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Posts posted by SunnyCool3

  1. Thanks, Sad. Given my shedding, I would love to see New Year's Day growth! Sunny, how has the work week gome?


    Hi hadenough2014,

    Work week was good. Actually nobody was able to figure out anything. No weird/funny looks at all. I could easily hide scalp using side hair. I'll try to post some pics. Going back to work wasn't a concern at all. Looks wise... I am back to pre OP stage. I didn't have to use any concealers etc.

    I decided not to trim my hair too short as this is not my style. I know there are problems at times especially when it's windy. But I hardly walk while going to work. Also, during winter time I could wear hat when it's very windy.

  2. Hi Hadenough and Sunny,


    Since you're both experiencing dry scalp due to Rogaine, I wanted to make sure you two are applying it just once a day. Give you scalp a rest for couple of weeks if you continue with dry, itchy flakes on the scalp. It might also be helpful to use Nizoral shampoo every other day for couple of weeks then taper off to just once a week. You can introduce Nizoral shampoo right away.


    Good luck to both of you in the healing and growth progress.


    Hi Janna, As you suggested, I actually stopped applying Rogaine foam due to pimples. I am not sure if Rogaine was the actual culprit or something else.

    Should I give it a try once again?


    I am using Nizoral as you mentioned.

  3. Hi Sunny,


    Any update? Back to work yet? Did you find a hairstyle you are comfortable with?


    Hi Mate,

    I am doing well. Pimples issue has been resolved now. Things are getting back to normal & everything seems to be going as scheduled. Big thanks to Janna for the speedy response & help to fix the problem. I'll still be talking antibiotics though for another 10 days so that pimples do not come back. I got freaked out looking at pimples & do not want to take any chance now. :eek:


    I'll be going back to work on Monday.My wife has trimmed hair from sides and back (not very short) & I feel much better after that. I will post some pics the day I will be going back to work. I think I am back to the pre OP stage now. I don't think anyone can tell that I went through a surgery. Donor area looks awesome as the scar healed very well & is not visible at all. I got to know that my immediate boss has resigned & I will be up for that role. Let's see if this procedure will bring in some luck as well :D



    I've noticed that shedding has almost stopped even after being aggressive during the shampoo. I have been forceful (not crazy but sensible) with the shampoo in last 10 days or so however my transplanted hairs are still not shedding. I think I still have decent amount of hair lingering on the recipient area. I've sent some pics to Janna so that she could comment. She looked at it & said everything is normal & there's nothing to stress about shedding.


    It seems my scalp was hungry for hair and now it's not willing to lose them at all :-)


    I believe that the majority of patients will shed the hair shaft within the first 1-3 weeks following their procedure. However maybe 5% of patients "hold on" to a good number, if not most, of their hair shafts, so that they indeed, "start growing from day one". Not sure if I am falling in that 5% category. The transplanted hair have started growing in my case.


    Let's see if I loose them in next 2 to 3 weeks. I'll update on that.



    I also checked with Janna to see if I could start applying Aloe Vera (100% pure) lotion on the recipient area. She gave a go ahead to that.


    How are things at your end mate?

  4. I used Rogaine Foam for about 2 years before my procedure, and then stopped a week before the procedure and re-started 10 days post-op. There is definitely some irritation to the grafts when I use it. I apply it very gently, but the grafts still seem to get upset and it takes them 15-20 minutes to cool down. The recipient area turns a little red after application, but then it goes away after the 15-20 minute period.


    Dr Ron suggested me to stop using Rogaine for now.

    He also prescribed antibiotics for ten days twice a day to avoid any infection or inflammation.

  5. Hi Sunny,


    Have you been applying anything in the last couple of weeks, such as Rogaine Foam? A new shampoo? I wonder if the introduction of something new to the grafts/scalp is causing the pimples?


    Yes. I started applying Rogaine a week back. And this is the first time I've used this product. I was also thinking if that's the culprit. I've sent this query to Dr Ron.

  6. I went through a pretty frustrating phase with pimples. The warm compresses seemed to be the best way to deal with them. I'd use them 3-4 times a day for 2-3 days and that would clear them up. I thought they were going to seriously impact my outcome but as you can see from my avatar they didn't. Or if they did, I can't tell. At the time though, they kind of freaked me out.


    Hi, I've started doing warm compress on the pimples today.

    I've just posted pics on my thread. Please take a look.

    Actually it's not that bad. I see 6 to 7 pimples look like small red bumps.

    I am little worried about any situation like folliculitis and/or inflamation. So just trying to be proactive in dealing with any complications.

  7. Hi Sunny. No, I have no pimples. It is a little dry right on top and I was thinking about emailing the Dr. about that to see if there is a remedy at this stage, but I think it may be from the Rogaine Foam. If you have pimples, did you try the warm compress yet?


    Hey, I started getting pimples in last 2 to 3 days. Today I started warm compress to see if that helps.

    I spoke to Janna & abt to send her some pics and the pharmacy number so that prescription could be written if required.

  8. Thanks, Sad. I appreciate the support! It is now Day 25 and I do not have any new pictures to post. Nothing really new has happened other than I lost a few more hairs to shedding. The shedding seems to have slowed do|wn dramatically, but I expect there are some more yet to go, maybe 10% remain. It also looks like most of my native hairs that the Dr. cut during the procedure have survived shock loss (so far) and are growing longer, so hopefully I will be looking much nearer my pre-op self in the next couple of weeks. That will make the waiting period much easier to bear if ugly duckling is minimized a bit. Scar is doing very well, and I only have a little tightness back there...very mild. I never did have much pain or tightness at the donor area. Just a little tender to the touch in certain areas. The top recipient area is still a little numb, though I can feel it fading from day to day.


    All seems to be going well so far.


    Thanks for the update.

    Have you noticed any pimples on the recipient area?

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