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Everything posted by lessthanme

  1. sure but the most important clinic are in Belgium and Turkey in Europe... I can't travell all around the world to meet people... so it is very difficult to find people the best option is to listen what people think about their result ... and most important you don't know the other technicians even if you know the doctor...
  2. I don't know if it is a wig because he was almost bald aside the crown... he looks good but it is a strange style i dunno if he has big ears because his hair looks too long near the ears could someone reply to my questions?
  3. some other point of view and relative experience about having being detected how is your style? how stort can i go to be undetected?
  4. what other people think about how natural can be a ht? have somone detected that you did the ht? I mean someone with a slight recession 2500 graft dense pack
  5. how about the ht short cut and the progress of hair loss? could i have a short cut not necessary buzz cut but a shorter cut like this https://www.google.it/search?q=rob+ford&client=firefox-a&hs=Pfz&rls=org.mozilla:it:official&channel=sb&biw=1448&bih=906&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=imiEVPLvIJXUapLmgbAB&ved=0CAcQ_AUoAg#facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=wSnd7sEFr5JzUM%253A%3BUs_86YuUApUmJM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwpmedia.opinion.financialpost.com%252F2012%252F12%252Foust-ford-action-20121205.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fopinion.financialpost.com%252F2012%252F12%252F11%252Fdivisional-court-should-overturn-flawed-rob-ford-decision%252F%3B475%3B552 and appear natural better than if i would not have done a ht? can normal people detect the different in colour and size ?
  6. so i need to choose someone suggested here, is that right? what do you suggest for a dense pack fue and not so much expensive? yeah when you get older it is easy to spot a ht because they don't have hair placed in the crown and in the mid.... sometimes the nature is like that there are people who don't have hair in the crown i need more opinions... someone ask you if you had ht?
  7. a guy in another board who had fue with Koray said his hairdress saw holes around the hair and ask if he had hair transplant. I saw another reputable clinic with a case of pitting... only the most expensive ones are reputable? I'm not working so... Feriduni Rahal... Fue...
  8. did someone ask you if you had hair transplan? can normal people detect if you did hair transplant? yes they have and yes people can detect them so people can detect and ask if you had hair transplant so they are not natural... honestly i saw pitting problems, if you have a buzz it is so far worse for example they don't match the colour the size the density . I don't know....
  9. i saw you had a hair transplant with Rahal? Gosh... so people could detect you? Honestly the better way to face life is to lose everything I need to accept my hairloss and not opt for ht ...
  10. I saw someone writing my hairdress asked me if I had an hair transplant what (honestly) can you achieve with a hair transplant? Because I'm reading a lot of forum and someone is posting story about pitting so small holes around hair.. someone is saying is not good to have a buzz cut with hair transplant becuase the density the colour and the size... did someone ask you if you had hair transplan? can normal people detect if you did hair transplant?
  11. I mean you can also say that there are less hair in a receding guy who are losing its hair. so it's kinda natural. but colour and size... not necesseraly a buzz cut but a shorter cut as the older people who usually cut their hair due to progress hair loss does a shorter haircut like this https://www.google.it/search?q=toronto+mayor&client=firefox-a&hs=5Jc&rls=org.mozilla:it:official&channel=sb&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=ZZ2AVJC6MZHtaKL-gJAK&ved=0CAsQ_AUoBA&biw=1448&bih=941#facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=2Q76pMmyzy0kNM%253A%3BqlOKus7IY2mMSM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fi.huffpost.com%252Fgen%252F1445530%252Fthumbs%252Fo-MAYOR-TORONTO-facebook.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.huffingtonpost.com%252F2013%252F11%252F05%252Frob-ford-admits-crack-cocaine_n_4219680.html%3B2000%3B1000
  12. the problems are the temples and the front (recessing). If you have natural hair in your mid and even if you do a dense pack you will never reach a natural density. and you don't know the progress of your hair loss... could someone spot so easy that you did hair transplant? because i saw some pictures of a guy that shaved (buzz cut) after 6 months of a ht and you can see the differences in size and colour, this could be because He was at the first 6 months? do you have buzz cut pictures(links) of someone after he did hair transplant? I'm worried...
  13. please someone could reply... if I opt for hair transplant I need to know how could I apper when I will be older... thank you in advance
  14. Hello Guys Does it look natural the hair transplant with a shaved head(buzz cut I think it is called)? I mean I saw some pictures with guys with a buzz cut at the first 6 months and you can easy detect that it is a hair transplant due to the different density size and color with a shaved look.... but it could be different after a year or later. What do you think? the question is important because when you get older you could opt for a shaved buzz cut look so It could be uncomfortable to have people saying you did a hair transplant and so look unnatural someone with a buzz cut such as the football player Sneijder looks natural but I don't know many cases https://www.google.it/search?q=sneijder&client=firefox-a&hs=DUW&rls=org.mozilla:it:official&channel=sb&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=cQ9_VLD7Lpf7aq6jgoAK&ved=0CAgQ_AUoAQ&biw=1448&bih=854
  15. according to me the real depression is losing hair... if i would benefit using it I will be very happy and not depressed...
  16. Who are the oldest ht patients on this board? I would like to listen how is going from those who did a ht a long time ago, do you have your hair transplanted? how is your condition after a long time? sorry for the questions.
  17. yeah but shed is not permanet if you keep on with the drug your hair will be restored. the hair wil become stronger according to what I read
  18. I attaccked a link about a research removed by the moderator that claims the effectiveness of fina in frontal hair. I look for information in google and a lot of people wrote about the thickness of hair and better quality. What have you experienced?
  19. I would like to share effectivenees of finasteride in some cases? someone had success? sorry
  20. this case is encourauging: **outside link removed by moderator**
  21. because I read a study that claims it is effectiveness in the hairline.. **outside link removed by moderator** Propecia Rogaine Finasteride Results Before and After Photos | Bernstein Medical - Center for Hair Restoration have someone had success in frontal area ? I'm talking about benefits in receding hairline not the temple where the progression of hair loss could be physiologic and don't caused by dht but by testosterone In this forum a lot of people wrote they had beneficial **outside link removed by moderator**
  22. can finasteride propecia makes hair stronger and perceive improvements on the frontal hair?
  23. I would like to listen more opinions because I searched in google for results and ht and someone wrote they were not satisfied probably they had transplants in the past 80 90. So could it be that recent that recent ht are so far better than the past, is that right?
  24. thank you very much for your reply. I would like to know if the hair transplant is a good solution to hair loss so I want to look for information about it to find out if it is true, but I would like to know the opnion from guys who have done it and if they are happy with results... It is true that every people is different but by listening more people you can judge the effectiveness of it and if you can achieve some improvement.
  25. why no reply? I would like also to know if you are happy with the result over the time? Thank you very much!
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