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Posts posted by Matt27

  1. btw if I don't respond to your in particular, it doesn't mean I'm not grateful, just that I don't have anything to follow up with :)


    Hi matt,


    Just to let you know lorenzo speaks English I left ther last week and had lots of conversations with him in english


    Sounds good.Some people have said that he uses a translator, but maybe he learned or became more fluent while he was over at Farjo.


    Hello matt I hope your well.

    As you have discounted turkey 2 of my favourite docs are of no use to you.

    Erdoğan and kesser.

    In the states I've always liked feller and Shapiro.

    I thought you had narrowed your choice down to your top 3?

    If I were you I wouldn't rule out Erdoğan as being a recommended doc here if you were to have any problems the forum is a great source of leverage in getting things sorted and he is IMO the best fue doc but each to their own.

    Your choices so far are excellent.

    Good luck to you.

    Have a good evening


    I have narrowed it down to 3, but my list is tentative and could change. Anyway Erdogan is highly recommended even by Mickey on here so maybe I should do some research on him.


    When it comes to mini perfect extractions I would strongly recommmend Dr. Bisanga as he is using minimum size manual tools and does all or most of the extractions by himself. His own representative is shaving his head after many transplants (Stephen). Also one of my ex collegemates had HT with him and recently shaving his head with an amazing natural look.


    This is my golden advice. Good luck Buddy.


    Thanks a lot. This is a big deal. I think I am starting to lean toward Bisanga. Do Lorenzo and Feriduni use larger punches? I have read that Bisanga uses 0.75 mm to 0.8 mm.

  2. I am just wondering how the process would work in my case from start to finish.


    I am from Canada and am looking to have a HT relatively soon (1 year or a little longer). I am looking at Lorenzo, Feriduni, and Bisanga all of whom are located in Europe.


    I understand that you typically have online consultations first after contacting a clinic. In my case, would there be no in person consultations? Would the process go immediately from online/email consultation to pre-surgery appointment(day before surgery)/surgery? Is skype used at all?


    Also, do the the above doctors provide any compensation for travel? Rahal in Canada for example will expense up to $1000 CAD off of the price of your surgery iirc.



  3. It all boils down to your own personal preference as you've picked probably 3 of the 5 or 6 bes fue docs IMO.

    My own personal preference would be Lorenzo.

    You obviously know what you want and have laid out your plans bearing the future in mind which a lot of people dont.

    Which ever one you decide you have made the right choice you cannot go wrong with any of these three.

    Good luck to you and I hope you get the best possible outcome.

    Have a nice day.


    Who are your other 2/3?


    Having just gone through a great experience with Dr bisanga and his team, I would surely recommend Dr bisanga.nthat bring said, I think very highly of Dr lorenzo as well. I think you should consult with each and see who you feel more comfortable with. For Dr bisanga you can contact sl who is on this site and acts as Dr bisangas patient advisor. His service, experience and knowledge was a big part in me chosing Dr bisanga.


    Thanks, I will do that when the time comes.


    yes if ur lookn for a hairline Feriduni is the guy. Lorenzo hairlines look like 70 yr old men. I wudnt chose any of them actually. id go with Erdogan. better results cheaper price and some of the best hairlines I've seen.


    Erdogan is highly recommended, but tbh I am not considering Turkish doctors for the sole reason that regulations over there are different and I want to be as cautious as possible.

  4. Thanks for the responses so far guys. I imagine I will get a bunch of recommendations for all 3.


    I was leaning toward Feriduni yesterday morning, Bisanga last night, and now Lorenzo this morning.


    Between Bisanga and Feriduni, it seems that Bisanga is more conservative and strongly values long term planning and avoiding risk over the short term. However, he does seem to be a strategist, which I like.


    I have read posts like this:


    Dr. Bisanga is confident that FUE, when done correctly, will eliminate dramatic reduction in the donor often resulting in a "moth-eaten" look and allow patients to wear very short hair with no visible signs of surgery.




    will have to combine beard hair with the first op to achieve around 3000 grafts, possibly still a gap between the frontal and mid area.


    We design to keep shaved, grow longer and the look will not be as good.


    Dr Feriduni, Dr Bisanga, Dr De Reys - Hair Transplant-Hair Restoration Topics - Hair Transplant section - Hairloss Experiences Hairloss Forum


    It seems that he has experience with (and advocates) the vision I have in mind. Also, I have seen great results from him like this:


    2850 FUE BHR Dr Bisanga - Sept 2012 - Hair Transplant Patient Results/updates - Hair Transplant section - Hairloss Experiences Hairloss Forum


    I am not that fixated about my specific hairline, although a natural looking NW2 would be ideal. In my avatar I look like a NW 2.5, but I am a 3 and counting since I am not on propecia yet (I will be soon).


    I have heard Feriduni described as a "YOLO doctor" and I like that mindset because it's true. Also, YOYO (you're only young once), which is particularly important to me right now. On the other hand, I am concerned that Bisanga will be more conservative than I want to be.


    However, I have a lot of beard and body hair available and that could affect Bisanga's long term planning given the 2nd link I posted.


    Does anyone have any information on whether Feriduni plans like Bisanga above? Basically for people opting to have a buzzcut and basing the HT process around that.


    As for Lorenzo, I haven't heard much of anything negative about him. He's a bit mysterious in that regard and my one worry is that he doesn't speak English and communication may not be ideal.

  5. I am considering these 3 for FUE to restore my frontal third (it is worse than it looks in my avatar. The photo is a year old).


    I would like to be able to keep a buzz cut, so I am wondering which of the 3 doctors would be best for:


    1. Leaving a clean donor zone

    2. Providing a natural looking result with very short hair

    3. Any other reasons that would be particularly important in my case like hairline design, etc.


    I also want to be conservative with grafts and have a long term plan in mind.




  6. Of course you will care at 40. I just don't agree with the typical western idea that we should sacrifice the present for the future. It's like slaving toward retirement to have the best pension years possible mentality, so you can live life to the fullest (if you even live that long) complete with your bad back and ailing heart.


    I am not suggesting that the OP get a transplant. I am just arguing against the general idea that finasteride is always required... let alone up until the age of 60. That's insane.

  7. Sorry...I see a few typos just on my crappy cell waiting on my next job but I sure hope you get the jist of what I'm saying here...

    HT will always be there I say to young guys don't rush things but at least try Meds & don't believe everything on the web cas most of it is BS...IMHO.


    I think certain posters on here erroneously consider anything a net loss if you eventually end up in a worse position than you would have been without a transplant.


    But if you are in a much better position for 10 years (when you are younger and your hair is much more important), that isn't necessarily the case. Especially with the prospect of new treatment options on the horizon. The OP appears to be a 3A at age 25 so I think anything more than a conservative NW3 hairline or forelock restoration would probably be unwise in his case. There is also the likely possibility that he shouldn't do anything at all.

  8. I concur with the advice above. You should not be doing a HT if you are not a candidate and willing patient of Propecia. Flat out, that is a horrible idea and if a physician is telling you that this is an acceptable approach then you are possibly pursuing a HT with a corrupt doctor.


    In the end it's your call, but having a HT done without using Propecia for anyone under 60 is a very bad idea. In the end you will never have anymore hairs on your head then you do at this current moment. A HT does not give more hair and Propecia doesn't regrow lost hair. What you have is what you have to work with. Without Propecia you will continue to loose hair and you will only have so much to be able to transplant to fill the voids on your head. It is a procedure that involves an incredible amount of foresight and talent by the doctor. I'm not sure what your age is, but assuming you are still a young man I would advise against proceeding (if you are not currently and successfully on meds). Without Propecia you will be in bad shape. Disagree? Then go ahead and listen to the doctor who is telling you otherwise and then look me up on here in 3-6 years and tell me I was wrong. You will be placing hairs that will likely never fall out around hairs that will eventually be lost, which is not a pretty sight.


    Sorry for the long narrative, but I think this is a topic that patients really need to understand and stop thinking that there is a way around - there is not. On that note, Propecia side effects are extremely rare and those who report them are typically suffering from ED with or without Propecia. While the side effects are scary, as they are with all medication, you need to understand that they are very rare and probably worth the minor risk if you are a big enough gambler to pursue a HT in the first place. If a HT is something you want to do then you should take meds for at least a year, see if your hair loss has stabilized and you are free from side effects and then you are in a position to pursue a HT. If you don't want to do a HT keep on the meds, as they will significantly slow down your genetic battle of hair loss.


    This is a tad over the top. Anyone under 60? You realize propecia doesn't stop hair loss right? Many have stabilized loss without it and many continue to lose hair (quickly) while on it.


    Dr. Lindsey posted on this forum that (I believe) only 1/3 of his patients take the drug. Are you saying he is an unethical doctor? Or do you think all of his patients are old geezers who fit your age 60+ stipulation?


    It depends whether the transplant would yield a natural looking hair loss pattern with continued loss. It also depends if the patient has enough donor hair and other resources to keep up with the loss, among other things.


    Lastly, what kind of statement is this?


    "Propecia side effects are extremely rare and those who report them are typically suffering from ED with or without Propecia."


    Maybe it's time to just stop posting.

  9. Prices for FUE in NA are very much prohibitive at this time. From what I can tell Reddy is the most expensive in Europe and has charges on par with NA clinics. (It may be possible to get better Reddy rates if is still operating at the satellite clinics away from London). The Belgium docs and Lorenzo are significantly less and in my experience Lorenzo doe not charge for grafts over his original estimate which tend to be conservative. The clinics in Cyprus and Turkey are among the lowest and Bhatti in India may be somewhere in between the Turkish and the Euros. Rates for FUE in NA need to come down which will only happen if more docs offer it and the demand continues to increase.


    Yep. I'm in NA but I'll be visiting Europe (for the first time!) for my FUE. The prices (and level of expertise it seems) are very good.

  10. Since people are asking, and there seems to be some misinformation circulating, I can offer a few things of note:


    -His fees at Farjo were considerably higher than in Madrid but still less than Reddy's.

    -I believe that he purposely underestimates the number of grafts possible during the consultation and then goes over the estimate without any additional charge so his actual fees may not be as high as originally quoted.

    -At Farjo he was doing only one patient a day and exclusively both the extractions and implantations.

    -In Madrid Dr. Villa is also doing cases at the same time and together there might be 3-4 procedures between them going on simultaneously. Several techs are also participating in the extractions, but to my knowledge all graft placements are still done by Lorenzo with his Lion pen implanter. Dr. Villa of course does her own implantations.

    -For my most recent procedure all of the scalp grafts were extracted by Dr. Lorenzo, the 500 beard grafts placed in my crown mixed among the scalp hair grafts were extracted by his most experienced tech.

    -A Spanish patient I chatted with who is also a MD, told me that he believed that the clinic's reputation and referrals came primarily from local word of mouth. Lorenzo does not market the way the clinics in NA do and mentioned to me that he is not equipped to handle an onslaught of NA patients with his current set up.

    -Since he does not have the time to read and respond to posted comments, and has no employee rep like many of the other clinics assigned to the task, he was considering withdrawing from the Network and may have already done so.





    Thanks weave. Do you know if he is accepting foreign patients?

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