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Everything posted by lessthanme

  1. are you happy with your hair transplant done by a recommended surgeon? I mean, have you improved your situation? what have people said about your new look? do you have achieved a natural result? if you have not a severe hairloss situation can you style your hair without a combo style, in a natural appeareance? thank you very much and sorry for those questions
  2. so normal people could detect that you had hair transplant by looking at your hairline i mean normal people ?
  3. I'm not saying about receding hairline but that the hair in the donor area are more thick than the hair that were originally in the hairline that are instead fine. what do you think about that?
  4. could the difference of thickness between donor hair or transplanted and a not receding hair ( natural hairline) be a factor to dected a hair transplant ? what do you think about the thickness of donor hair transplanted in the hairline? coudl someone (general people) detect a hair transplant by looking a this factor?
  5. can the hair transplanted in the hairline become less thicker over the time and look natural? and so not detectable? I heard opinions about that claiming transplants are detectable by general people due to the thickness of the hairline. what do you think about that?
  6. What do you think about the thickness of the hair ? is it true that donor hair are more thick and that placing those hairr ithe hairline could be unnatural? can the hair in hairline become less thicker with time? sorry again but I'm a litte bit down because I read some posts claiming that transplants are unnatural due to the different thickness and that you could detect a hair transplant a 1 m distance.
  7. thank you very much. what do others think about doll hair? I associate it with old transplants? is that right?
  8. I was reading some posts on forum that were talking about hair transplant, someone says that ht are associated with doll hair effect. I tought it was the past, what do you think about this ? are there ht companies behind this website that want to promote ht? sorry for the questions again
  9. Thank you very much for your replies. I appreciate you so much. Sorry for bothering you. I would like to listen more opinions.
  10. I don't want to demand a very dense pack (teenage dense) but just to look normal ie: as you know people who have black dark hair tend to have more hair than the people who have lighter hair . So just look normal( less dense but normal) to people. I'm not in my 20's but 30's!and I don't stand at all people who stare at me trying to find an imperfection like hair loss. To be totally honest
  11. I don't know how to say but I feel worried, someone who could see pics of ht patients who get a hair transpalnt could doubt on me! how it is possible that you just seeing pics of hts could reveal it? I mean according to me someone who has not a lot of hairloss and did the ht is very difficult to identify as ht veteran? it is related to the density of hair? would it mean the same to see people who had ht in the street ? and become expert on it? sorry so much again AND I HOPE THAT I'M NOT BOTHERING YOU SO MUCH, I WANT TO LISTEN MORE OPINIONS AS POSSIBLE
  12. GOSH! how it easy to become a trained eye? my friends or co-workers (people constantly in contact with me) could become trained eyes?. terrible. anyway I saw a lot of people who have almost a perfect hairline and losing hair in the crown especially the older ones and with drugs you could prevent the hairloss, even without drugs someone is not genetically prone to lose all the hair. Thank you very much for your replies! the terrible feeling to be dectetcted is related to the fact that I would like to have a natural result and not to be stared by people, also I don't want the feeling that something could be revealed constantly with me. I know that someone who has lost a lot of hair is more detectable but what about someone who is going to treat only the head zone 1 a receding hairline, with not a behind hair style? How it is possible that almost all the movie stars have a lot of hair and it is very difficult to detect them or at least what they have done?, I mean look at Matthew McConaughey or George Clooney( he had during E R time not a perfect hairline)? THANK YOU AGAIN!
  13. what do you mean by saying a candidate? not so many hair in the head, working near native hair and related shockloss? well !I would have liked to listen from you that hair transplant are in many cases not detect even from a trained expert people. it is possible? how can you detect? The hair in the hairline are thinner than the transplanted I thought that with time transplanted hair will become thinner. I'm worried about the possibility to be detect if i will be near a normal guy. and worried also to the possibility to be always stared by people sorry so much but I want to listen more opinions
  14. to tell you the truth I'm worried about general public... trained eyes could see through it or in many cases they can't detect? what are the reasons why you can recognize a hair transplant ? what are the causes for a unsuccesfull hair transplant? sorry so much for ascking you so many questions, I tought i had found a solution.
  15. what do you mean by the length of hair? I mean if I have hair loss only in my hairline can I achieve a natural result with a medium length hairstyle? what do you mean by unsuccesful results? the doll hair that was offer in the past poor regrowth rate I don't know...
  16. because of the thick of the hair? so even in wikipedia it has been wrote that nowadays ht have natural results i feel a little bit unhappy. people could stare at me like thinking he has done something. terrible!!!
  17. do you mean that at 1 meter distant you can detect a hair transplant even if it has done well?
  18. with nowadays evolution of ht, can you detect if anyone have done a hair transplant? it is true that hair in donor area are thick but with time they become more thin. it is possible to have a procedure due to hair loss in hairline and not be detect? I mean in the immediately after day it is visible the redness ... but after a year and so on...
  19. you are probably right! but look at his wet hair Matthew McConaughey Thins Out - Matthew McConaughey - Photos & Pics Matthew McConaughey and wife Camila Alves welcome their third child! | In Case You Didn't Know https://www.google.it/search?q=matthew+mcconaughey&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=J2oWU9vdB8aStQbN4oGQDA&ved=0CAcQ_AUoAQ&biw=1025&bih=481#q=matthew+mcconaughey+paparazzi&tbm=isch&facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=g9uiNdAwjIp8VM%253A%3BB8wjC5IAGr2teM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fcdn03.cdn.justjared.com%252Fwp-content%252Fuploads%252Fheadlines%252F2006%252F09%252Fmatthew-mcconaughey-surfing.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.justjared.com%252Ftags%252Fmatthew-mcconaughey%252Fpage%252F42%252F%3B400%3B400 https://www.google.it/search?q=matthew+mcconaughey&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=J2oWU9vdB8aStQbN4oGQDA&ved=0CAcQ_AUoAQ&biw=1025&bih=481#q=matthew+mcconaughey+paparazzi&tbm=isch&facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=olE50z-05lVDYM%253A%3BJWIzP-q5LrHTVM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fupload.wikimedia.org%252Fwikipedia%252Fcommons%252F5%252F57%252FMatthew_McConaughey.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fsimple.wikipedia.org%252Fwiki%252FMatthew_McConaughey%3B762%3B1037 look at those pics: there are a lot of pics with his child on his shoulders touching the hair pressing them how can you be so confident with a hair piece to put your children on your shoulders? https://www.google.it/search?q=matthew+mcconaughey&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=J2oWU9vdB8aStQbN4oGQDA&ved=0CAcQ_AUoAQ&biw=1025&bih=481#q=matthew+mcconaughey+and+family&tbm=isch&facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=YsBaEHkwd3I3kM%253A%3BqSjdBAOO_aGLAM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.growingyourbaby.com%252Fwp-content%252Fuploads%252F2012%252F03%252F85-576.jpeg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.growingyourbaby.com%252F2012%252F07%252F23%252Fmatthew-mcconaughey-his-family-stroll-through-nyc%252F%3B240%3B240 and doing surf? can it be a partial wig, are they so resistant?
  20. He deliberately posted those pics on his twitter profile. But I think they are pics with wet hair or sweaty hair. He says that the regrowth of his hair is connected with the usage of regenix therapy. He was lying on Letterman show so why is he now posting pics of him balding? moreover doing surfing with a hairpiece means that you are going to ruins the wig, it doesn't make a sense, you use a hairpiece when you are surfing and you post a pic showing that you are losing hairs.
  21. How do you recognize that it is a wig? there are pictures of him doing surfing, whit his son up on the shoulder pressing the hair ... how he can deal with it ? he is so confident using a hair piece. And there are daily life photos shooted by paparazzi where he has not such a thick hairline. moreover his hairline seems not be changing so much over the years.
  22. Someone says he used a hair piece, someone is saying that he has the same hairline during the years so difficult it is a hairpiece. There are a lot of pictures around the internet in daily life where he is not so perfect with his son on the shoulders and when he is surfing. He it is true that he has curly and thick hair but his hairs are so dense. What Matthew is using or have done? a good hair transplant? Compliments Matthew for the oscar...
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