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Posts posted by azn_guy

  1. This is an interesting topic. I'd like to make sure that folks here are subjective and careful with the doctors they choose.


    After reading some of the post on here, there are a lot of members on there that "sway" towards the positive of the doctors rather than the negative.


    I personally haven't had a HT, but I'm still doing research to make sure I choose the right one that could do the best job possible.


    Seeing many of the photos on this site, everything seems positive rather than negative which can really skew the results and expectations of future HT patients.


    Doctors obviously will not admit to their mistakes, which makes sense. I do think it is up to us (members and moderators) to help ensure EVERYONE gets the right type of information.


    It's like if I went to a ford focus website forum, everyone on there are ford fans and you never hear about the bad things with ford cars...Which is a flawed concept

  2. Hey Jontronic,


    You look great with longer hair...


    The 3rd picture is interesting to me.


    Obviously it looks good, but I have to ask one minor question icon_smile.gif Again this is me being a perfectionist and my expectations are off the roof.


    The 3rd picture, I see a bit of "emptiness" in the temple region. Any thought of getting that filled in anymore? I suggest not, but just something I kinda noticed.

  3. I'm just wondering who here has had a dramatic change in their hairstyles after a HT, when I say "after" I mean a good 18 months afterwards


    One of the reasons I ask is that HT is an "art" where an illusion is happening to make it looks like you have more hair than you have.


    Check out this photo. After a HT, would this even be possible?


    Long Hair Style


    This probably not achievable.


    Or the Owen Wilson Look


    owen wilson look


    So after a HT, do most of you stick with one style and that's it?


    Again, If I'm being outlandish with my expectations, please bring me back down to earth =)

  4. I'm just wondering who here has had a dramatic change in their hairstyles after a HT, when I say "after" I mean a good 18 months afterwards


    One of the reasons I ask is that HT is an "art" where an illusion is happening to make it looks like you have more hair than you have.


    Check out this photo. After a HT, would this even be possible?


    Long Hair Style


    This probably not achievable.


    Or the Owen Wilson Look


    owen wilson look


    So after a HT, do most of you stick with one style and that's it?


    Again, If I'm being outlandish with my expectations, please bring me back down to earth =)

  5. This is a good topic.


    So Atomic, what are your hair characteristics?


    As I said in my original post, I'm asian and this is my deepest concern. I'm wondering if I could get awesome results like you icon_wink.gif


    I guess something else that should be considered is Did you get a Trychophytic Closure or not?


    I'm optimistically looking at "attempting" to do a 1 and done deal at 3000 grafts (with worse case scenario a 2nd HT 15-20 years down the line)

  6. 1973, so ever thought about buzzing it down to a clipper 3?


    So I noticed there arent many responses here. I'm guessing I can assume the majority of the folks on this site are happy with the scars?


    I kind of want to hear some horror stories. I think everyone on here that is thinking of getting a HT will benefit from knowing about the bad, rather than seeing all the success stories.



  7. I also would like to hear from the older folks here.


    I'm 29 and I'm a NW3 vertex (in my opinion), but you guys may see it differently




    So if you were to compare me with a 25 caucasian that is a NW4 or NW5


    I'm in really good shape. Most HT doctors I've talked to says if your hairloss starts later and it's slow (my hairloss has been very gradual while I know some other folks where hair just falls out), then those types of patients are better off shape.


    the BIG question is, what will I look like in 10 years at age 39?

  8. I'm new to the forum as a poster, but have been reading for several months.


    Many of you say "questions/answers get old" but I think it's all situational because everyone is different.


    I'm asian and I personally would like to see more asian related answers and articles, and photos!


    As I mentioned in another thread, I'm a fan of LatinLotus because he's just like me.


    So for you moderators, I personally would like to see more attention to non-caucasian hair icon_wink.gif


    Since Asian hair is different, it's still difficult to get the details I need to feel comfortable about a HT.


    I dont see myself disappearing anytime soon, The more I read, the more I understand and the more I know what I'm getting myself into.


    Also, it may be helpful to have a photo section of BAD hair transplants, maybe this will help inform us about what is considered bad. All I see are top notched photos, Its making me feel over confident thinking a HT is a 100% fix!!!

  9. Originally posted by xxy:

    That's a lot of speculation.


    I guess it comes down to whether you think it's better to be safe than sorry. (On either side of the fence.)


    haha, yes it is, but you kind of have to be since no one here can tell the future.


    it's interesting though that there are so many folks here willing to take dutasteride while every doctor I've talked to does not recommend this. Some of you guys are truly risk takers icon_wink.gif

  10. I see a lot of postings on complimenting "awesome" "to die for" donor strip scarring.


    I'd like to know who on this site wished for a better result.


    Also, if you did have bad scarring, did you go back to get it fixed?


    Please note, I'm simply referring to the scarring, not the HT Surgeon's work icon_smile.gif


    We all have our own physiological dependencies so I understand that while the HT surgeon did what he could, our bodies just heal the way "it" wants to.


    Also, if you have a bad scar, photos would be much appreciated so people on this site can be well informed.


    In case you guys are wondering, I was on a airplane flight and I sat in front of a african american and I could easily see his donor strip scar, I didnt like what I saw, which scares me a bit about going for the procedure.


    Please keep this topic about FUT, I know there are folks on here that are big advocates of FUE, but this topic is specific to FUT Donor Scars

  11. I see a lot of postings on complimenting "awesome" "to die for" donor strip scarring.


    I'd like to know who on this site wished for a better result.


    Also, if you did have bad scarring, did you go back to get it fixed?


    Please note, I'm simply referring to the scarring, not the HT Surgeon's work icon_smile.gif


    We all have our own physiological dependencies so I understand that while the HT surgeon did what he could, our bodies just heal the way "it" wants to.


    Also, if you have a bad scar, photos would be much appreciated so people on this site can be well informed.


    In case you guys are wondering, I was on a airplane flight and I sat in front of a african american and I could easily see his donor strip scar, I didnt like what I saw, which scares me a bit about going for the procedure.


    Please keep this topic about FUT, I know there are folks on here that are big advocates of FUE, but this topic is specific to FUT Donor Scars

  12. I personally would not take finasteride while attempting to have children, but then again I havent tried it since I myself is single.


    I think it's not worth the risk, it's your biological child!


    My thinking is ==>


    Get off the drug, lose a little hair, and have a healthy child




    Stay on the drug to keep your hair, and have a "slight possibility" of having complications with your kid (autism? you never know.)


    Just imagine if you were to have a child and there were issues, while you may never be able to prove that it was Finasteride that caused it, I'm sure you'll be thinking "did finasteride cause this to my kid?" for the rest of your life.


    pros and cons...

  13. This is an interesting topic because there are a lot of folks that recommend starting propecia and stay on it for the rest of their lives.


    I know doctors recommend being on it for at least 1 year to see results


    In my opinion results = 1 of 2 things


    1. hair growth because of propecia

    2. hair maintanence


    I decided to do a test back in 2006 where I took the medication for 1 year because I saw a recession in my hairline. I did notice shedding, but again that is normal. I personally did not see any benefit from the drug so I decided to stop.


    After a lot of research, I was a bit worried after stopping the drug because I thought I would "lose" all the hair that benefited from the drug.


    In my case, I didnt lose anything...


    I have now been off Finasteride for 2-3 Years and my hair looks pretty much the same as it did back in 2007.


    With that said, most will say take the drug, keep what you got and get a HT, I think this is a poor way of dealing with the issue because propecia in 7 years will lose it's effect since your body will get used to the drug, and who knows what the long term effects are with the drug (most of you will say, it's fine right? well I want to meet a patient that has been on propecia/finasteride for 55-60 years to come talk to me icon_wink.gif...then he himself can prove to me it's a safe drug)


    I personally would like to KNOW exactly what my natural hair looks coming into a HT WITHOUT Drugs.


    Hypothetically, if a person were to get a HT because he's currently a NW3, but lets say we can tell the future and this person would be at worse a NW4. Why not just let the HT fix all the issues, and forget about Finasteride?


    One HT at roughly 4000 grafts should do the trick with a NW4.


    I guess I may be unrealistic by assuming that the person would stop at NW4, hairloss is progressive and if a guy were a NW3, he will most indefinitely be a NW6, correct?


    It's like saying, once the trains off, it's going to reach it's destination which is a NW7


    So while I may be unrealistic with my assumption of stopping at a NW4, with MPB, maybe I should go ahead and assume I will be a NW7 by the time I'm 65 (ps. I'm currently 28)

  14. hdude, I agree with you and always noticed that in terms of FU's, there are usually 1 or 2, and possibly 3


    But I was also told that asian hair tends to be "thicker" than most caucasians


    so while a caucasian may need 3-4 hairs to make something appear, asians only need 1-2, correct me if I'm wrong...


    One thing that has always been on my mind is the strip scar itself, have you all noticed that when an asian buzzes his hair the angle of the hair is straight up? it's not flat like most caucasians, you know this because if an asian buzzes his hair, it's much easier to see the scalp.


    I've been a big fan of latinlotus because I know he's asian and he's shown me a few photos and his scar is pretty minimal and hidden.


    Also, this brings up the question, obviously there are some folks on here that have tremendously a lot of donor hair. eg: Bill =)


    But how many grafts on average does an asian have? The HT doctors I went to gave me different estimates, one said 5000, the other said close to 9000-10000

  15. Bill/KingCrown, I'll take your suggestions and try propecia one more time for a year and see how it works.


    Greenmud, I stopped because I wanted to test the "getting off" the meds. I did a lot of research on finasteride and many folks mentioned that waiting a year is where you should see "results" meaning either stop of hairloss or a little bit of regrowth. A lot of folks also said when they stopped, they ended up returning back to their original hair situation prior to taking finasteride.


    I wanted to see how my hair would fair after getting off the drug. At first I was worried that I would shed like crazy, but I realized I didnt shed at all.


    I did a little experiment and it worked out to my favor, in a sense that my hair was stronger than I thought (if that makes any sense)


    I'm going get back on finasteride for a second time for a year and lets see how I fair.


    I'll probably continue to add photos each month and we'll see how good Finasteride is and I'll get your opinions in a year icon_wink.gif


    One thing I want to ask and it may have already been answered.


    Who on this site has had a Hair Transplant and is NOT taking Finasteride and everything seems to be completely fine? The reason I ask is lets say by "chance" my hairloss stops at NW4 (I'm obviously being optimistic, hehe), and I get roughly 3000 grafts in the frontal 1/3


    All I needed was a HT and if I stop at NW4, I may never have to take Finasteride for the rest of my life.


    Haha, I'm being very optimistic. But of course it could be the complete opposite and I end up being a NW7....you never know...

  16. Hey Guys,


    Just to give you some information.


    I tried Minoxidil Foam (aka Rogaine) back in 2006 and it irritated my scalp, so I stopped using it.


    I was on Propecia (finasteride) from September 2006 to September 2007 and I decided to stop. To be honest I was expecting hairloss to happen after I got off Finasteride, but to be honest my hair shed was minimal...


    Just FYI


    I might get back onto Propecia/Proscar soon and see what happens...


    So I see most of you recommend me to not get a HT icon_smile.gif, I obviously know I'm going to lose more but from "conceptual" perspective, why not get one now, then in 15 years, I'll be back to where I am "now", at least I can enjoy having a head of hair from age 28 until 43?


    Now if I wait until I'm 43 and get one, pretty much I've gone through my whole 30's thinking about my hair rather than going off and having "the time of my life"


    Any thoughts?

  17. what do you mean by


    "you would need to monitor your lateral humps (your sides) to see if they fall, etc... as you go forward. "


    I think you may be referring to the

    May 2009: Side Shot


    May 2009: Right Side Shot


    correct? Just to let you guys know, the "hair" which is pretty fine, is starting to fade, while the left side is fine.


    <link removed>


    <link removed>


    the "hair" between the temples and my side burns. sorry I dont know the terminology... =)

  18. Hey Guys,


    Most HT surgeons usually do the "frontal 1/3 of the scalp" correct?


    Well the distance from my hairline to my crown is pretty short, take a look at this link


    measuring hairline to crown


    If you notice, this patient from his crown to the hairline is about 20cm (8in), when I measure my head it's about 15cm (6in)


    and if I take my hand and put it on my head, it almost covers the whole head (zone 1,2,3,4 if you reference the link above). The caucasian in the link, looks like he would only cover zone 1,2 & 3


    it's like I have an extra zone for the HT surgeon to transplant hair, since I have a short head


    I might be over-analyzing this =)


    I mean, if 3000 grafts covers zones 1,2,3,4 for me, then I should be pretty well off


    Both Dr. Koher and Dr Cooley did not have any hesitation when they looked at my scalp/hair, to them, it didnt seem like there would be any challenges.

  19. Hey Guys,


    Thanks for the feedback. You'll notice that the photos I'm showing off here on the site is me with long hair.


    Obviously with a buzz cut, you would classify me a Norwood 3 only


    I actually got a buzz cut (clipper #2) about 3 weeks ago, my hair has grown back pretty quick.


    Click on the URL again, and you'll see updated "May 2009" Photos


    <link removed>


    Abedogg, so you would think going with H&W and doing a megasession would be a good for me?


    I was thinking of doing 3000 grafts to be initially aggressive, and maybe 15 years from now, do an additional 2000-2500 (if necessary)

  20. Hey King Crown,


    Yeah, I'll take some photos and post them later this week.


    My Dad has one brother that is bald, and his sons are completely bald, but they have progressed really fast, so by the time they were 25, they were a norwood 5/6


    My Mom's oldest brother is a norwood 6, he started in his late 20's and he's now in his 70's. She has 5 other brothers that are about a norwood 2-3 but they are all in their 60's. in their 30's they all had a full head of hair.


    What is different from my uncles and me is while they may be in norwood 2-3, their hair grows long, they can do the whole "comb back" look like Al Pachino does. I cant do that (notice in my photos, the "front" just doesnt grow long)


    King, When you ask about my hair being stable, I think the photos from December 2006 and March 2008 are practically the same... and that's a 2 year difference. So my answer would be 'yes', but then again, in a year my answer could be "no" because what if my hair loss dramatically speeds up (this is one of my concerns)


    I feel at age 28, I am still "too young" to get a HT, but both doctors have said that I am not too young, anyone under 25 they must really "consider", but at 28, they have a good idea how my hairloss will progress.

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