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Posts posted by JimmyNeutron

  1. Your hairline is going to look really good. I am rooting for you, and all other Dr Maral patients, to have great results because I talked to Dr Maral through email(or some one from his clinic) and I too was quoted for 3,500 grafts. But for me it's all over the scalp rather than only the frontal region, because I have balding in the back too. Dr. Maral is not the only HT doctor who said I need 3,500, I was also told by a ISHRS recommended doctor that I will need 3,500 grafts. I hope if I do it with Dr Maral that he gives me 3,000-3,500 grafts in the front similar to yours, and 1,000 in the back because I would like a good hairline, not a high conservative one.


    Good luck with your progress. BTW I have a question for you, are concerned that you recipient area looks the way it does? Like kind of dried blood? Or is that common? Your donor area looks like is healing very fast.

  2. My opinion is to keep shaving your head and move on. You have a very nice head and the shaved look suits you. If you were over 50, you could probably get enough hair to make you happy, but being such a young guy, you would be fighting an expensive uphill battle. The best advice I think I could give you is to seek support on forums that promote head shaving and acceptance. Spend your money on school, clothes, a gym membership, etc. I believe that you would be happier in the long run. There is a small portion of people that transplantation is not a good option for and you appear to be in it, at least at this time. At 18, your sides could drop considerably and retrograde alopecia is a possibility. You may want to consider finasteride so that you have more options available to you as technology progresses. This is just my opinion and not medical advice. If you insist, make sure that you are consulting only top doctors, as this industry, along with any elective procedures, are filled with predatory clinics. Good luck.


    I started losing hair very aggressively around his age, 15, but it got very visible at 16. I am now 25 and a stabilized NW3-4 because of using finasteride and minoxidil, not even religiously. I was on and off the stuff for 6 months at a time until 22 when I started using it every day. I would use it for half a year and then not use it for the next half, which is why I am not in a better NW pattern now, but also why i'm not NW6-7.


    I would not tell him to give up, I would tell him get on fin and minoxidil and then think of an HT. I could have given up too since my hair started falling as far back as 13 years old, but I don't count it because I was an NW0, I count it really starting at 16 when I am sure I had lost 50% already. I didn't give up. Sure my hair loss is bad, but I halted/slowed it down to the point that an HT would get me where I want to be.


    Giving up should not be an option for a young guy like him. I remember seeking advice from my dad, mom, and family members, "shave you head", useless advice, primitive. Thanks to the information I found around 3-4 hair loss forums, I found a way to battle hair loss.

  3. Even if Istanbul can be a pretty expensive city to live in, I'm sure the fiscal system in Turkey is way less severe compared to EU or US.

    In my country, private medical operations are subject to up to 75% taxes, which ends up in having a total cost of over 10k € for 2000-3000 grafts FUE.

    Looks like Turkey only has a 8% VAT on medical services/medical products, plus its a country with centralized healthcare and an advanced social welfare system.

    Im sure in those 1700-1800€ each of us ends up paying to Maral, he can make more than enough to sustain all the clinic costs, and his own paycheck as well with his assistents (which i suppose they're doctors as well? maybe just training? I dont think a nurse would be qualified to perform so much on a patient, at least here) and the driver.


    I do expect, however, a rise in his prices as soon as he will start becoming more popular and more of us will share his operations. Exactly like Dr. Erdogan did. And I couldn't blame him at all, hes running a business and hes doing it in a great way.



    Today is my day 3, and later I'll post some update pics of my donor/recipient.

    I could finally sleep for 10 hours straight and it felt fantastic. Still a bit og yellow oozing from some holes in the donor area, but the swelling from my forehead is now moving to my eyes/nose/cheecks.

    I can't wait to start gently washing the recipient area with the two lotions Dr. Maral gave me


    Thanks for explanation as to why his FUE's are so cheap.


    Hey, if he's a good quality doctor with consistently good HT's, word will get around very fast to any one who does there research and he will get a lot of clients because of his prices. I think that even when he raises the prices it will still be a bargain since he does a set amount of maximum grafts for a certain price, like for example 2600-3500 grafts = 1750 EUR.


    Good luck on your HT results, I will be following it.

  4. Hey I know SMP has its own section but I am more interested to know how FUE in particular looks with SMP because I will be doing FUE soon(April or May), I chose my doctor thanks to this website and all the information and results in it about all of the different doctors. Anyway, I am strongly considering getting SMP done after an adequate amount of time after FUE has passed, to enhance the appearance of "fullness".


    Is this a good idea? Would there be complications with the SMP and the grafts? or with SMP and native hair? Have any of you done it, if so, may I see pictures?


    Thank you for reading.

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