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Posts posted by Wwiizzkkiidd24

  1. I agree with the above statement shockloss is a hard one to call and you can't predict how much shockloss you will encounter you might have little to no shockloss and get a great result but you could also have no or some shockloss amLtd it will grow back. I don't even think meds could help with this iether it's all down to the surgeon and how he goes about avoiding it. IE small procedures at a time to minimise the shockloss you might encounter.


    hope this helps.

  2. the pictures aren't great but I'd say it's cobblestoning. from what I can see and what you explained sounds just like it. this is caused two ways iether the doctor didn't cut the slits deep enough resulting in the skin raising and causing "cobblestoning" the second way it could happen is if the doctor has removed to much tissue from the donor area and then put in the slits the excess tissue doesn't heal correctly resulting in a bumpy look. now this shouldn't of happened if a reputable doctor done your procedure bur having said that you stated your doctor was a coalition doctor wich baffs me because he should know what he was doing. what you could do is..


    1.go and have another hair transplant to try and blend them in.


    2.you can do laser trearment it sometimes makes the skin appear smoother but it's not garranteed. (works for some doesn't work for other) but be aware it could make it worse because lasers have scaring affects on the skin.


    3.smp into the bumps and try and blend the cobblestoning in.


    it's a tuff one to treat and im not a doctor im just going by what ive read before. so my advise would be to go see a hair specialist they can give you some options. or maybe a doctor on here could chime in with some options. wish you the best of luck.

  3. that's because dr de reys only does fue so that's the stance he's taking.


    having said that said it is barbaric what ever procedure you opt for. just stand back and actually think about it for a minute.. we cut a strip of skin from the back of our head stitch it up and then chop it up into little peices and then cut little slits on our head and place them into it. and then with FUE we get a blunt metal holow object and punch holes into the back of our head and then rip them out and place them into pre made slits. it all barbaric whatever way you look at it. from where I stand anyway I mean it's not normal is it. but fortunately we got fantastic people searching for a cure how ever long that will take we don't know so we are stick with these methods for the time being.

  4. no problem bro. I think everyone who's read your story hopes you're happy by the end result. 1 less person on here is 1 more happy man that doesn't have to worry about he's hair loss.(if that makes sence lol).


    I mean you can look at people's threads just don't compare. I know its hard but we are all different mate just be patient. and u wish you the best.

  5. firstly you're no where near 80-90% of your result. more like 50% maybe even less you need to take things into account that you might be a slow grower and your final result could even go over the 12 month some people still see growth or the hair thicken up over 12 month mark you might be one of those people.


    secondly you should never go by other peoples results at the stage you're at we may feel the same but our body's are different and where someone's got an amazing result at 6 months another person will have an average result but will thicken up as months go by.


    my advice is just don't rush into things yet mate it might be a mistake so early on in your journey.

  6. like I said wait another 5-6 months and then decide don't rush into another procedure if you haven't seen the full result yet it's pointless and could be a waste of grafts. if your still not happy by the end of the final result then go back. don't judge your result when you're only 6 months in.

  7. Yep Joe hart I suspect is already using concealer's. Some pics here from a holiday couple years ago show him in a far more advanced stage of loss than he appears to be on match days.


    It really is getting a bit farcical him being the poster boy for head and shoulders . Pretty soon it may just be shoulders !!! ��


    haha they do pick em tho I swear they had kamie last time. but yeah going by that picture I'd say he's had something done or is doing a good job concealing it with fibres and hairspray.

  8. pluggy? maybe the pics aren't showing what you see in the mirror but all I can see is it being a but thin but you're only at the 6 month mark that should all thicken up in the next 5-6 months. I would wait until your final result and then decide what you want to do next.

  9. I haven't heard of any good surgeons for them parts of the world so I couodnt comment on them places. but I think you need to do more research don't just rush into things just because you have a holiday there. you only have a set limit of donor hair you wouldn't want them in the wrong hands.

  10. I'd ecko Mr gio. you would be better off going abroad. you get more for what you pay for and there are quality surgeons outside of are country. Belgium is an option only need to take the euro star so no flying. or you could look at spain. my advise would be to stay away from clinics in our country simply because therea better and much cheaper surgeons outside of Britain. good luck.

  11. hmm I'm sorry but I have to disagree with you there. I can still see the indentation where the hair lays over the scar and the scar on the sides looked wider then the back when you lifted up the hair on the first video. but as you said in your video a casual on looker wouldn't be able to notice but us hair geeks do. another flip side to it is all one has to do is get his hair wet and it will be more obvious due to low density. so no swimming for this guy.


    as for your FUE comment this isn't FUE its FUT so let's not go down that road.I'm simply saying what I see take it or leave it.

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