have a transplant. Having said that, it is my head and I would welcome some more on top.


    I can't say I've been bothered by my lack of hair since it's been that way almost half of my life. Yet lately I've been thinking about having the procedure. I am getting tired of feeling like the oldest guy in the room (looks wise) on job interviews.


    I guess my general questions are...Has your life and self esteem changed in the way you thought it would after your transplant? Any regrets? Any advice on the best procedure to ask a doctor about? (I'm not looking for the names of good doctors but your opinion on the different procedure options)


    I appreciate your time in reading this post. Any comments are greatly appreciated!



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