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Posts posted by m0dthispny

  1. Hey Garen lol I mean m0dthispny..

    Thanks for the reply man! Looking good, I hope it goes well for you and I'll be following up with your blog. Also, was it fut or fue?


    haha, whoops. this was FUE.


    recovering pretty good so far. not too many scabs in recipient area, and donor area is healing well too.


    one thing i did start noticing however are "cracks", "valleys", etc in my hair. i did some research and i guess this is the normal part of crusting, i just noticed it at the end of day 3 and beginning of day 4. i've been very gentle with cleaning my head, and did not notice any grafts when i dabbed to clean the recipient area or dabbed the area dry.



    Hair Loss Help Forums - Cracks in FUE Recipient Area

  2. yeah! been waiting for some answer!


    Also.. asiandude.. If it's ok, can you please explain to us what end up happen? We need a closure.


    And I'm also curious on how m0dthispny surgery went with Dr. Diep? please reply.


    had my surgery on friday, and so far so good.




    i know its early, but the natural direction of my hair is. the center is straight, right side flows right, left side flows left. looking at the transplanted grafts, it looks to be matching pretty good.


    while they were extracting the grafts, i overheard them saying the rear left side of my head, the hairs were wavier so they did not pull any from that side since it did not match the proper flow.

  3. Exceptional, do other doctors offer the A cell shot? Is this something which you can get at any time?


    i believe other doctors offer this as well.


    it is recommended to do the a-cell when you do the HT. i think if you do the injections after the HT, won't be as effective but I could be wrong.

  4. had my HT yesterday with Dr. Diep, and the experience overall was amazing. I will use this thread to post updates for the next year.


    I am a pretty big guy, 6'3, 190lbs, and can say I have a larger face. I was originally scheduled for 2,250 grafts, but Dr. Diep ended up doing 2,781 total grafts. The majority of the additional grafts were done free of charge. Thank you Dr. Diep! I also received the A-cell injections.


    He also told me that my grafts in general were very good.


    The surgery overall took about 11.5 hrs, including a 30 min lunch break. Overall it wasn't very painful, but the worst part was when they were implanting the hair, just became restless and took a good 4-5 hrs so I would say that was the most difficult part.


    Don't have too much pain in the donor area or recipient area, but my forehead is swollen right now but I expect that to subside within the coming weeks.


    Here is a breakdown of the hairs, and some high resolution pics. And as you can see, he also reinforced my existing hair quite a bit for future hair loss.


    1's - 742 grafts

    2's - 1,541 grafts

    3's - 379 grafts

    4's - 119 grafts


    FYI, I also had a few 5 hair grafts. The Dr. said that's not something they see too often.





  5. had my HT yesterday with Dr. Diep, and the experience overall was amazing. I will use this thread to post updates for the next year.


    I am a pretty big guy, 6'3, 190lbs, and can say I have a larger face. I was originally scheduled for 2,250 grafts, but Dr. Diep ended up doing 2,781 total grafts. The majority of the additional grafts were done free of charge. Thank you Dr. Diep! I also received the A-cell injections.


    He also told me that my grafts in general were very good.


    The surgery overall took about 11.5 hrs, including a 30 min lunch break. Overall it wasn't very painful, but the worst part was when they were implanting the hair, just became restless and took a good 4-5 hrs so I would say that was the most difficult part.


    Don't have too much pain in the donor area or recipient area, but my forehead is swollen right now but I expect that to subside within the coming weeks.


    Here is a breakdown of the hairs, and some high resolution pics. And as you can see, he also reinforced my existing hair quite a bit for future hair loss.


    1's - 742 grafts

    2's - 1,541 grafts

    3's - 379 grafts

    4's - 119 grafts


    FYI, I also had a few 5 hair grafts. The Dr. said that's not something they see too often.





  6. It will be the best decision, I have gained so much confidence back, by the way you in CA


    yea, i'm in california.


    do you have any advice as to what to do after the transplant?


    did you do anything else that wasn't suggested by the Dr? such as cleaning, vitamins, etc.



  7. I just passed my 7 month mark. At this point I can say I'm very pleased. Those that know are impressed and others just know I look better or think I look different. I do change it up and went from shaved head no beard to grown out hair with grown out beard so I think that all helped camoflauge things and keep them guessing so to speak. I'll post some pics shortly when by my computer. At 12 month I think I'll be out of the park.


    very nice.


    i actually have a very similar look, haircut/hairstyle, facial structure, hair type as you, so hope my results are as good as yours. i'm also leaning towards the slight widows peak that you have.

  8. look forward to Dr. Diep's response.


    don't mean to go off topic, but my HT is scheduled end of Jan w Dr. Diep and i'm starting to get a bit nervous, especially because of all the negativity recently. I know how forums can be though, so I don't let it completely skew my decision, but definitely will have another consultation with the Dr. to go over a few additional questions/concerns I have.

  9. I agree with you 100% Mickey85. Especially on hair1978! A real doctor should know if you're qualify for FUE or not. Clearly this guy wasn't. For the amount of hair he needs, Dr Diep only recommended him 2,026 grafts?!?!? THAT'S INSANE!!!!


    Also, Dr Diep is very annoying on YOUTUBE. His videos on there are very unprofessional.


    But again that's my opinion.


    let the videos be basic, i don't care for glitz or glamour in the videos, i want to see results from the procedures, and the videos show them. is it better to wait a month in between each video so they can do the proper processing and visual effects?


    Dr. Diep gives you options when you get your consultation, i'm a NW3 and he recommended anywhere from 1500 to 2250. do you think the higher end of hair1978s recommendation was 2k grafts? hair1978 most likely wanted a less invasive surgery which is why he went with FUE and with around 2k graft which is close to the maximum limit.

  10. Hi Guys,


    Just sent Dr. Diep an email. Look forward to his reply. I will keep everyone updated. In the meantime, I appreciate the civility!




    i have my surgery booked with Dr. Diep end of January, and I've been really impressed with his work, but wondering what his explanation is for the OPs issues.


    Also, OP, did the dr. recommend more grafts than 1200? or was the 1200 the most that he had suggested?

  11. I'm curious to see the Dr's response, I have FUE booked with Dr. Diep next month, and surprised how the flow of implanted hair is different. However, I've also seen many cases of very impressive work, which is why I booked Dr. Diep. Curious as the Dr. did say for me to have my hair grown out so he sees the flow of hair before the surgery. Personally I think the hairline design is very nice though. I am an advanced NW3 and opting for 2,250 grafts.


    Mickey85, just searching 'diep' in this forum, i've noticed that you're constantly bashing and criticizing the Dr., always referring to the double FUT incision or his aggressive extractions. You had mentioned that Lorenzo's extractions are less aggressive, and videos are available on youtube, but I tried searching and didn't really find any. Do you have a personal vendetta against the Dr? Your constant bashing certainly makes me think so.


    also, since you constantly bash, here are some videos to show the excellent work by the Dr. what do you think of these videos and the quality of work? i have thick hair, and would like to reach the results below.







    not to say the Dr.'s work is flawless, and results are never guaranteed with surgery, but looking at all his work, i feel confident and hope it turns out well!

  12. Has anyone tried or heard of VIVISCAL pills


    not sure if you saw my post above.


    Unit, any updated pics?


    booked fue with Dr. Diep end of January.


    also, did you start taking any meds? Dr. recommends propecia but i'm starting to worry about the sides and not sure if i should take it or not once i get my HT.

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