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Everything posted by hairygooner

  1. Hello everyone! Here's my 100th day update. Density has definitely increased. Looks slightly better than my pre-op state. I'm continuing with Minoxidil 5 per cent twice a day (about to finish my third bottle) and a tablet of multivitamin once a day. The results look fine thus far but I really hope I haven't hit the peak and there's heaps more hair to come. Thanks
  2. No worries mate. Yes please go for FUE if you plan to keep a buzz cut. There were a number of reason I opted for FUT - Good laxity of the donor area - The large number of grafts I wanted in a single session was only possible with an FUT - I didn't really want 4000 tiny small scars over my permanent region, especially when I am planning a second session in a couple of years. Personally I don't prefer subsequent FUE treatments. I'd rather go for an FUT first and then an FUE a couple years down the line. This is my personal opinion. Many people might disagree with me on this. - I never plan to sport an army look so I am not bothered about the scar.
  3. Its been 2 and a half months already. Doc advised light exercise 2-3 weeks after stitch removal, normal workout a month later and heavy exercise 3-4 months post-op.
  4. Hi Nitin, I don't live in India brother. I suggest you monitor my progress with this doctor before taking a call. I will be posting monthly updates. Cheers
  5. Scar is doing alright thanks for asking. Its hardly conspicuous but a bit bumpy here and there and I feel an occasional stretch at times (mostly when I stand up after watching TV lying on my stomach) but its getting better every day. Working out and playing football without a problem.
  6. G'day everyone, Here's my two month update. The length of the hair is increasing and I can see and feel some new growth but overall not great progress. Cheers P.S.: I was on a 5 day business trip last week and didn't get the time to use Minox during that period.
  7. G'day everyone, Here are the latest photos from Day 34 post-op. There's massive shedding in patches more conspicuous near the vertex which is soo depressing. On the plus side, I can see tiny hair re-growth all over but the new lot looks really weak and spaced apart. Hoping for a better second month. Cheers!
  8. Right so its been the longest 15 days of my life. Shedding has begun. Seeing a bunch of hair every morning on the pillow. Doc reckons it will go on till Week 6 after which everything will stabilise and new growth will start from Week 12. I have started using Minoxidil 5 percent twice daily for the first time in 5 years and also taking a multivitamin supplement. An apple and a pomegranate daily as well. haha! Also will start applying some fresh aloe vera 30 minutes before shower everyday. Scar looks real wide though. Hope it will shrink and the hair growth will cover it. Feedback would be greatly appreciated... Thanks!!
  9. Hi TK, Very impressive. Happy growing!
  10. Hi Findingnemo, He charges INR30 (50 cents) per graft for FUT and INR55 (90 cents) per graft for FUE. Dr. Bhatti is quite renowned and a top quality surgeon. You might wanna wait a few months to see how I go with Dr. Mishra before taking a call. Cheers
  11. 3 days Post-Op.... scabs are getting darker and the recipient area is really itchy.... Next update: When the scabs are fully off... Thanks!
  12. So now you're selling books by some random Indian professor on this forum. I see your entrepreneurial skills. lol Who the hell told you I am from Mumbai? Never been there dude! Except for this one time when I was there on a thirty minute transit at the airport. Experienced very little/no corruption during that time. Oh and look what I found for you (Web Developer How To: Upload Images Using PHP) YOU'RE WELCOME!
  13. Oh dammit! He just let the entire Indian tech support fraternity down.... C'mon Vanga.....Tech support is 'our' thing... You ought to know the difference between up and down mate.... P.S.: Are we allowed to troll around here in this group? I am new here and don't wish to get banned or anything.....
  14. Thanks Ash! I was personally referred to him by a couple of acquaintances who managed pretty decent hair growth. Number of grafts is the thing that's bothering me. His target was 4000 grafts but I was told the team achieved 4250. There's no way I can tell is there? Except to trust him? I will keep updating and posting progress photos. Cheers!
  15. Our highly qualified entrepreneur is having a hard time downloading images.....lmfaoooo!!!! And dude Vanga, please stop acting like you're representing all the Indians on this world and stop your stereotypical nonsense. "In India some member's take money from other Doctors to malign other Physicians" Proof???
  16. Just wondering if I could some expert opinions on the quality of my transplant. Did my doctor do a good job for 4250 grafts??? Or is it just average to bad? Thanksss
  17. Its nothing to do with your age in my opinion. HT is the only procedure that gives permanent results. 10 year old or 60 year old, everyone likes results that are permanent and if 10 days of a bit of a struggle can give me those, it is definitely worth it My hair loss has been stable for the last 3-4 years. Credit goes to my strict diet regime and olive/coconut oil regime I guess.
  18. Hi tk, Thanks mate! Do you mind linking me up to your thread? I wish I could fast forward to that 3 month mark.. LOL!
  19. Hey everyone, I have been quite active on this forum as a guest over the past couple of months. I am 27 and have been suffering from MPB over the last 7-8 years. Over this time, I have tried all sorts of treatments including Homeopathy, Ayurveda, Chinese medicines, oils and what not. I also tried Minoxidil and Finasteride but I stopped using both as Minoxidil gave me migraines and the latter because I am too scared of the side effects. They did promote new growth though. 2 months back in July, I decided it was time for a transplant. Read heaps of reviews, visited a zillion surgeons (half of them still call me everyday -mostly the ones with the really fancy clinics and the fine looking receptionists). I finally zeroed in on Dr. Sharad Mishra of Provelus Hair Transplant Clinic in New Delhi, India. He recommended a mega session of 4000 grafts with strip harvesting. Took the plunge on Tuesday, the 9th of September. I am attaching pre-op and post-op photographs along with a picture of the scar with the stitches on. The post-op photo is around 18 hours after the procedure. What do you guys reckon? Will I get a full head? Any questions, please feel free to ask. P.S.: My graft density average was 1.8 and the team managed to extract 4250 grafts.
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