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Melvin- Admin

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Posts posted by Melvin- Admin

  1. HTsoon - Thanks so much for sharing that video. A couple thoughts:


    1) I absolutely love that guy's attitude. I'm sure many of us (definitely myself) can learn a lot from his carefree, stress free approach to his look/hair. Personally, I would've been a nervous wreck anticipating the little white scars - but this guy seems to "get it". Would he like a full head of hair? Yes. That's why he had two hair transplants. Would he most likely prefer not having the little white scars? I'm sure. But he has them and there's nothing he can do about it. So he has a positive attitude about it all anyway. He seems to be a master at "loving what is" (at least as far as his hair is concerned) and that's one of the biggest lessons I think any of us can learn in life.


    2) The scars, while noticeable to us, really aren't that bad. And as HTsoon also mentioned, it's nothing a little SMP couldn't fix.


    It's nice we all have a handy little tool to use now when wondering what the FUE scars would potentially look like should we ever want/need to shave down. Does it look perfect? No. But for me it's infinitely better than the alternative strip scar.


    Spot on dude, his attitude is much like mine, I think once you've gotten to Norwood 6 there's no where else to go but up, nothing compared to the strip scar which would raise eyebrows and questions everywhere you'd go. He does have hair his result is actually pretty good for how bad his hairloss was, he just wanted to see how bad the scars would be, I'm glad he did it cause now I see it's not bad and SMP would pretty much make it unnoticeable.

  2. KO youre assuming finasteride is effective in 100% of men which it's not, here's a study that followed 113 men over 10 years out of the 113, 59 of them saw little to no change, out of those 59 only 15 or 25% had an improvement after 10 years. I believe 11 got worse.


    Trust me I've done my research, I've been in hairloss forums for years, plenty of guys on finasteride +10 years still go bald.

  3. Not true, you ever seen guys whose sides thin out, or even drop....you need to do some research. There is a LOT that can go wrong here for guys who get an HT and don't halt their hairloss.


    Dude I've done research I've been doing research for over 10 years, if your sides thin or drop they will thin drop ultimately anyway, finasteride is not going to stop your hairloss, it merely slows it down. You can still take minoxidil, Nizoral and RU58841 and its gonna be pretty damn close to finasteride. Again weighing the pros and cons, potentially a Norwood 7 down the line or potentially impotent for life. I'd rather have a ring of hair and inch thick and be able to have sex than have Fabio hair and be castrated. Plenty of guys who don't take finasteride have descent results with just minoxidil and nizoral slowing down their hairloss.


    I've also had a transplant and have friends who've had transplants. Sam B on YouTube doesn't take finasteride, he was a Norwood 6 and his transplant still looks good 2 years later, he's 31, could he go bald in the future yes he will, but he would also even with finasteride.

  4. I'm not scaring him I'm simply giving him my experiences, that's why I told him he could start with low doses, but the risks need to be taken in to account when putting a drug in your body eapecially if it could potentially ruin your life. He's already bald, so the worst that could happen if he doesn't take it is going back to being bald, but the worst that could happen with finasteride is a lot.

    I encourage guys to try it, but to act like its a miracle drug is ridiculous, I know guys on it plus 10 years still going bald. It only slows hairloss down it doesn't stop it, so the likely reality for all of us is that eventually we'll be balder than we are now with time.


    The analogy with a car well you always want to tell a person who drives to put on a seat belt.

  5. That is completely up to you. I'm just relaying likely reality.


    Acting like permanent side effects don't exist is not reality. Also thinking finasteride completely stops hairloss not reality. It slows it down but your still gonna inevitably go bald with time. Finasteride becomes less effective over time.

    I've take RU58841 and it gives sides but not permanent ( I guess you didn't know that)

  6. What are these "plenty of alternatives"? None exist, unless you're referring to dutasteride. The only other alternative is RU, which is an experimental chemical that has to be illegally sourced from some shady lab in China, and has never been approved for human use.



    RU also has side effects for a number of users. (I guess you didn't know that).


    Simply there is no way getting around the fact that if you don't take fin, you will continually lose hair, every day, so the transplanted hair will stick out.



    I've taken RU58841 and sure it gives sides but not permanent unlike fin ( I guess you didn't know that)


    Also a thing you fail to realize is that the more years your on Finasteide the less effective it becomes, plenty of guys I know been on it for 10-15 years and for the first 5 it's great but past 10 it becomes less effective and they lose hair anyway. You're going to lose hair regardless finasteride is not a miracle drug it doesn't stop hairloss completely it merely slows it down.

    If you're a Norwood 5 plan to be a Norwood 6 and plan your hair transplant accordingly, Sam B on YouTube was a complete Norwood 6 got descent results with out finasteride.

  7. No disrespect biolizard but Ive been on Propecia for over 10 years without one single side effect you mentioned.



    Your lucky to not have sides, but the truth is some of us are sensitive to androgen suppressors. I appreciate the fact you've never gotten a side effect but to a lot of young men id think they'd rather gamble with being bald something they already are, than be impotent, especially young men who are in relationships or married, if your HT fails well you go back to being bald, women will accept bald, but a non functioning man I don't think so, that's the dilemma, but that's why I say RU58841 which sometimes gives sides but it's not permanent. I'm lucky to have not gotten permanent sides, I tried both finasteride and dutasteride both gave sides, dutasteride even worse.

  8. If you're heading to a NW 5, and you don't take fin, it will probably look pretty bad in a few years. Take care!


    That's not true plenty of alternatives to finasteride and plenty of guys who dont take fin with good results. Take care!


    Romperstomper plenty of guys have not experienced sides, but there's also a lot of us that have, luckily it wasn't permanent, my suggestion is if you want take a very light dose and see how you feel do it,however sexual health at a young age is way more important than having hair and being castrated. I'd rather be Norwood 10 and have a functioning penis than have Brad Pitt hair with a limp noodle for life.

  9. You're not necessarily destined to fail, I think the most important thing is that you haven't noticed much more hairloss. Not everyone get sides from fin I did though, but if you're scared of fin you can try RU58841, it's a topical DHT blocker, it doesn't give permanent side effects like fin. You could take really small doses of fin during your hair transplant to reduce the chance of shock loss then you can come off.

  10. I stopped Minox because it made me pretty bloated in the face, and I also notices i had a decrease in my libido. Not to mention it i thought it ate away at my hairline. Maybe because i was using it all over my head (including my hairline) was too much? I guess i could try using it JUST on the crown when I get an FUE?


    Adamo ended proscar in 2011 as he didnt want to take it forever by the sounds of it (from what i read on his blog) I cant find it anywhere that he continued to use after his transplant


    Im headed to Rahal for his great results in hairlines and first 1/3 of the scalp. Thats all i really want for now :) Based on what i have seen im pretty confident he can do that. Definitely wouldnt be going to him if it was still done robotically. Seems like his manual work is the way to go.


    Decreased libido on minoxidil?? That's the first time ever heard of this, minoxidil doesn't reduce or eliminate DHT in the body. I wouldn't recommend Finasteride in your case, because mentally you may experience side effects.

  11. You definitely want to get on something that slows down hair loss, why'd you stop minoxidil? Did you ever try lipogaine? it contains some minor DHT inhibitors in it too, if you're scared about the sides of fin which aren't fun I know firsthand experience, try RU58841 it's topical and doesn't carry the chance of permanent sides. I was impressed with adamo result also, but he was on propecia and this was robotic FUE, he doesn't offer robotic FUE anymore cause it's not as good. I agree with others, it's best to go to an FUE specialist, if you dot wanna travel far, have you considered Dr. Umar? He charges about the same.

  12. There is no proof finasteride speeds up the growth process, frankly I don't think there's any scientific evidence that would back that theory. What may be happening is that you may be growing some hair that you previously lost. It sounds to me that perhaps your side effects aren't that bad otherwise you probably would've stopped taking finasteride. It's my opinion that your sexual health is far more important than hair, but that's just my opinion, so it's up to you what you want to do, you know your body better than anyone.

  13. Everybody's definition of good results is different, a Norwood 2 guy will never be satisfied with even the best Norwood 6 results, but that doesn't mean YOU as an individual won't be happy, most important thing before entering hair restoration is having realistic expectations, with that being said wish you good growth ??

  14. IMO he didnt need an hair transplant, maybe few years down the line. I think he was better of having FUE than FUT.


    Yea I agree, his hairloss was minuscule depending on his age I'd say his hairline was actually normal if he's in his late 20's early 30's. It's interesting Blake you've stated that scar stretching is unpredictable, that's the very reason why a lot of men stay away from FUT so I'm glad you've addressed this concern with sincerity, I made the same point several times before but it was never addressed.

  15. Why is it such a Conspirency? The two are related. He is presenting a problem, and then on another thread a solution? What exactly is the big deal?


    He's the one saying its a conspiracy, it's clear cut marketing, I don't know why he keeps denying this. It's not a big deal, the big deal is that he's continuing to say the two are unrelated and not meant to market off of each other. But that's not the point of the thread, so I'd rather keep the conversation relevant, as I've asked Dr. Feller why these 3 forces can't be decreased and or overcome.


    I think anyone reviewing Blake's posts during his time moderating the forum will agree that he provided valuable advice, constructive criticism and deserved praise to all physicians and patients as appropriate, regardless of the procedure they'd chosen.



    David, what's alarming to me is that Blake aka Future HT doc was the first to congratulate a member for choosing one of the recommended FUE physicians on this site, he was the first to tell members they were in good hands. Now all of the sudden, he's telling members the opposite, we're talking a change almost overnight, so it makes me question the sincerity, maybe he had to say that cause he was a moderator or maybe he has to say that now cause of his business. I dot know but either way it's been something that raised my concerns. I'm not saying either are the case I really do hope that he was sincere, but I'd be lying if I said the thought didn't cross my mind.


    With that being said, I'd like for this thread to get back on course, I'd like to know why these 3 forces can not be reduced?

  17. Sorry HTsoon, but that is not just a mere disclaimer, it's a statement in fact that the very company who produced the numbers has not verified its accuracy, so even THEY don't stand by their own presentation.


    The information I've presented was made very clear in Dr. Bhatti's own video. There's one difference That's about asa factual as you get. And when he edited his video and slipped it into his old post to cover it up he was giving his admission, another fact.


    Honestly HTsoon, why are you so contrarian and resistant to what's being put right before your eyes? You have no problem with a doctor on this site doing what Dr. Bhatti clearly did? But you keep attacking me for some conspiratorial marketing scheme that Dr. Bhatti invented.

    Does that really seem right to you?


    In the end this thread is for you and other patients and people who would not know better if not for the information contained herein. Don't you get that?


    This site is, or at least was, all about transparency. Now it seems more about cheering for your favorite team and vilifying FUT doctors.


    Dr. Feller, I'm contrarian because I don't like smear campaigns, I'd be saying the same things if this thread was vilifying FUT, since I started commenting on your thread my position has always been patient decision, much like physicians who perform both procedures regularly like Dr. Diep, I was actually the first one to state that these threads should be taken with a grain of salt because you as a physician have monetary incentives, just like any other physician on here, that's why I encourage patients to do research for themselves, but you've been so adamant that the yields are terrible in comparison, but no physician that I've ever consulted has ever warned me of this, so is it that every physician is being dishonest? the things I've been told is that more surgeries will have to be performed for FUE and in sessions I've never been told FUE is scarless only that the scars are small and spread out. So see it's hard for me to believe the yield is so terrible especially since this announcement has been made within two weeks of your new procedure.

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