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Everything posted by LoneWolf

  1. Keep the updates coming! This is very helpful. Can you share what Dr. Nader's graft prices currently are? When you crossed from the US into Mexico, did you have to fill out an FMM form to enter Mexico, or did they just wave you through?
  2. Your results look great! Thanks for the updates. I'm considering Dr. Nader, so this has been very helpful.
  3. Apparently Lipogaine has removed ketoconazole from their formula. They've also introduced a new Purple Label Big 3 shampoo. It doesn't have ketoconazole either, but they claim the purple label has more natural ingredients. Has anyone tried it? If OTC ketoconazole products go away, what OTC ingredient(s) should we look for next? Tea tree oil? Coconut oil?
  4. I guess I'm so used to trying to conceal my scalp, and combing my hair back is the absolute worst way to conceal it. So, it's hard for me to imagine doing it. I'm actually scheduled for a 3000 unit FUT procedure next week. I've got some very thin hair on top, but not much, especially around the hairline. Within a year or so, should I expect a procedure of 3000 grafts to allow me to comb my hair back without being able to see the curvature of my scalp? My doctor said that my donor area density is right in the middle(not the highest, but not the lowest), and I would say my hairs tend to be thin to medium, but not thick.
  5. If I want to, for example, comb my hair to the right, does the doctor need to know that and place the hair in such a way to make it possible? I ask because it seems like almost every "after" photo shows the front of the hair combed almost vertical. I would never style my hair that way. Are these "after" hair styles intended to provide the most visibility to the transplanted hair, or are the hairs transplanted in such a way that they force this near vertical frontal hair style?
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