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Posts posted by jonrctim

  1. Since having my second HT i've been really itchy all round the back and sides of my head. My girlfriend says there seems to be lots of small red spots like a rash of some sort. Does anyone have any advice on what to do about this?? The topical solution my GP gave me only seems to supress it for a while then it comes back.

  2. Thanks for the advice Bill. I've read quite a few posts on here with people complaining that switching from the liquid to the foam caused quite a lot of shedding.


    I was basically using it to give the new transplanted hairs the best possible chance. Anything to make this one work as my first HT with AlviArmani 2800 FUE was terrible. Feeling quite desperate as my hair loss is really affecting me. I've also a lot of shock loss in the donor area this time as i opted for FUT. I'm getting quite close to the 20K mark on what i've spent on restoring my hair .... Cant keep this up.



  3. I'm a month and a half post op, 3000 FUT, and had the same feeling of serious tightness around the donor area above the ears. I had the staples removed after ten days and there has been no problems with the skin being stretched/loosened enough. Keep the staples in too long and you could end up with train marks for a good few months. Like biscuit says go with Dr Wong's suggestion to be safe.


    Did you experience any shock loss in the donor area??

  4. Thanks for the honesty Maxxy. I was just reading one of Spex's posts on shock loss - "Shockloss is something that can be experienced when transplanting into existing hair although highly unpredictable. Shockloss occurs when the native hair is weak and isn't strong enough to resist the trauma thats going on around it. More often than not the hair that has gone into shock will grow back but after 3/4 months - after the resting phase

    Hair that goes into shock and doesn't return is hair that was inevitably on its way out anyway and wasn't strong enough to return."


    Seems logical enough. What do you think??


    I imagine that if the worst came to the worst it would have to be an FUE repair job??


    Cheers for the reply.

  5. I've been told a few times that shock loss in the donor area is normal and can take about 3/4 months for the hair to return. I seem to have a few completely bald patches at both sides of my head just behind and above my ears. The cut running along the back of my head seems fine. I'm a bit concerned about this as i can actually feel nothing but soft skin in these bald areas and not even a hint of any hairs coming through. I took one members advice and i've strted applying rogaine in the donor area to see if that helps.


    Does anyone have any other tips or advice and is it a FACT the hair will come back??


    1.25mg Proscar Alternative days

    Rogaine 5% minox Twice daily

    Vit B One tablet a day


    2800 FUE Armani Oct 07

    2900 FUT Feller March 09

  6. I've been told a few times that shock loss in the donor area is normal and can take about 3/4 months for the hair to return. I seem to have a few completely bald patches at both sides of my head just behind and above my ears. The cut running along the back of my head seems fine. I'm a bit concerned about this as i can actually feel nothing but soft skin in these bald areas and not even a hint of any hairs coming through. I took one members advice and i've strted applying rogaine in the donor area to see if that helps.


    Does anyone have any other tips or advice and is it a FACT the hair will come back??


    1.25mg Proscar Alternative days

    Rogaine 5% minox Twice daily

    Vit B One tablet a day


    2800 FUE Armani Oct 07

    2900 FUT Feller March 09

  7. Listen guys, thanks for you repsonses .... I like to think of myself as a man's man but this shit aint easy. I'll try and get some pictures on in the next few days.


    The difference between Armani and Feller was night and day. I travelled to Toronto for my procedure with Armani Oct 07 and he had me booked me in on a Bank Holiday!!! No one from his clinic contacted me to tell me this or advise that there had been a mistake. I returned the next day and was told i'd be done then. He did a 7000+ mega session FUE on a young Korean guy, 3000 FUE on an English guy who i still keep in touch with and myself 2800 FUE. I was in the clinic from 7.45am and i didn't leave until nearly 10pm. I didn't get the chance to really discuss with him what i was looking to acheive, probably he was too busy. I feel he basically lowered my hair line which in-effect has given me a larger area in total to cover. Just seemed more about getting the money than getting the results. I did contact the clinic to say i wasn't happy. I was asked to send in pics which i did, then i was asked to send in more pics but i just got the feeling i'd be wasting my time. I know the best i could hope for is that he does me again but i'm not sure i'd want that.

  8. I've been on finasteride (proscar) for about nearly three months now after a nine month break. Previous to that i had been taking it for about four years. I'm pretty sure it was slowing the process down.


    Just started to apply Regaine (miox 5%) once a day onto the transplanted area. Is this a good idea?


    The work i had done with AlviArmani was FUE. I opted for the strip this time cause i thought maybe the result would be better. I must say that having the strip has been far more scary. I've quite a bit of shock loss at the back below the actual cut but i've been told this will grow back.


    Thanks for the replies.

  9. Just had my second HT on the 10th March 09 with Dr Feller and to be honest i'm at a loss as to whether things are going well or not ... I had 2900 grafts approx into the front third via strip and they've just about all shed now. A lot of the hairs that shed were kinked at the bottom with a very small black dot, does anyone know if this is normal? It also looks like i've lost a lot of hairs that were there naturally or from my first HT. Do they grow back?? I'm pretty much bald in the areas that were worked on.


    My first HT was with AlviArmani and the results were nothing short of terrible so i'm actually really nervous that it just wont work on me.


    Any advice would be great.

  10. Just had my second HT on the 10th March 09 with Dr Feller and to be honest i'm at a loss as to whether things are going well or not ... I had 2900 grafts approx into the front third via strip and they've just about all shed now. A lot of the hairs that shed were kinked at the bottom with a very small black dot, does anyone know if this is normal? It also looks like i've lost a lot of hairs that were there naturally or from my first HT. Do they grow back?? I'm pretty much bald in the areas that were worked on.


    My first HT was with AlviArmani and the results were nothing short of terrible so i'm actually really nervous that it just wont work on me.


    Any advice would be great.

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