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Posts posted by Tamagochihandler

  1. My question is:

    Is it really convenient using finasteride for someone who was transplanted using beard hairs?.


    We all know that body hair is androgen dependent thus using finasteride decreases in some degree body hairs (depending on individual response, duration and dose used). Is it happening the same with facial hairs?. Are facial hairs (beard) androgen dependent?.


    Is there someone who has undergone a BHT with beard hair who is also on finasteride or another 5 alpha reductase inhibitor treatment by recommendation of his surgeon?


    Which are your experiences with finasteride and beard?. Is there any finasteride user noticing any effect on his beard?


    Any feedback will be much appreciated.

  2. It looks 100% yield, congrats to Clinic and Patient!

    On the other hand, thanks to Dr Mwamba for his research and his will of achieving improvements for this community.

    Hopefully in near future we can see conclusive studies about them and all these techniques will be accepted and incorporated by all reputable Clinics and Drs due to its consistency showing better results.

  3. There are things that I love in Dr Umar's cases and things that I do not like so much in his work.

    And this is a good example:

    Pictures are not so good in angles and light conditions.

    It is also never shown how many grafts come from beard and how many come from head and nape. I think this is also an important detail missing in his cases.

    Other than that I must say, in my opinion, that Dr Umar is the one who is continuously committed with the most difficult and almost impossible cases, something that is putting him even ahead of the Top surgeons.

    He is obviously the master of BHT thus we would appreciate a bit better exposition of his cases with better pictures and detail graft breakdown.

    Thanks for Giving hope to those with severe baldness and without enough scalp donnor!

  4. I know your anxiety because I have passed several times by this surgery as well.

    Going to your case again:

    1.shedding at this time is standard and expected, this I guess it is more linked with time frame you currently are after surgery than with this event

    2. It could be a bit stressful those temperature changes for your epidermis but grafts at three weeks post are supposed to be well secured inside dermis, I think.

    It draws my attention that in surgery post op instructions from different doctors is not mentioned avoiding thermal shock or cold temperatures which have a vasoconstriction effect on scalp blood flow which could be lethal for fresh just transplanted grafts. But this is not your case because you were 3 weeks post and not few days.

    I would try to relax because for sure stress will not fix anything and will only deteriorate everything. I am sure you will have a good result because as you said you were at a great doctor and this is the most important factor.

    All the best and great regrowth.

  5. Valid and interesting point.

    I know (and your question confirms it) that Bisanga is more cautious with scalp donnor, he manages donnor from the very safe side and he considers seriously the real possibility of standard scalp donnor hair to die in the same way top scalp hair may die, specially in those who are not under finasteride or dutasteride.

    I think that if hair is not strong enough ( somehow affected by DHT and some percentage of occipital hair is) will not survive the trauma of the transplant. This is why Bisanga takes into account very seriously this miniaturisation factor.

    Bisanga is also using beard hair more and more, specially when he sees not good donnor areas.

    I am not saying that Lorenzo is not cautious or safe but his approach to manage donnor is a bit different. I guess that he or his technicians carefully select grafts when extraction takes place and they do not harvest those which seems to be miniaturised. Although I guess this is also done by all good professionals. We also started to see Lorenzo using beard hair successfully as well, which I think it is a good way to offset scalp donnor limitation.


    Both Doctors are outstanding, I am not discovering anything new, they have both millions of great cases, even more they are both able to recover people who were without hair and without hope, people who are not considered candidates for hair surgery and most ethical surgeons would refuse due to difficulty or impossibility to get a decent outcome but they are able to rescue them with their great job and, once again, many times using the resource of beard.

    I think that the one who can reply your question properly is Dr Lorenzo.

    We would appreciate if you could post it. It would be nice for our information to know the answer to this very interesting corner.

  6. Many top Doctors do not take part of insertion process but they do extractions or the other way around. They delegate extractions but do insertions, depending the method they use to work. The most important thing is as always: that you have a good and clear evidence that his method works with clear and good amount of good results.

    After saying this, which is nothing new and it is basically the reason of being of this forum, I must add specifically for your question that I do not consider serious that Doctor is not present during whole process supervising his team work. He is basically a Commander, the one who makes decisions, the one who delegates in others, the one who has the biggest knowledge and is better prepare to get solutions in case something goes abnormal or out of what it is expected...

  7. Exactly Gillenator,

    Very similar answer I got from my Doctor. I will not use anymore that Shampoo because he also confirmed that has PEG (polietilenclicol) which is an agressive chemical for scalp. He suggested another shampoo and I just started using it today and It was much better.

    Actually I felt terrible itching on recipient area yesterday and today morning until I used this other shampoo and now I am much more released and feel no more itching.

    Many thanks for all good support and advises.

  8. Today 13 days post I started using Jonhson Babies shampoo, I left the shampoo for 10-15 minutes on scalp before clean it in order to remove the last scabs and crusts.

    After drying with towel I had severe itching on scalp, face and neck, together with hot flushes and red face. It lasted around 30 minutes.

    Any thoughts or ideas?, did it keep shampoo too long (it was around 12 minutes)?, could be some allergic reaction to shampoo? ( I always use it and never had anything like that before)

    Could this impair the result or affect the grafts a13 days post?

    Any help will be much appreciated.

  9. I must disagree partially with all is written here.

    Most glass cars do not protect totally against UV-A, specially lateral windows.

    Glass blocks almost 100% UV-B but not UV-A. UV-A penetrates glass except those specifically prepare for that. Glass protection against UV-A depends on thickness, colour, and layers of glasses mainly and lateral car windows are single layer, normally transparent and not thick enough.

    Be aware that UV-A damages skin deeper than UV-B which only burns skin superficially.

    Anyhow is not clearly explain by hair transplant doctors how and why sun damage new hair grafts. Is it UV-A or UV-B or both?. Is it due to its heating effect or because new grafts are still not protected by skin?...

    It is just clear that if you expose your new hair grafts to sun you will ruin your hair transplant.

  10. Today on 5th day post op I am concerned about the look of my scabs when watched closely in the mirror.

    They looked as if grafts were partiatially out in dried blood.

    Is it a normal look?, still no shedding detected in shower where I am extremely careful to prevent them from being dislodged.

    It was a fue procedure of 1500 grafts performed by a well recognised fue specialist. I am confident about his work. I am not aware if there was some popping grafts during surgery or not.

    Could this image represent some popping or partially popping grafts?, would they survive if they really are partially out?.

    Many thanks to the community in advance for all useful information.


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