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Posts posted by gbhscot

  1. Title should say Identifiers/Markers


    There is possibly already a thread on this but I couldn't find it after a few quick searches..


    I'm interested in what makes some patients fast growers whilst others take longer. I have read that supplementation with MSM speeds the process up though a lot of it is down to having the right genes.


    Does the speed which ones hair normally grow at indicate how quickly hair will grow following a HT? Are there certain supplements or dietary changes which can be made to encourage faster growth?


    Intuition suggests increasing blood flow should help it, so I would aim to wash hair with cold water once a day whilst using infra-red light occasionally to increase blood supply.


    Just some thoughts but really interested in hearing what others have to say on the topic.

  2. Out of curiosity, have you met with any surgeons in person to get their opinion on your hair? I commend you for all the research you've done and think that's extremely important - but I wonder if a reputable doctor would come to the same conclusion. I'd hate to see you throw in the towel without getting a trusted professional opinion under your belt first. Do you have photos or anything?


    (And if you have had consultations and this was the conclusion they came to as well, disregard this message.)


    Had several photo consultations but never had a personal one, would love to do so just to be sure. I just know myself that I my hair is not coarse and is ruler straight, so I'm fairly sure the outcome would look like an upgraded combover. I really don't want to throw the towel in either but at the same time I think it's all about being realistic - I don't think my expectations will be met by it. If I ever get the chance to have a face to face with an HT doc then I'll definitely do so though.

  3. Something I have spent a great deal of time researching and I've basically come to the conclusion that despite the whole contrast thing, blonde hair just generally doesn't provide as good a result, depending on what type of blonde hair that is I mean. Obviously really course blonde hair will get a good result, however really course blonde hair doesn't tend to fall out from what I've seen.


    Basically, if you are like me, and I think I have the typical blonde hair most guys with MPB have, it's straight, blonde, fine and kinda of dirty blonde/brownish blonde in colour. Yes there is less scalp contrast, but because it is so fine so many more grafts are required. I'm very down about it all because I really wanted to go for HT surgery as a solution, but having researched it well over a year, I'm beginning to think it will be a waste of money.

  4. I had actually been considering Civas for a HT, I think his website looked good and he did have some not bad results posted on it. One thing which really annoyed me though was the constant sales e-mails from his clinic, I always thought they were a bit tacky. Definitely gave me a funny feeling about him, so grateful that you have posted this as it kind of confirms something I was concerned about...Was potentially booking with him soon so definitely dodged a bullet.

  5. The only doctor that I know of who can actually get you results (i.e., growth) from arm hair or leg hair is Dr. Umar. There are other doctors performing non-scalp HT's who would be willing to use arm hair or leg hair, but they have not documented any successes doing so.


    It's a real gamble to rely on your leg hair and arm hair, their growth rates are notoriously inconsistent. If anyone can do it competently (meaning using other sources to give you coverage and a natural looking result) than Dr. Umar is your best option, by far.


    If you lived in Europe (or closer to Europe than the U.S.) then I might suggest Dr. Bisanga, but if you are intent on using something other than beard hair, you should only see Dr. Umar.


    BTW, I have had 5000 beard grafts added to my scalp by Dr. Umar, and it proved to be a lifesaver for my appearance. I'm very happy with how it turned out.


    5000 Beard Grafts?! Is that even possible?! Insane amount. How did the donor cope afterwards? I', very interested in BHT but my issue is that I am extremely blonde but with dark black chest hair and a ginger beard....Bloody Rainbow human, I know. I wonder how that would work out were I to try and transplant it....

  6. The bottom line is that you're pretty much a lone voice in thinking that the 4k grafts didn't create as good a result as you would have expected . Fair enough , that's your opinion.


    We're all in here for the same reason - to offer and receive advice . The consensus in this thread is that the result is good for the number of grafts and area covered . If that doesn't fit with your opinion , then that's fine . It's what he forums are all about .


    You've maybe taken some of the opinions as a personal attack , but to be fair I think they're all well intentioned .


    Meh some of them were edging on the confrontational to which I'll respond in turn. And yeah I seem to be the only guy of that view but at the end of the day, we have forums to discuss and play devils advocat which is what I was doing here.


    Do you have any clarity whether one of the pics was removed btw? I recall there being one taken from above post-op which is the one I was most skeptical about.

  7. cool, having read your responses in this thread I would never have known you've been researching hairtransplants for over a year - especially when you make a naive and sarcastic comment that you don't feel you should be paying for a "magic trick" - when in fact you are doing exactly that - you're paying for the "illusion" of density - you gain absolutely no more hair than you already have - so essentially yes! its a great magic trick..... good luck to you! sounds like you'll need it.


    The only illusion I see is that of you imagining things. Where did I ever write magic trick? And when have I ever stated that a HT was anything other than the moving of follicles from one area to another, thus gaining no new hair (Hint: transplant instead of Implant suggested that to me) I just feel that if a better illusion can't be created with 4K grafts, then other options might be preferable. That's what my over a year of HT research has taught me (infact, that is what some top surgeons have told me) Apparently you haven't read my posts very carefully?


    Btw, was 1 pic removed from the OP? I recall there being another one there....

  8. Hair transplants taking existing hair from your donor and move it to balding areas - so you're not cloning or getting more hair than what you already have... most people with hair loss and everyone in general have a "limited" amount of grafts that can be transplanted out of the "safe zone" - NO ONE HAS AN UNLIMITED amount of of hair to "genuinely resolve the issues coming with hair loss" as you stated, therefore your knowledge on the topic is limited and your expectations are probably unrealistic .. I agree with others that a HT procedure is probably not for you.



    Actually, having spent over a year researching it and having had several productive discussions with HT surgeons on here and in private, I wouldn't say my knowledge was limited. Believe me, I'm quite clear that NO ONE HAS AN UNLIMITED amount of hair..but well done to you for working that one out for yourself. Thanks loads for your breakdown of what a HT actually is too man, saved me some time on google scholar etc..


    My point to this was that I would expect better coverage from 4.2k grafts. Yes there is a lot of real estate there, but nonetheless I feel more density could be expected from that number. Not taking away from the surgeon etc, as patient characteristics play a large role. My opinion to it is, with that extent of hair loss, a transplant is going to leave you much more conscious of your hair and constantly thinking of it/worrying about it/adjusting it. So you are right, if that was me, I wouldn't get a HT. My HL isn't as extreme, yet of course one day could be. I know what to expect and what I would call a good result.

  9. Eh ? Do you not think it's a big mprovement ?


    From the front, in that final pic, absolutely, huge improvement. But from any other angle, that is simply regression. He has gone from a guy who is bald, to a guy who is balding. A guy who is what he is and isn't hiding it, to a guy who can't accept it and will now worry his hair for the rest of his life. My take on it is, unless the HT is going to genuinely resolve the issues coming with hair loss, don't do it. I wonder how the patient feels about it....

  10. gbhscot,


    Yes, we typically always will spread out the beard grafts amongst the other scalp donor grafts. I like to think of beard hair as "filler hair." It is there just to give more numbers and volume of hair to the overall result. It would most likely not have a good aesthetic value by grouping beard hair.


    Also, I think that not all are good candidates for the addition of beard as donor hair. You mentioned the example of a light-haired patient with dark beard. This patient probably would not be a good candidate as the beard hairs no matter how dispersed they were might be noticeable.


    Thanks for the reply - it's a topic I'm very interested in currently. I suppose it wouldn't be a dealbreaker though assuming the patient was happy to dye the hair a bit. I think it's great to see this approach being taken on a younger patient who still has the option of more grafts in the scalp donor. I'm inclined to want more density now with the knowledge that some more grafts can be extracted from the scalp later when things progress...although none of the docs I've spoken to about it here in europe agree :(

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