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Posts posted by hairbank

  1. Lookin' good, Joe! Nice-N-Lean with good mass!


    Care to share you're lifting routine and the basics of your diet? You're 165lbs, how tall are you??


    So far, I'm starting back on a pretty basic routine...............chest/bi's, back/tri's, shoulders/legs...........and am going to try and hit each body part 2x per week if my schedule allows. I was going to alternate doing each body part 2x one week, 1 time the next, but have decided to try and hit each part 2x every week and see how it goes.


    I've decided not to change my diet much for now, just eating the right amount of protein and carbs in each meal, and then suppliment the protein to make sure I end up with 1gr per lb of body weight daily. It seems the most gains I've had in the past were from when my protein intake match the 1gr per lb of body weight.


    Anyone else care to join the fun??

  2. Hey diamond,


    What better way to pass through the "HT doldrums" growth stage than a little friendly lifting competition! icon_wink.gif


    My goals are probably a little different than yours with lifting, but I will put on some mass. Can't do those heavy squats anymore thought, they mess with the lower back too much for me. I still do them, just not as aggressively. The rest of my body doesn't seem much different than when I was younger than you so I can still "kick it" with bench, curls....most everything else.


    Ahhhhhh.................so it WAS you I was working out next to in the gym yesterday..........I knew it!!!! icon_cool.gif


    Okay, we're close to the end of November..............let's set the first pic day for around the 1st of January, eh?


    Anyone else who wants to join the fun is welcome. I'm looking forward to something like this pushing me a little in the gym!!

  3. If Dr. Unger performs state-of-the-art, ultra-refined follicular unit HT's, it's not that though to determine. I'd just like to see proof via former patients who post their pics, or even if he or his clinic wishes to take the time to post the pics I'll give him a chance.


    If his website needs updating, and he wants a better reputation on this site or any other, he or his office manager need to "take the bull by the horns" and do something about it.


    I'm not here to promote Docs, but if I have personally experienced or seen results from Docs that I like, over and over again, I'm always glad to recommend them so they can help someone else.


    I'm still not quite sure the point of your post, as there really won't ever be a time when we can take someone's word for fact of successful HT's. We need to see proof via pics and satisfied HT patients.

  4. I wouldn't consider forehead reduction.........if you do anything go the HT route.


    As for STRIP for FUE, you probably realize that FUE will cost twice as much already. How close do you cut your hair? I can go to 1/2, or a little closer with no scar issue after STRIP. With tricho closure the hair grows through the scar which helps conceal it.


    As for donor hair density, that really is a Q for a Doc or consultant.........very difficult to determine without some VERY detailed, close up, high-resolution pics.


    Best of luck!

  5. Originally posted by diamondlight:

    dhoose- awwwwwesome leg seperation brotha. Looking at that pic thats the first thing I said to myself. Could use a little calf work icon_smile.gif haha What was your weigh in...70ish? I just came off a 2 week break, give me a month to get back on my game and Ill post some pix. Only problem, Im not going to be tan :/ Which you know is a big deal! icon_smile.gif

    Bill- you certainly dont have to starve yourself

    grilled chicken n skim milk baby, o yea and water lol alllllllll day long No carbs! thats that


    Okay diamond.............I'm with you on this! Let's push each other a little bit on something else other than hair icon_biggrin.gif!


    I'm just back in the gym (yesterday) after like a 1 year plus layoff...............I'll commit to posting progress pics starting at 1 month then monthly thereafter...........how 'bout it?? Surely you can keep up with a 41 yr old guy, eh? icon_wink.gif


    Anyway, I don't have a lifting partner and it's nice to kind of have something to shoot for!


    Oh, and dhoose, you can't compete........already saw your pics and you look too good already! icon_cool.gif

  6. Originally posted by chucky:

    you guys should chill out more and try the budweiser diet,carry those crates of beer in the house,have a short rest,then drink as much as possible and fall asleep having nothing to eat.

    wake up next day and repeat.

    30 inch waist in no time!!!!


    Nah, Chucky, I tried that diet "back in the day", in college.........all I really accomplished is waking up, feeling like crap and not remembering where I parked my car icon_biggrin.gif!

  7. I'm not sure I'd apply with a tootbrush but maybe that makes more sense in the hairline.


    I don't use the stuff anymore, but when I did, I found it best to just use the pad and apply liberally everywhere, then take out the excess. For the hairline that meant using a damp washcloth and sort of "push back" along the hairline into it.............softens it and seems to do the trick.


    Glock has an interesting point...........I had the issue with a "chalky" look also. To combat this, I did two things........................first, after the dermmatch is completely dry, use a slightly damp towel and pat or lightly rub out any excess dermmatch, then dry the hair again. Second, use styling products..............Nioxin volumizing creme I found works best.......once the dermmatch is dry and you've taken out the excess, styling products work great and bring shine and color back to your hair and take out any "chalky" appearance.

  8. Srod,


    If you're 35, and have the hair you seem to have in this pic, with hairline rescission only, thick everywhere else...........I'd say do what you want. Your old enough to have seen how aggressive you're loss will be, if you want to lower the hairline a little...........go for it icon_cool.gif!


    That being said, I agree, your loss doesn't look bad. To me, your temples still look good, you may just want to lower the hairline a tad and I'm guessing 2500 grafts would be more than enough.............depends on how low you go, and that question is better answered by a surgeon or HT consultant.


    Best of luck!

  9. Originally posted by Bill - Moderator:



    It is impossible to maintain your size and shape as displayed in his picture. You virtually have to starve yourself in order to have that little body fat and it would be detrimental to your health to maintain it long term.


    However, one can maintain a healthy physique all year round but they simply won't be that ripped!


    Dhoose...when was that picture taken bro? You are certainly ripped in that picture!




    Agreed Bill.........maintaining the regimen that produces results like that would be killer.........I know I don't have the time or desire but sheesh, he looks pretty dang good!


    Hey, isn't there a pill or something we can take to just get buff? I just went to the gym today for a chest/tri workout after laying off nearly a year...........I'm gonna be a sore puppy this week! icon_biggrin.gif

  10. Originally posted by Topher91:

    Thanks to everyone thus far for your responses.


    I have received one of my consultation results. Dr. Rahal recommended 2000 grafts to re-establish my hairline.


    He did not recommend against a transplant. Any thoughts here?


    At 22 years old I would not even think of a hair transplant with the limited loss you've had so far. I totally understand why it frustrates you, at the same time I can't recommend you get a HT.


    Say you get 2000 grafts from Dr. Rahal, packed in the hairline/temple area, not even much in the frontal 1/3. What happens if you EVER hit NW 6'ville or more? You'll end up with a dense hairline then be scrambling to even it out the rest of the way.


    The main point here is that hairloss is an unknown as to how fast and how far it will go for each person..............there is no way to predict it. Why not give meds a try and see if your loss stabilizes over time?


    There are many who are in their early twenties who have gotten HT's and packed mega-grafts into their hairline whom I believe will regret the decision in 5-10 years time, or whenever the loss speeds up and they don;t have the donor hair to catch up to it.


    For those of you younger guys that may think it won't matter when you're 30, 40 or more years old..............wrong, you won't like being bald any more then than you do now.


    Topher.............I'm not trying to come down on you at all, and, if you choose to get a HT I hope it's fantastic. icon_wink.gif! I just think there are many younger guys getting HT's with no thought of what the future will bring them in terms of hairloss.


    Best of luck to you,

  11. Originally posted by Bill - Moderator:


    The hairs that grow back normally are typically "shocked" hairs as opposed to transplanted hairs.


    Rest easy my friend. It's a gradual process.




    Good point, Bill,


    I remember this specifically after HT #2............I had a waive of hair coming in that came in coarse, like beard stubble. I determined very quickly that these were shocked native hair since I had no hair transplanted in these areas.


    Then, the HT hair, came in thin and wispy but thickened up pretty darn quick!


    Happy growin,

  12. No, I have not heard of any particular Doc with a rep for HT patients healing faster than another. As long as you go to a doc who is performing state-of-the-art, ultra-refined Ht's with minimally invasive incisions, you should heal fine.


    Usually the minimum for all scabing and pink skin-tint to go away is 2 weeks at a minimum............maybe in some cases a little soon or much later depending on how you heal............everyone's different.

  13. I've never heard of "Hair Restoration". I'd like to tell you it will work but odds are it is snake oil! If it was that good it would be marketed internationally and Ronco would be selling it on TV icon_wink.gif!


    Seriously, if you're wanting to find out if it's working for you, I'd tell you the only way will be with pics so start documenting the process with monthly or bi-monthly photos...........hair grows so slow it's really the only way to tell if it's working for you.

  14. Originally posted by guyfromsydney:

    are you sure that proscar and propeica are exactly the same. (besides the dosage)


    As i understand it, proscar is used to target the prostate? are there any long term studies regarding propecia/proscar and their long term effect on the prostate?




    Yes, I can tell you with absolute certainty that Proscar and Propecia contain the same meds.........active ingredient is Finasteride. Proscar, the 5mg variety is used to treat BPH (enlarged prostate), then, Propecia came out in 1mg form specifically for hair loss.

  15. MH-


    Hey, glad to see you're taking my comments as they are intended.............constructively and to help you icon_wink.gif!


    If I were you, I'd just make sure there "is" a plan for the long haul. If you're NW 4-5 right now, as I was before any HT's at age 38, I can tell you, unless you want a noticable balding area on your head, you'll need more grafts.


    I have 5000 right now, and if I keep thinking the way I am, hair greed will kick in and I'll go back in for some much needed temple/hairline work and to add density all around. It takes lots of grafts to provide the illusion of density over the majority of your head.


    I'm not taking anything away from Dr. Epstein as he will do quality work for you. I just want you to be realistic about what 2600-2800 grafts will do for a NW4/5 such as yourself. So, if you go in knowing this, and knowing that if you want a total non-balding look you'll need another session, that's what I'm after.


    When I went for HT #1, I had only been on HTN for a few weeks and was far too uneducated to go through with it. I lucked out in that the HT is decent and I was not scarred, but the coverage was very lackluster...........even 3886 grafts after HT #2 and I still think I need more.


    Best wishes,

  16. diego-


    Dermmatch is pretty much waterproof and will not come out unless you shampoo it out so I think it will likely be the best choice for you............and, as a stand alone, from what I've seen, it beats anything else hands down.


    I used it before HT #2 filled in and found that it is best applied, then completely blow dried (or let dry naturally for a long time), then take a damp towell and lightly take out the excess, then dry again...........this helps you avoid it coming off on your pillow at night. Also..............when it's dry, you can use styling cream, gel.........whatever, it really is pretty good stuff.


    If you use it every day, a disc which costs around $30 will last you maybe 3-4 months.


    Hope this helps,

  17. A word of advice coming from a fellow former NW 5 recovered bald guy...........use the 2600 in the frontal 1/3 exclusively rather than try to hit the crown, then hit the crown some other time. Any reason at your age and stage of loss you're not going for more grafts in one session? Just curious??



  18. Yes, IMO, I think any hair which is MPB-susceptible can become dependent on Minox if used. I hope a Doc will chime in on this because I know many use it to speed up growth and I'm very skeptical about it.


    I suppose the good news is you've only been using it for 2.5mo. Have you chect with your HT Doc on this?? I would if I were you.

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