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Posts posted by BoulderBalder

  1. at this point I am terrified of going to someone other than Dr. Konior, Harris, Umar or another with a top notch reputation. Are there reputable Drs in Turkey or India that are as good as the physicians I listed? If I went to "some guy" in Turkey I feel like I would just be digging the hole deeper. I could spend 8-10 thousand dollars to get ~15 square cm filled in at 50-60 grafts per cm and be done with it. is the work as good in Turkey and can anybody verify that it is as good as the docs listed above. Also the reason I initially did not go the FUE route was because I had heard of up to a 30% graft failure rate at the time due to transection of grafts. Has this substantially improved due to SAFE/ ARTAS systems?

  2. You guys are making me feel a lot better. I cannot help but notice how great and thick1978Matts hair looks and am wondering if I might be better suited to going to Dr. Konior. If I am going to be getting another FUT. Dr. Harris is an innovator in the FUE field in that he invented the SAFE and ARTAS systems for FUE. I cannot seem to find prices per graft though. Dr. Harris is 5$ for FUT and 8$ for FUE. any thoughts?

  3. I dont think I was the greatest candidate for FUT to begin with in that I never had great laxity, and now my scalp does feel fairly tight. Who does scar revisions, and by that you are referring to cutting the scar and re suturing back closed for a smaller scar right?


    I think if I could just get good density packed into the receding hair line I would just grow it back out. but a scar revision is a good idea if it is what I think it is.

  4. So you think FUE into the scar is an option? Honestly I am ok growing it out if I can just FUE into the recipient area. I am using a dermaroller and silicone gel in the scar in the hopes that it will shrink it down at least some. I just hope that Dr. Harris has enough doner area grafts to give me enough in the front to cover the scarring that was done up front. it looks like I have a permanent case of acne or inflammation in the front of my head that has made it hard to go anywhere without a hat. and if I touch the front at all it turns very red and angry.

  5. At 33 after struggling with my inability to grow my hair out I started researching and decided on an FUT, as the success of FUE seemed to be still in question. I was a poor resident physician and ended up going with this poorly known "chop shop" operation that only charged me 1.5$ per graft, and had 1600 grafts. The strip was removed by "dr." searle , who was indicted in June of 2013 for being involved in a large underground, illegal, marijuana grow operation in Colorado. However Chris Mcyntyre still is offering 2$ grafts, but will not list who the surgeon is. I did not have as bad of an experience as Strata, but I was supposed to have a trichophytic closure technique that they assured my would be less than a cm with hair growing through it. The procedure also took very long, and I suffered an infection in both the donor and recipient area. The scarring is very large int he back and looks like a big zipper. The recipient area also has developed some elevated scar tissue and pock marks that I cannot get rid of. Also very few of the grafts took and I feel almost as if I am worse off now than before the procedure. I am a physician and will be contacting this "clinic" shortly to discuss malpractice, especially after reading strata's story from 9/2. I have a consultation with Dr. Harris at the Hair sciences center in october to have him look and see if I can have FUE into the scar and also to see if I can have FUE to fill in the recipient area so maybe I can just grow my hair out. This whole event just makes me want to cry. I used to be able to just shave my head, I was a good looking guy, this whole experience has traumatized me. the pics dont do justice to how bad the pock marks are in the front. I shaved it in anticipation of my appt with Dr. Harris


    Do you guys think I shoudl consider maybe going to Dr.. Umar in Redondo beach to have beard hair FUE into the scar? I know Dr. Harris is very well respected.




  6. when I read this it made my heart skip a beat. BECAUSE I ALSO WENT TO THESE BUTCHERS. I also was lied to and operated on by "Dr" Searle. It will comfort everyone to know that he has been indicted for running a huge illegal marijjuana scheme. I had my FUT done in January of 2013, and although i dont think it went as badly I have been left with a LARGE FUT scar in the back. They took 1600 grafts. They assured me it was trichophytic closure technique, but it is about a cm wide scar with NO hair growing through it. I also developed an infection after the procedure and went back to the clinic as I live in Denver, and I am also a physician. They gave me antibiotics and said everything looked fine. Now I am around 18 months out. I have scheduled an appt with Dr. James Harris to see if he can fix the scar and also to increase the density in the front so that I might just be able to grow my hair out. very few of the grafts seemed to have taken and I experienced a lot of hair loss that seemed permanent after the procedure. here are some pictures of my FUT scar and the recipeint areas. I would appreciate if anyone could comment on the scar. Am I overreacting? and also there has been a lot of scarring in the recipient area as well. what I call pock marks that look weird.




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