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Everything posted by WhamHair

  1. For sure. I'll have this posted in about a day or so. I need to do a whole updated set of photos anyway for these hair surgeons. Been a little derailed this week because I had to get two root canal procedures done - but yes, I'll have this posted by tomorrow at the latest.
  2. Thanks a ton. I think I have a sparse crown now and all I'd like is that the area of that sparseness be decreased by 50%. Because for the long run, the hairline bit is far more important. The ultimate victory for me would be keeping the hairline I have now with a smaller area of crown sparseness. Anything above this is just icing on the cake!
  3. Thank you so much for this. I don't even mind if the entire crown is not covered. Even if half can be covered, I'd consider that a massive win at this point. I have taken it for granted that I will require multiple transplants - 2 at a bare minimum and that is OK. As for the 3/4 hair graft density, that is something the hair surgeon should be able to assess during a consultation right?
  4. I was also wondering if someone could help me with regards to the recommended surgeons. Are they just the ones listed in the link that I referenced in my original post or are there others. I remember Dr Radha Rani being somewhat of a big deal 10 years ago but I don't see her showing up in this list. I am curious as to why. Any input here would be super helpful. Thank you once again!
  5. I wouldn't mind a little done for my hairline but yes, I would like to improve the coverage in my crown area since it takes very little (e.g. wind, water etc.) to mess up what felt like an iron-clad concealer strategy with Toppik until recently. This is helpful though. Thanks so much.
  6. It feels super validating to hear this. Thank you so much. My hair loss pattern is somewhat of a miracle given that I started visibility losing hair at 26. Most friends of mine that started at the same place have far less hair than I do. Honestly, hair loss affects me more now than I think it will 2-3 decades down the line. But then again, I do believe that it makes sense to look at the long-term when planning this. Good to know that I can use toppik 2-3 weeks after a transplant. I don't mind shaving. I just want to understand the trade-offs of shaving versus not. Obviously, I would prefer a minimal scar. I also need to give myself a refresher on the difference between FUT and FUE. It's been ages since I've had to look at that. Once again, thank you so much for the message.
  7. Thanks so much @A_4_Archan for the reassuring message. I agree that for the long term, the frontal section is far more important. Currently, the crown is the larger issue and as a single guy (that is trying to change this aspect of my life), the sparseness in my crown is a huge hit to my self-confidence and my reliance on Toppik is excessive to this end. Honestly, until yesterday, I did not even know beard/body grafts were an option. Had I known this earlier, I would not have gone through 5 rounds of laser hair removal from my back. I didn't even think this was an option. It most certainly wasn't 10 years ago - which is the last time I was on this forum until this past weekend. I think the low-density approach for the crown makes sense because I do foresee a scenario in which I need a hairline job in the future unless something miraculous happens and it stays as it is. Honestly, even what I have right now is a miracle considering that I started visibility losing hair at the age of 26 - almost 16 years ago. Friends of mine that started at the same place that I did are completely bald so I am actually quite grateful for what I have right now under the circumstances. Will definitely reach out to @Doron Harati for a perspective on this. Thanks once again for the super supportive message!
  8. I guess the question here is whether any of these would start with the crown. Of course, in an ideal world, I would love full coverage but honestly, even if I can get half that crown covered, and use Toppik for the rest, I'd consider that a win at this point.
  9. honestly, I am willing to have a less-than-ideal transplant instead of taking on any risks associated wit Propecia. I realize what a gamble that is but it's the preferable gamble for me. I appreciate the comment on the donor. I agree that the loss at least in the front is not terrible but the crown really is pretty bad - which makes me wonder if any doctor would touch the crown first.
  10. Photo 2 is without the combover but if you would like another one without it, I can upload it here. Not an issue. Thanks so much!
  11. I've had no issues using Toppik. It has kept me going for over a decade but each container no longer lasts me a month anymore so I am definitely revisiting the Hair transplant idea now.
  12. Hello All, So it has been over a decade since I’ve been on this forum. I am headed towards being a NW5. I used to be a regular on this forum in my late 20s as I battled the crippling loss of self-confidence that came from balding in my crown area (but my hairline seemed quite OK – I am actually quite OK with it now too). I discovered Toppik on here and it worked on my crown area. I did not think it would get me by for almost 11 or 12 years but I am at the point to where I think it is running its course in terms of being an effective concealer and the serious decision of getting a Hair Transplant cannot be put off anymore. These days all it takes is the wind or wearing my bike helmet and the gaps in my crown show. I am paranoid about unsavory changes in weather or people leaving the windows open while driving on the freeway. Each container of Toppik no longer lasts for a month like it used to. It’s a shame that this is an issue because with Toppik, I do look younger than I actually am – but there is a part of me that feels like I am being incredibly deceptive due to the use of Toppik. I have attached some photos to give you a sense of what my head looks like with and without Toppik (only one of the photos is a glimse of what my hair looks like with Toppik). For context, I am close to 42 years old now. Prior to using Toppik as my cosmetic crutch, I did do an in-person consultation at Dr Konior’s office. I did not meet Dr Konior. I only met his assistant. Since I was in my late 20s at the time, they did not seem too keen on jumping the gun with the surgery – especially since there were signs that my hair loss had not stabilized. I totally respected their decision. I was uncomfortable by Dr Konior’s assistant insisting that I would have to take Propecia to minimize shock loss. I’d rather have a bald head than risk some of the unsavory side-effects of Propecia (that in worst case scenarios can be long-term) – especially since I have had testosterone issues even without using any of this. While I think I’d be happy with a better hairline, it doesn’t bother me nearly as much as the gigantic sinkhole that is my crown area. As you can see, there is very little hair on it. Even if I get half of that covered, I would be ecstatic. Now I realize that in general, hair surgeons prefer working on the hairline first and then the crown via a subsequent surgery. In view of the above, my questions are as follows: a. Have any of you started with the crown and have had success with that approach? b. I see many folks that have pointed out Eugenix. They seem to have locations in both Mumbai and Gurgaon. Are the standards of work comparable in both locations? c. Did any of you get by doing this without shaving your head completely? d. Did any NW5 folks on here have any success without the use of Propecia? e. I checked out the following link for hair surgeons: https://hairlosslearningcenter.org/coalition-physicians . Are these the only recommended surgeons. I remember Radha Rani used to be highly recommended and she did not show up in this list. Any reason why? f. For those of you using Toppik as a concealer, did you have to stop using it for a while after having your hair surgery? Any input with regards to the above would be super helpful. Thank you in advance!
  13. Use a mirror to focus on the application and use the spray applicator. I am an idiot for not getting the spray applicator when I first started using toppik almost 3 years ago. It is so much more efficient in terms of time and quantity of toppik used.
  14. I sent you a personal message two days ago. Please do let me know if you have not received it. Thanks in advance!
  15. this looks absolutely brilliant - congratulations!
  16. I have taken toppikk on carry-on luggage for domestic and international flights and there has been no issue so far. I've been doing this for about a year and a half. It's been a total non-issue.
  17. I actually kinda dig toppikk. It got me through business school. I only used it on the crown area since I didn't really need it elsewhere. I only have a slightly receding hairline - nothing to lose sleep over but toppikk for the crown is amazing. I didn't realize just how amazing until this April. I acted in a student-directed movie. Since it was backed my corporate sponsors, it was a pretty big deal with a hired camera crew etc. There was one part of the movie where the camera shot the top of my head (it was a classroom scene and I had to sit right in the front of the camera). I dreaded what this would look like at the first viewing of the movie for school. Of course, I had toppikk on my head. When we saw the video, I was shocked - pleasantly of course. There was no an iota of a hint that I am losing hair in my crown. It just blended well with the rest. I don't know. Maybe I can blame it on the video camera but I was pretty kicked by what I was seeing.
  18. OK! That is going to be tough for me to pull off since that is when most of the social stuff happens - but I'll try. It's addictive because it makes a WORLD of a difference. I just wish I didn't have to depend on it so soon!!! Thanks once again for the advice!
  19. Wow! I am back in school so I am out a lot. Hence, I ALWAYS have it on except when I sleep (run water through it. I don't necessarily shampoo every night). It's done wonders for my desire to get out and stop being anti-social (a rather new feeling ever since the gaps in my head became impossible to conceal through any other means!). How many days off are you suggesting in a month?
  20. I am quite pleased with it. Obviously, I will have to switch it out for dermmatch (which I still have not tried) on special occasions. Toppik is a good daily-use thing. Just one question. I run water on my head before I go to sleep and don't wash off the Toppik with shampoo. Is that an issue? Could there be problems from lingering Toppik. I don't use much.
  21. I just got my shipment of Toppik yesterday. I only really have to conceal a bit but it does a GREAT job! It's like magic. Obviously, I can't use it on every occasion but for the most part, it seems to be fine. This is my assessment as of the last 2 days.
  22. Hi S, Thank you so much for your acknowledgment of my post. I too agree with Dave. I am just trying to use due diligence before I commit myself to this combination of Rogaine and Propecia. I probably am not close to the point where I need an HT - at least not from the front (in fact, when someone sees me from the front, they think I am joking when I tell them I am balding!). But does the success of a future HT truly depend on my taking the combination of Rogaine and Propecia? Please do let me know. Thank you once again. Regards, WhamHair
  23. Hey Dave, Thank you for being the first person to acknowledge my post and trust me, you are NOT being blunt. You're being honest - and I totally respect that. What you are telling me is very much along the lines of what Dr. Konior's assistant told me last week. And you're right, the cost of using both propecia and rogaine in generic form does not add up to much on a monthly basis. I do not have any statistics on the success rate of propecia but I've heard rogaine has about a 60% success rate with a LONG period of quantifiably high initial shedding - which to me feels like a scary proposition - one that I should have experimented with before going back to school. This is definitely something I will discuss with Dr. Konior when I meet him. I have not really dismissed the medications since I've seen them do wonders on several folks on this forum. I never had a reason to get this paranoid since I took photos on a monthly basis to make sure whatever I am taking right now is working (believe me, when I first started, I wanted it to fail!). The last few months have not been good to my hair and if whatever I am using right now cannot buy my hair any more time, it is probably best that I stop it and switch to a combination of Rogaine/Propecia. I am probably very close to committing myself to that decision. I am just trying to use due diligence before diving into this. That being said, I was wondering if you had any thoughts on getting "full coverage" if I end up as a Norwood 5A. Once again, thank you so much for acknowledging my post. Regards, WhamHair
  24. I hope the length of my post did not put off people on here. Is there a chance that might be the reason it doesn't have any responses yet? Please do let me know. Thanks in advance. Regards, WhamHair
  25. I have been an "off and on" lurker on this forum for a little over two years. First, I want to thank all of you on this forum for making it what it is. I think the biggest challenge with hair loss is the cloud of ignorance that envelops this rather undesirable phenomenon that plagues only about 30% of men. I am in a bit of a quandary right now and wanted to tap into the wisdom of the members of this community before I decide how I want to address this quandary. My hair loss started when I was about 23 years old but it was FAR from visible. The only people that could see it were my hairdressers. The hair loss was concentrated primarily in the crown area and not so much in the front (although there has been substantial hair loss in the front but not enough to bother me!). It wasn't until I was about 25 that I noticed "gaps" in my head thanks to the hair loss. Of course, I was blissfully unaware of this forum at the time and I put my faith in an incompetent doctor that claimed he had hair oil that could regrow my hair. I used it for a year to just to realize that it had no effect and my hair loss continued to the point where it was visible to anyone taller to me. It was at that point that I discovered this forum and tried to weigh my options. I realized I was far from being an HT candidate but I wanted to arrest the hair loss to the extent possible, and delay an HT as much as possible. The general consensus on this forum was that a combination of Rogaine and Propecia was the way to go. Unfortunately, just as I discovered the merits of both, I also grew very paranoid about the side-effects of Propecia and the "not so high" success rate of Rogaine. Hence, I decided to go for either and decided to try homeopathic medicine prescribed by a doctor in India (I go to India about once a year since that is where my family is from). Of course, my general skepticism about any kind of medication at the time was pretty high and I started taking this medicine with a rather high level of skepticism but with no concerns of side-effects - and there were no side effects. I photographed the crown area of my head very regularly and then noticed that after a while, there appeared to be no further hair loss - for a very long time. It felt nice to not be paranoid about this and everything seemed to be fine - until this past summer. I was backpacking in Eastern Europe and shot a few videos at various locations. I was in the videos. There were two that were shot from a height. When I processed the videos at the end of the trip, I was shocked to see that how was originally a "line" of baldness on my head and now grown into a large circular patch on my head that is now impossible NOT to see. Until now, not many people realized I was losing hair but this was the ultimate give-away. I have also thinned in the front area, but as I had mentioned earlier, not enough to bother me. The hair loss seemed to be more steady over the summer. I met with the doctor that prescribed my homoeopathic medicine and explained that things had become substantially worse and were starting to worry me. She did give me something more potent but I am unsure as to how effective it is - and its ability to regrow any hair (something I was not even expecting with the earlier doses since things had not become too bad). In the last two years, I have gone from a Norwood 3 to a Norwood 5. It is very likely that I will end up as a Norwood 5A when the hair loss takes it full course. I have thinning in crown area but not complete baldness. I recently moved to the Chicago area for grad school and decided to schedule a consultation with Dr. Raymond Konior. I had my prelimnary consultation with his office assistant on Thursday morning. He seemed quite upset that I was not on either Rogaine or Propecia and was convinced whatever I was taking was not working. He took photos and made some assessments of his own. They were as follows (I sincerely hope the doctor's assessment is a bit more positive): a. I am not yet an HT candidate. I will most likely be one in the future. b. There is a LOT of miniaturized hair on my mid-scalp and front area and that will be the area where surgery is needed in the future. c. I do not have a large donor area but I have is good but it will not be enough to get me full coverage and that I should not even bother touching the crown area. d. Rogaine/Propecia would buy my hair around 10 years (which is a lot - given the rate at which things are deteriorating at my end). e. When I am ready for an HT, I will have enough to get the front area with a decent hairline and the mid-scalp. It goes without saying that I am disappointed that full coverage does not look likely. I would definitely like to protect what I have in the crown area - despite how bad it has become. My fears with regard to Propecia and Rogaine still exist. I am not too afraid of Rogaine since it is externally applied. I hope to have my in-person consultation with Dr. Konior next week or the week after that. I am sure he would not mind writing me a prescription for Rogaine (something I am seriously contemplating). My questions are as follows: a. Any recommended strategy moving forward? b. Should I ask Dr. Konior for a strategy that accounts for Rogaine NOT working for me? c. Am I really a lost cause for full coverage as a future Norwood 5A? Any guidance would be helpful. I look forward to some insights on my situation from some of you. I sincerely apologize for the length of this post. Thank you once again. Regards, WhamHair
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