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Posts posted by hairbank

  1. Finallyfree,


    I've had 1200 in the front/top area already and while I'd like it thicker it gives me decent coverage..........the first assessment of my donor hair was that I'd have no problem with supply but I guess you never know.


    If I only get 3000 this time in the crown, I'm thinking I'll at the least have another 2000-3000 for top/front/temple fill it. My hope is Dr. Wong hits a home run and gets 5000+ and does some front/temple work in addition to the crown.


    Any thoughts on this?

  2. GP,


    I didn't get to do a face-to-face meeting so it's one of those "wait and see" things. From what my first HT doc said, I have excellent donor hair when it comes to supply and density. I told Mike @ H&W to have Dr. Wong get as many as he can..........we're thinking it will be between 3500 & 5000.


    I've got a big "B" spot so I think it'll take at least 3000 to fill it the way I want. If he gets more I'm going to have some hairline work done and thicken the top.

  3. Thanks for the follow-up to my post, Hairworthy. I had skimmed this article but, as sometimes happens, the details didn't stick with me!


    I highly recommend anyone who is having, or considering, a HT in the near future to read this.


    Originally posted by hairworthy:
    Originally posted by hairbank:

    I think the head shaving thing is just a preference for doc's. At H&W, they do it in order to avoid unnecessarily damaging any other hairs during the process............and, possibly to determine "hair pattern" (I think, anyway).

    These are not the only reasons. Suggest you read the excellent article written by Dr Hasson on this subject. It can be found here.

  4. If memory serves, I noticed shock loss in the recipient area between 2 weeks & 2 months before the new grafts started growing. I did have some shock loss on the donor area as well.


    IMO....I don't think nearly all the shocked hair in the recipient area came back. The hair around the donor area came back but in one particular area it doesn't seem as thick. As ong as I wear my hair more than 1/2" long it doesn't matter 'cause it's covered anyway.


    Hope this helps. What are you experiencing so far? When did you have your HT?

  5. Kansas,


    Take a look at the earlier posts from this thread for reference. Just my opinion...........but I would think given his experience and the top individuals he's trained with you could expect great results. If I were looking at the Shapiro clinic I wouldn't hesitate going to him.


    As far as price...........I consulted with them and spoke to Matt Zupan who I think handles all consultations. I think Dr. Ron Shaprio is $4.50 for the first 2000 then maybe $2.00 for additional grafts?? Other Doc's in Shapiro's group, I believe, are $4 per graft then same discount. I'm going from memory here (which is not always great icon_wink.gif) so please contact them for further info.


    Good luck!

  6. Pat,


    Thanks for summing things up.......very eloquently put and informative, as usual. Makes me think back to those who had HT's 10 years ago versus what is available today. What a difference!! A huge positive for the follically challenged. icon_wink.gif


    Quote from B Spot: "BTW, you starting to get excited yet?"


    Spot - That's the understatement of the century! I wish next week would hurry up and get here. Can't wait for Dr. Wong to work his magic on the 15th!

  7. Check out many of the Doc's listed in the Coalition by clicking in the top left corner of this website..............and, Ditto the earlier posts if your around Seattle, go see Hasson and Wong for a consult.


    This forum should be very useful in your research. There's a wealth of information here to assist you. Look at previous before and after photo's in our Photo Albums and check out the same on the Coalition Surgeon's websites.


    Let any of us know how we can help and Good Luck with the process.

  8. Originally posted by the B spot:

    Bank, I agree that awareness and demand has been raised with regards to these mega-mega sessions. What I disagree with is the idea that consumers are driving/controlling the market. What I think is happening is these sessions are opening up a completely new section of the market.




    I think we're just "splitting hairs" (pun intended!) icon_cool.gif Even with this new market segment wouldn't this still be considered "market driven"?? Otherwise, why raise the bar at all from previous sessions of around 2000 or so?


    I realize there are still going to be those individuals at the NW2 or NW3 (I remember those days, I think?) that will be content with 1500-2000 at a time (Rottun from this site comes to mind recently).........maybe in a more progressive fashion having a session every 3-4 years or so as their loss continues over time.


    Unfortunately, Joe's like us at the NW5 stage or so can use a little more in one pass. I guess either way hairloss needs are being met and that's what it's about. I suppose there will be a place for surgeons who still want to "maintain" at the 1500-2500 level...........but I feel with MPB progressing to NW5 and NW6 in many cases the larger sessions are going to be more desireable! Who knows for sure.


    For me, I never really considered an HT before a couple of years ago. My wife didn't really care that I was losing my hair. I guess it was one of those things where hairloss is now a bonafide choice.......if you want to spend the bucks!


    Always appreciate reading your posts, Spot!

  9. Rottun,


    Congrats to you! Looks like I'll be about a week behind you in the recovery process. Do you have any pics to post? I'll be anxious to see your progress.


    I think the head shaving thing is just a preference for doc's. At H&W, they do it in order to avoid unnecessarily damaging any other hairs during the process............and, possibly to determine "hair pattern" (I think, anyway).


    For those of you having questions/concerns about shaving the head prior to the procedure, check out Jotronics website at:




    I can't remember for sure, I think it's his 2nd HT...........check out the scar after clipping to about a #2 or so at the two week mark.....barely detectable. Anyway, with the new trichophytic closure method...and this example I was put at ease.

  10. Mudpuppy,


    I'm headed to H&W (Dr. Wong) in less than a week for my 2nd session. Like you, I'm telling them go for the gusto on number of grafts!


    Just curious............did you do the scalp exercises they recommend before having the HT? Do you know if they helped you? I just found out about the a couple of weeks ago and started them but am not sure what good they will do since it's late in the game for me.



  11. Take a look at some of the websites of surgeon's listed hear. You can click on coalition surgeons at the top to get theirs...........or go to the photo albums here to see before and after pics. Look for pics having a similar pattern of loss to you. This will give a better idea of what you can expect.


    Everyone is different on this. Like B spot said, several prefer to concentrate on "framing the face" in front before going to the rear. I had a little work done on front but and focusing on crown first for my 2nd HT the will go forward as I have more...........I've got what I would call a baseball (maybe softball) sized bald spot on the crown and I hate it.


    If you can post some pics of yourself it would help to give an opinion.


    As far as it being done, you should be able to have the HT grafts placed on crown and in front. Crown has shown to come in a little slower than top/front but the end result should be the same. Results can vary depending on the amount and type of donor hair you have available.

  12. I have a 2nd HT scheduled with H&W in less than a week. Why did I pick them...........because of their ability to consistently perform mega sessions of sometimes more than 5000 grafts....with excellent results! Is it safe? It sure seems to be based on the provided results. Do I wish I would have used them 1st time around? Absolutely!


    As for other American Doc's mirroring this, I would guess it's heading that direction. H&W seems to have paved the way posting fantastic results. The reference to Shapiro heading this direction adds credibility since he is top notch.....I would guess others will start doing the same in the near future. Overall, the move for more in a session makes sense. Why have 4-5 HT sessions when you can get what you want in 1-2? There are so many benefits. It is taxing on the surgeon's time but maybe that can be improved also?


    Look at it in the business sense. HT's are a service performed by clinics and provided for those consumers who have need of the HT. In order for the clinic/surgeon to be successful, they will try to meet customer needs as best they can. What are customer's now desiring..........mega sessions of an increasing number of grafts for a more efficient restoration process.


    My first HT a year ago, I received 1200 grafts and was told to have "reasonable expectations" and that most people don't come back for a 2nd HT. I'm disappointed now 1 year later when I realize what I could have now if I knew more then. If they can't harvest enough during my 2nd HT, I may have to go back for a 3rd to get the results I'm looking for. If I'd had a true mega session 1st HT the 2nd could have been the last.

  13. I've never heard of it or tried it. There are likely several things that will "thicken" the hair or make it appear that way.


    The only things proven to "regrow" and/or thicken the hair shaft are finasteride and Rogaine.


    IMO stay away from infomercials. I've yet to see one that delivers anything close to what they propose.

  14. I think you "can" start back within a couple of weeks and the grafts aren't a concern, but the scar may be. I'm going in for my 2nd HT next week and plan to take off a month, then start working out again and see how I feel. I guess you just have to do what you're comfortable with.

  15. Every case is different depending on the # of grafts you receive and if you have existing hair that can cover the procedure. For instance, my first HT for 1200 grafts was rather small by today's standards, and, since most of my loss was from the crown forward they just filled in on top/front. I only took off a week and had no problem. No one ever knew.


    On the flip side, I'm having my 2nd HT in about a week and will receive as many as they can harvest. Since I want them to dense pack the grafts it is likely they will shave the top of my head(I don't think Shapiro does this). That being said..................I work in a Bank and appearance is a major concern. I checked out several pics of those on this forum under the photo albums, and viewed pre-op/post-op pics of those having been to the surgeon I'm using. The scabs will definitely be gone in 2 weeks so that's not an issue. And, the donor scar will most likely be covered by your existing hair as long as you leave it 1/2" or longer.


    Skin discoloration varies from case to case. I don't know this for fact but read on one of the websites that tanning before the HT would help hide any discoloration.


    I don't think you'll have a problem after a couple of weeks off.


    Hope this helps.

  16. Originally posted by markcia:




    IMHO..........I would think FUE/Strip has to be reviewed individually on a case by case basis.


    Personally, I'm still a NW 4 and am having a 2nd HT for as many grafts as possible, maybe up to 5000 - I hope! From my research, this would be next to impossible to accomplish using FUE alone not to mentione the cost involved. Now, if a person is a NW2 or NW3, maybe they can get the results they're looking for with FUE.


    I'm not trying to be disagreeable, just pointing out that every case of hairloss is unique and needs to be approached in that fashion.


    From the scar results I saw using the Trichophytic closure from H&W (and some others), the scar from strip seems to be less and less of an issue.

  17. Chris,


    Good luck to you during the recovery process. Be patient during the dormant phase and look forward to some serious growth in the future. I would guess by mid-summer you should see some serious results.


    I think I remember you considering finesteride (propecia), are you now taking it?


    Look forward to seeing your pics! icon_smile.gif

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