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Posts posted by notjustyet

  1. You know how you read about resting phases of hair ect...heres something I found interesting. About 2-3 months ago I buzzed my body hair to about an 1/8 inch...everywhere.


    I noticed my arm hair even three months later is not fully grown back. 1/2 of the hairs are longer ande look normal length but about 1/2 are still the same length as when I cut it...isnt that strange? So it got me thinking that YES, I would have to try fin for at least 6 months probablly to see a difference on my head hair....if my arm hair can take that long to grow then maybe my head hair can take just as long to react to fin and show results....

  2. Just to show how silly complaints of side affects can be here is my experience with generic Fin:


    I first tried it a year ago and after a few weeks felt I got headaches and that it was destrpying my hairline..thats some of the sides I read about so i panicked and quit after a couple months...


    fast forward almost a year later and my hairline was still receding so i decided fin wasnt teh issue. i got back on and ever weary of side effects I paid close attention...this time no headaches but an increased sex drive with stronger than normal erections..what a joke..if there was ANY real side effects they would have repeated themeselves...no headaches nothing negative..


    I take generic fin from Publix/kmart..something like $5 a month... I cut the proscar into halves and take mon, wed, friday.


    So basically my experience is no true sides..doesnt seem to help the hairline, seems to help the crown a bit..Ill try it for 6 mponths and see...

  3. The testicular part just didnt need to be disclosed...I have balls...I know i can get cancer in my balls...I just dont know if Id want everyone to know I had cancer in my balls. In fact I have things right now that i wouldnt want anyone to know..thats just me I guess.


    I am for NOT disclosing someones medical condition...i think the testicals are a private part of a mans body and dont need to be brought into the discussion to make the point.


    Everyones different.

  4. Thanks Luca for posting...I understand ho wsome of the docs can ignore you...Ive been completely given the run around even on getting a consultation with some docs....How a business takes care of its UNHAPPY customers speaks far more to me than how they take care of the happy ones.


    I am all for fairness ect on this and other forums but there are soooo many cheerleaders for clinics on here and other sites i WANT to hear from the lucas of the world. Its a reality check.

  5. heres the ebay ad I bought it in...I am in no way assosciated with this except I bought it. its kinds small and wasy to use..the pins arent hat bad on the head and it takes 30 seconds to do your head...I use NO minox...supposedly I should still see some results..http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=360175906209&ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT

  6. So has anyone tried that roller for your head that has a bunch of .5 mm pins? I am just starting to use it..the one i got i paid $75 for and it has titanium .5mm pins. The idea is it causes superficial wounds to your scalp and promotes hair regrowth...its supposed to do even better when used with rogaine...

  7. Eric..


    Interesting response. I agree there are THREE sides to every story..his side, your side and the truth I am sure.


    I take exception to you saying he had Testicular cancer...how about just saying he had a medical condition that required chemotherapy which would affect hair growth? I mean your personally a careless or heartless person for disclosing this specific condition.


    In your neat and tidy defense you fail to explain why you had him fly in for a scheduled surgery day and no one was there. I think that says alot about your business.


    Just my thoughts. personally I read so much negative stuff on Armani I am sure at least some of it is true.

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  8. Hi all..Over a year ago i started to work out pretty hard and a couple months in I noticed a dramatic receding of my frontal hairline. Nothing major as I am still a 2.5 but It was thinning quickly. I chalked it up to icnrease in testosterone from working out. So I reduced my wieght lifting and started generic propecia. The hairloss continued for teh next couple months and i read how propecia can make u lose your hairline while regrowing or stoping loss on top..so i stopped Propecia...things settled down but recently I noticed a continued receding hairline so i figured what the heck and got back on propecia...I take 1.5 mg every other day.


    Does anyone have personal experience to say whether propecia dos actually increase hairline loss even though its proven to reduce recession on top? I know the two areas of hair are more susceptible to either test or dht...



  9. Hi all..Over a year ago i started to work out pretty hard and a couple months in I noticed a dramatic receding of my frontal hairline. Nothing major as I am still a 2.5 but It was thinning quickly. I chalked it up to icnrease in testosterone from working out. So I reduced my wieght lifting and started generic propecia. The hairloss continued for teh next couple months and i read how propecia can make u lose your hairline while regrowing or stoping loss on top..so i stopped Propecia...things settled down but recently I noticed a continued receding hairline so i figured what the heck and got back on propecia...I take 1.5 mg every other day.


    Does anyone have personal experience to say whether propecia dos actually increase hairline loss even though its proven to reduce recession on top? I know the two areas of hair are more susceptible to either test or dht...



  10. As for everyone who says you get what you pay for...thats not entirely accurate. What you ARE paying for is perception and the effects of supply and demand. In many instances the majority of a hair transplant is done by techs..not the skilled doctor whose high rates you are paying anyways. Its okay to shop around but base it on results first..then price.

  11. Hi All,,



    I am interested in having several smaller HT sessions so that I can recover quicker, hopefully be able to hide it better than a larger session. I really just want to thicken up what i have and maybe bring down the middle hairline a small amount. I am 36 and probably will have some more thinning. Whats my norwood anyways? I was told a 2.5,


    I got one consultation and they said 2500 grafts.


  12. Dr. F,


    I understand what you are saying. is the lunchtime fue a procedure you still do as an option for those of us who are interested ? Really I am only looking to beef up my natural hairline at this point (nw2.5 ish), I am 36 but in time my hair will recede to maybe a NW3.5 at worse Id expect. So mega sessions I doubt Id ever need, plus I think the downtime with a small session is better than a lengthy time off from work. 200 FUE I am sure I could hide/recover from quicker than 1000. thanks

  13. The idea is its fue, so I want to see if there are white dots and how my head reacts to the whole process, if I get poor growth ect then maybe fues not for me...if the graphs are obvious and I dont like it then i deal with only 200 graphs i dont like and not 1000 ect. I see no downside really. any other thoughts? Id think 800 should show some improvememnt, I wonder if youd gone for 200 instead and got the same result it may have saved you some donor and money?

  14. I am glad to when I find a less than glowing revue of a doctors work..there is ssssoooooo much obvious pandering by paid showcases on the net its hard to find the other side.


    As for Fellers response..well it comes off as arrogant and less than accomodating, he is after all a paying customer. A short response saying, "hey, call me and we can discuss" would have went futher.


    And we are all big boys, its still okay as men to throw a few punches and not run outa the ring crying like little girls about who said what!

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