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Posts posted by spyk777

  1. Keeping the update going. At this time I have reached a point where anything from now on is bonus. I am 100% satisfied with the results. Visiting several family members and friends during the holidays; I could see the astonishment in their eyes and few remarked how good my hair looks-which has never happened in 20 years or so. One asked me what I did - for which I told I just grew the hair a bit longer. I also met a friend who is a high Norwood and shaved his head after throwing up his arms- I could see a distinctly thick FUT scar on his posterior.

    With all humility I can only again be thankful to have stumbled upon this forum and guided to the right surgeon. My best wishes to all for the New Year.


    I have collaged pictures through different lightings. Bathroom light, direct fluorescent light, elevator light, mall light and non fluorescent ambient light.


    5 more months to go.

    Peace out.







  2. Hi all; posting some pics taken over past 1-2 weeks over different lighting, to continue the thread. Photo 2 and 3 is with a hair edge holding gel. Hair characteristics is still evolving. Had a phone consult with Dr. Diep last month. Concluded with guestimate of 1500 for my crown for sometime mid next year.







  3. Am pretty sure that both HTsoon and spyk777 have very think hair. No other FUE result from other doctors in the continent including H&W and Rahal looks close to you both. Very jealous!!!


    n00b. It is great to hear your vote of confidence and appreciation. I think I am in tandem with most of Dr. Diep's online cases. They were all exceptional in my eyes - artistic, aggressive hairline and economical use of grafts.

    I don't have my younger days density obviously, but the illusion of coverage is really amazing. The placement of grafts, angling etc all plays a part in creating this really convincing appearance of a thick head of hair.

    I will end the 5 month update with a photo I took today while out. The hairline just makes me feel content, and am finally able to revel in the lap of comfort, to all those years I just hated looking in the mirror.


    Peace and best wishes.


  4. It's human nature to be attracted to controversy and drama, I don't think there is an industry out there where you don't have someone saying it's "tomayto" and the other saying "tomahto". I agree Dr. Bloxham, regardless of what philosophy or belief you subscribe to, at the end of the day I'm sure every recommended physician and every member on this forum have the same goal.


    I can personally attest to the impact a great hair transplant can do to ones life, and I'm truly grateful and very lucky. There is not a day that goes by that I don't look in the mirror and think of how lucky I am to live in these times.


    Hair loss really affects so many facets of life, not only self confidence but opportunities in employment and let's face it romance. I know the one thing I hated was feeling like people felt sorry for me, it's like people would ask "how old are you?" when I would respond, I could see the look on their faces would change like they felt sorry for me. Well I'm lucky enough to live in a time where it doesn't have to be this way and now it's not that way we could use a little reminder every once in a while:)



    Nicely said. :)

  5. Yes I have severe hair loss. Front and back. Class 4 edging Class 5. He had guesstimated 6000-6500 for me.

    Milo12 is quoting from my first transplant. The density is better with second transplant and I am happy with the front now.

    There was no thoughts of free surgery because of lowish density with the first HT. He was straight forward and confident in his approach. My goals were clear, expectations were met. The plan was at least 3 surgeries to acquire required density and hairline when we started out. So far it is going forward really well. The split strategy is good in one way as he is discounting the cost with each HT and he covers airfare.

    Keeping fingers crossed and let the hairgods shine.

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